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Everything posted by beforewisdom

  1. I count. You might find this thread useful viewtopic.php?t=8665&highlight=cronometer
  2. Most influential book in regards to my eating habits? DIET FOR A SMALL PLANET by Frances Moore-Lappe http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51ZXRQFK01L._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-dp-500-arrow,TopRight,45,-64_OU01_AA240_SH20_.jpg http://tinyurl.com/32kmsg Throughout everything I've been through nutrition-wise since I read the book at 14, legume & whole grain combinations have been the staples of almost every single meal I have eaten.
  3. What does blu ray do for you that hd-dvd or regular old dvds don't do?
  4. Ever since I started eating soy I've started enjoying musicals and my friends tell me that my test in clothing has improved
  5. offense, I thought German's had class in regards to beer. In your avatar, why are you sucking on a hose for a keg?
  6. A few months back in the thread about books we found personally influential Robert mentioned "How To Win Friends And Influence People" by Dale Carnegie ( not to be confused with Andrew Carnegie, the wealthy industrialist as in "Carnegie Hall"). I put it on my reading list for the year ( already past 20 books, I will need to prioritize! ). Veggieprincess also mentioned this book as well as his classic "How To Stop Worrying And Start Living".....also on my list for the year. I've taken notes on the most influential personal effectiveness books in my life...the really good ones that I can read over and over again. Getting the main points down on paper makes me think about the points, organize them. Doing that brings me closer to actually implementing them in my life by forcing me to understand them better as well being able to remember them with the notes. It turns out that there is a wikipedia page for HTWFAIP, that already has such a "cheat sheet". since so many people here seem to be into this book I thought I would post the URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/How_to_win_friends_and_influence_people
  7. The other side of the MSG argument http://beforewisdom.com/blog/?p=166
  8. I was in the book store yesterday and I was amazed that Skinny Bitch was still in the Best Seller section. The authors should really send a fruit basket or at least a Thank You card to Victoria Benkham.
  9. This has been covered before on this site and on veganfitness.net I would check out the stickies in the nutrition section on this site and I would search on "soy" on both sites. You will get a number of reassuring articles.
  10. http://www.veganhealth.org/articles/vitaminb12
  11. A lot of people on the internet think it is hard to have an interesting conversation unless there is a disagreement involved. One of the things I like about this forum is that tends not to be the case with everyone. I'm just saying that on internet forums there seem to be a number of contrarians who are determined to chomp on a bit regardless of the subject or intent of the other people posting. There are also a lot of people who can not admit that they are wrong without taking it like it is a blow to their self worth. They can't tolerate disagreement and they always have to have the last word. Their opinion has to be it, regardless of whether or not they truly know what they are talking about. Sometimes I get the feeling that last point never even occurs to some posters. Blech End of off topic rambling
  12. xSkotx; Experiment with different protein levels. If you feel better, perform better, and get better desired results at a higher/lower level of protein then run with it. Nutrition is far from an exact science and different people have different needs.
  13. And if you don't want anymore email, you can read the "newsletter" via the RSS feed, which you can pipe into a MyYahoo, MSN, or iGoogle page: http://beforewisdom.com/blog/?p=38
  14. I like Jennifer Raymond's cookbooks. She is a vegan dietician, but she also knows how to cook. Her recipes have appeared in Dr. Neal Barnard's books. First, her recipes taste good. Second they come with complete nutrition information. Third, most of the ingredients can be found in regular supermarkets. She also goes easy on the oil. I'm not an anti-fat nazi, but it seems like most vegan cookbooks really load you up on the oil, especially if you use more than one recipe in a meal. Jo Stepaniaks "The Saucy Vegetarian" is incredibly useful. You can save a bundle by learning to make your own sauces that are quick, taste better, and are healthier than store bought sauces that are much more expensive. As a bonus she teaches you how to alter the recipes to reduce/increase the fat or avoid any ingredient you have a problem with. She also teaches you how to combine basic ingredients and/or left overs to make your own original meals with what you have on hand.
  15. I agree. The fact that a pro football player would be open minded enough to convinced to give a vegan diet a try after talking to only one guy who he shared a plane ride with is amazing.
  16. Most posted article today. Don't feel, I did it too Maybe Rich can consolidate the threads into one
  17. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB120122116182915297.html?mod=djemPJ
  18. After other visible countries, like Israel do it, it will get harder for the governments and corporations to snow job the public when giving them inferior solutions. People will be able to see people/countries like them using it every day.
  19. Awesome article Zack, thanks for posting. That is an awesome business idea to get around the high cost and short life of batteries. A subscription service that allows you to swap exhausted batteries for fresh ones without the risk of owning the battery. That should drive the cost of the electric cars down too as the battery is one of the most expensive parts. That is also good for when batteries improve. Your subscription service can just give you a better one, as with cell phone.
  20. Vegan-chris. 10% body fat is pretty damn good and your picture looks great. Unless you have a professional goal of competing with Clarence Bass I don't think you need to lose or can benefit from losing body fat.
  21. For folks who don't know what that actually translates to in daily life it means: - minimizing fried foods ( chips etc ) - minimizing store bought baked goods - minimizing your use of oil. When you use oil use canola or olive - being moderate with your fat intake( capping it at 20% of your calories )
  22. As I don't know what happened to give me the results I got I don't know the answer to your question. I can say that even completely unflavored the brown rice protein has a neutral taste. No matter what happens you will be able to finish using what you buy so your money will not be wasted.
  23. Too bad you are not in my area. I recently sent about 15 2XL t-shirts with sundry vegan and political slogans to one of those places.
  24. My "to read" list for 2008 is already above 20 books I'll put it on my list and give it a priority number so that I read it after I get through some 2-3 books I want to get done by sometime in March.
  25. I've read articles about and excerpts from that book. I was impressed by his prediction that New York City would begin deteriorating in less than a week without human beings performing maintenance on it.
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