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Wobbly Lifter

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Everything posted by Wobbly Lifter

  1. And here I thought it was you ushering away sydneyvegan's fans.
  2. shoulder problems are often from an imbalance. In the past when you did bench or push ups did you do bent over rows as well? May help with the shoulders
  3. Do you like wine? I think that's the most important question. If you like have a glass or two.
  4. Isn't 45 minutes a little much on just abs? Seems like overkill Of course I very rarely train abs directly so 5 minutes would seem like a lot to me! Also when are you going to start posting some numbers?!? I want to see what kind of serious iron you've been pushing.
  5. Really? I thought it was an opposite tie. Robert has great delts but Liz's lats are just exploding out in the first pic
  6. Really if you want to be president you're willing to do worse things then hunt...
  7. Eat mate, Eat! No offense, you look ripped and all, but in some ways(like your lats) you look smaller then some early pictures I've seen. May be just the angle through. Don't eat less then 4000 kcal a day, try for 5000 if you can.
  8. Interesting post offense74, you make some really good points. I think what ties them all together is capitalism, but I'm guessing we disagree on that part
  9. Sorry to hear about your trouble. Hope things improve.
  10. Learn how to manage with your hands and mouth. That's WAY more important for women then anything else.
  11. Given ow you feel(like you have low blood sugar) and the effects of the drugs(increased metabolism, decreased hungry) it sound like you need to eat more. Try high calorie and easier accessed food. Add oil when you cook and drink juice for easy calories. Eat stuff like tofu, nut, avacados, etc. to make sure you're getting enough energy. If you feeling bad eat.
  12. I guess asking people not to be rude is too much... whatever if that's how you want to be
  13. I;m usually of the mind that 2 wrongs don't make a right. And considering you're trying to argue from a feminist standpoint making cheap shots about a women's choices kind of discredits what your saying. I can understand getting emotional about it but it doesn't help you and what you said could be quite hurtful. If someone judged my opinions because there are naked pictures of me on the internet I'd be pissed. Besides it's just an ad hominem, attack, pretty much the worst argument you can make.
  14. What are you actually doing here? Shouldn't it be 5 x 60 kg or something? And question. You had 1 rep max of 68kg in the beginning. What's it now? It means I did 10 reps with the bars, 5 at 43kg, then 3 sets of 5 reps at 61kg, and then 2 sets of 3 reps at 61kg. I wasn't feeling strong enough to make a 5x5. I'm not doing 5x5 right now, but think I'll be going back to it soon. It's good to change your program every so often. I've benched 75kg since I started that log. Bench is a weak point and something I need to work on. The log is just for the past 5 months however. I have an older log for May 2006 to the end of December 2006, last May my bench max was 50kg.
  15. I wouldn't trust that sort of method I know people you used it and were pregant a few months later. Wear your raincoat. I use condomi thay are vegan and very comfortable.
  16. Right, you cant even debate without making shit up, and putting words in my mouth. Youre only pissed because you show skin to get attention on the internet. Get over yourself I don't think that is fair. I respect Tigress's view and opinion on this - or anything else - regardless of whether she decides to post sexy pics on a forum. Incidentally on this, I happen to agree with her. I wasn't bothered by her opinion. I got pissed because for simply stating my honest well thought out opinion, I was told that I think of women as unintelligent creatures who can't and shouldn't be able to make decisions for themselves. That is outrageous to say the least, any backlash from me was to say, at the very least well deserved. Dude personal attacks, especially the one you made, are never well deserved. What you said was way out of line even if Tigress's put words in your mouth.
  17. Just to add for about a year before I started training hard I was still going to the gym 3 days a week every weak but didn't make much progress until I started a 5x5 program. Now I often work work up to heavy singles. Check out my log if you want - it's linked in my sig.
  18. I'm been training seriously for only a year, off and on for 5 before that. In the last year I've doubled my almost doubled my overhead press, added 55 pounds to my bench, added about 70 pounds to squat, and added 160 pounds to my deadlift. The weights that were max lifts for me then are now just plain easy I warmup for deads now with more then I could even lift back then! I was 150 pounds when I started and only weight 155 pounds now. I was up to 165 pounds once but I lost 10 pounds when my wife and I split up and almost 15 when I had bronchitis so higher weight gain is typical.
  19. Haha, eating is my biggest limit as far as gains go.So maybe not the best to ask. The best advice is to track what you eat and calories. If you don't gain weight you know you have eat more. To gain a pound a week you need about 500 calories extra a day. For what to eat make sure you eat lot's of veggies and fruit. Beans are good too. Those aren't very high calorie but important for health. Cooking things in olive oil helps up the calories. Drinking juice is a good way to get easy calories. Most active men need over 3000 calories a day to gain weight. So maybe start at 3500 and if you aren't gaining as fast as you want add more. The number of meals isn't the most important but more is good. Really keeping track of what you eat is the best way to judge what you need to change if things aren't working. Good luck!
  20. Looks alright, although I would replace the dumbell shoulder press with barbell push press as it'll build stregth a lot faster. And replace barbell curl with dumbell or log curl as barbell curl can be quite hard on the wirsts. Also don't expect to make too much progress on anything except the main lifts(bench, squat and deads) as if you're putting your all into them you'll be to tired to add much to the other weights. Don't worry as you'll still be getting bigger and stronger with just adding weight to the main 3, aiming to add weight to the others once a month or so is more reasonable. What was your plan for the heavy ab exercise? And remember to EAT!
  21. Hey Robert just to back up Jonathan I've followed his advice and almost doubled my strength in the past year and put on some weight as well Would be more weight gain but I had a load of stress related weight loss(10lbs) last september and lost 15lbs from bronchitis in February. Remember these wise words: "Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder, but don't nobody want to lift no heavy-ass weights." -Ronnie Coleman
  22. I can see where you're coming from and I hink it starts from a positive note but I won't really argee with it. For example I have scars and at some point may may get some them fixed up at some point. Really I think cosmetic surgery is a sympton of wider social issues and it'd be best to focus on those issues. Issues like very unrealistic body images in the media, great value placed on women's apperance often above other traits, etc. However people get cosmetic surgery for all sorts of reason and it's a personal choice. And really the amount I, and other's here, want to change our bodies is more extreme then almost any cosmetic surgery, so it's hard to critisize in a way.
  23. I'm not going to continue this discussion as people seem to be completely misrepresenting my views. Like I said if you can't address my points don't respond, instead of assuming I think things I never said.
  24. Get ticked all you want but I'm not trying to monopolize anything. Viewing legitimate views and debate as an attempt to monopolize is kinda silly though. I'm super happy when right wing people help unionize places, fight sexism, or support AR. Just seems a little inconsisant with their views about the economy. Fair enough though most people's views are inconsisant to some degree. At least one of your accusations is fair, I am 'far left'.
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