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Wobbly Lifter

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Everything posted by Wobbly Lifter

  1. 1900 is BMR, basal metabolic rate, you would burn this if you watched tv all day. 2500 is for someone of your size with normal activity levels. For example my BMR is 1800, but my calorie needs are closer to 3000, as I'm fairly active.
  2. I don't have a favorite body part, I have some favorite movements, with snatches being at the top. I do have a least favorite body part to work - pecs.
  3. You seem like a very nice person, compassionate and positive. The only criticism(beyond issues re:banning people) I've heard about you is being a rampant self-promoter, perhaps beyond what your accomplishments would dictate. Stay positive but don't get cocky. No offense meant of course, just shooting from the hip here.
  4. Like most people here who complain of lower back pain, it is because you don't work your lower back enough. If you don't want to add much mass I'd suggest hyper extensions, they shouldn't add too much. But really I think you need to ask yourself weather being thin is more important then being healthy and strong.
  5. Eating meat indirectly causes more plants to be killed(to feed livestock.) So being vegan means less harm to plants for those who truly believe they feel pain.
  6. that's great! Also I don't think your a fringe lunatic, but I'm pretty sure most people here think I'm even a bigger lunatic then you!
  7. stumptous is a great site, I've learned a lot from it.
  8. You give some of the best advice I've ever read man. No need to be humble.
  9. Deadlifts are a total body exercise, so it's good to get them done first in most cases. A good method is to have a deadlift day. What else you do would depend on the rest your program... What's it look like now? I often did rows, pull ups, power cleans, and grip work when I had deadlift days.
  10. If your eating enough, when you eat isn't that important. Getting a few extras calories before bed never hurt though.
  11. I'm your height and 15kg heavier and feel skinny! Eat man! Quick. Eat anything and everything!
  12. The video you post contradicts what you just said. You get more calories from eating cooked potatoes then raw. Some of us are active enough that we don't worry about getting fat. We need the extra
  13. Actually 1250 grams is 2.7 lbs as 1 pound equals 454 grams.
  14. I've got a physics degree dude, I understand thermodynamics. I get these numbers from math, physics and the meaning of units. Body temperature is about 37, not 98.6 - It think your confusing units, Fahrenheit is different then Celsius. Drinking a liter of freezing water would be one of the most chilling things you can do as far as eating and drinking goes. Man learn about things before you start talking nonsense.
  15. Remember a Calorie is 1000 calories. It takes very little of your energy to heat cold food. For example warming a liter of water from 0 to body temp takes 37 Calories. Fairly minor really....
  16. My parents are bad people. They are healthy and active. Have good jobs, volunteer, and have no chronic illness. They use the medical system less then most people I know(of all ages and sizes.) But they are bad people because Zack doesn't like their bodies.
  17. Really? What proof do you have? When I feel bad about myself I tend to lie around crying and not eating. Hardly the positive change I'm going for. Most people I know are better at makes changes when they feel good about themselves. Feeling bad about oneself isn't going to help most people change, being empowered and feeling able to change will. Anyways there is nothing wrong with being 'fat'!
  18. No need to be so judgmental man. Maybe they dress like that because it's more comfortable or they like the style. I often don't where a shirt because I get hot easy. Regardless, why does it matter what they wear? Should people who don't fit the standard of thin and beautiful have to cover up because you don't like seeing them?
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