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Wobbly Lifter

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Everything posted by Wobbly Lifter

  1. Have you tried one legged squats? I'm betting the squats with dumbbells, if not already too easy, will be soon.
  2. Honestly you'd gain a lot more my doing maximal strength work. Power Cleans, Power Snatches, deadlifts, squats and bench press. Check this out: http://www.dragondoor.com/cgi-bin/articles.pl?rm=mode3&articleid=153 only talks about the big three, but including power work(cleans and snatches will really make you punch and kick harder. With all you running and martial arts sparring I doubt endurance is what you lack. However increasing max strength will make everything easy so it almost acts like an endurance increase.For example I can sprint way faster and longer after starting weightlifting, simply because it's not as hard, even though my lungs have gone to shit(I smoke way too much.) You can do these and increase max strength and not gain weight. Just don't eat extra. It happened to me(despite wanting to get bigger ) I'm guessing you may have read Pavel's Naked Warrior he also talks about the importance of maximal strength. Remember more isn't better -better is better.
  3. Almost any program can encourage muscle growth, but you need to eat extra to gain weight. If you don't want to get bigger, don't eat extra.
  4. I want to be a spacemonkey.... I wonder if Russia would let be a test subject.
  5. 10 years from now Monkey-Martian hybrids will be invading earth, and to think we could have stopped it....
  6. Why no listing of weights used Robert? Training in secret so you can surprise us perhaps?
  7. Afternoon usually as that's when the coach is around.
  8. Seriously though I'm saying nothing on the list of 20 things is bad, what I'm saying is claiming they are most dangerous then lead is untrue. If I drink sports drinks every day the neon coloring won't kill me(at least not anytime soon), if it was lead I wouldn't be too lasting long. Anyways I'm not going to convince any of you but I think it's important that these posts aren't one sided. Wouldn't want lurkers to think were all crazy...*drink soda while writing this*
  9. Shit - and some ladies say I'm too big! I'd hate to be my great grand father(although I'd hate to be my great grandmother more.)
  10. I've wanted to be bigger how a long time. I started at 63-64kg and want to be about 94kg. But sometimes I think I'm good at the size I am now(72kg). Maybe it's because a lot of the women I know tell me not to gain more weight. I can see why - I was more then half a foot taller and had about 20-25kg of size on my last girlfriend and I seem to like petite ladies. Kinda makes you feel a little too big.... Anyways I still want to be a monster
  11. What are you trying to say? It's ironic that parents protect their kids from lead but not from medicine?
  12. This is the stupidest thing I have ever read. Sorry to be rude but I feel it has to be said. Saying lead is less dangerous then anything on that list is promoting dangerous mis-information.
  13. I squat every session, just like every other muscle 48 hours is usually enough recovery.
  14. All good points everyone, one other thing to consider is do you sometimes sleep 12-6 and then other times sleep long? Maybe 6 hours isn't enough, and you get overtired. I know that 6 isn't enough sleep for me. Also I think sydneyvegan makes excellent points. I was sleeping a lot for a couple weeks recently and the only way I got out of it was by making myself be busy.
  15. I'm between novice and intermediate for pressing and benching, power clean and squat are dead on intermediate and deadlift is half way to advanced. Seems about right, I've been consistently training for almost 2 years but I'm still light for my height, so almost about intermediate seems fair. Definitely realistic for natural vegans. Just give yourself some time comrade.
  16. Very attached. Can't imagine going anywhere else. One of the few OL-gyms, cheap, I can get in 24 hours a day, and coaches are there at certain times. Awesome
  17. We all watch and talk to each other at the gym. Give each other form tips, trash talk, joke around. Fun stuff.
  18. I don't consider my workouts, workouts if I don't squat. I go ass to ankles and am stronger for it.
  19. I know I have a long way to go still. Just my first comp, getting a feel for the platform and such.
  20. Only got one video from my weightlifting comp. Thought I'd share .
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