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That's what happens when you fight with your hands at your waist! Just seconds before it happened, I turned to my wife and said, "Chuck's gonna get caught, he's being careless..." In a way, I'm not surprised he lost like that. It's exactly what Rampage did, only not as brutal.


I was disappointed in a lot of the fights. I thought Hamill was nervous or something, he just never did anything but put his face in front of Rich Franklin's foot, or fist. I was rooting for Kampmann too, so that kind of sucked. Hendo won by trying not to lose and I don't think the Joe Rogan gave enough credit to Palhares for his craftiness - he didn't get hurt and tried to lure Henderson into his guard a number of times. He narrowly missed some big shots and almost turned them into good submission attempts. Of course, 'almost' doesn't win a fight either. It was nice to see Jason MacDonald win again after his loss at UFC 87, albeit a respectable loss for sure.


Looking forward to Danzig-Guida!

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I thought he fought that way against Silva at UFC 79. I kept thinking he was going to get caught anytime. He landed a bunch of good punches and solid hits that kept Silva beaten up from the onset, so he got away with it then. I watched the Rampage fight too..all 1 minute of it or whatever it was.


I don't know a lot about fighting but have enjoyed watching it as of late and I notice a number of guys keeping their hands low at times and paying for it in major ways.

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MMA looks much more savage to the untrained eye, but is actually much safer than boxing. and boxing has a long list of deaths, where as MMA has none. it does take a toll on the body, but not as much as boxing. the reason is that in boxing you have repeated blows to the head for 12 rds, where as in MMA there a lot of other strikes to use too disable an opponent. also in MMA, once a fighter is knocked out, he is not stood up and given and 8 count to recover and receive more blows to the head, the fight is over. and of course, the majority of fights go to the ground and can end in submission, with no real harm done at all. using Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, i have seen fighters win without throwing a single punch, and no real damage to them or their opponent. while a fighter lying unconscious from a rear naked choke hold looks horrifying, it actually has no long terms effects.


I can see the logic in that, thanks for the answer.

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  • 4 weeks later...

though not official yet, here are some headlines i have read about upcoming UFC events:


UFC 92

Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira vs. Frank Mir

Forrest Griffin vs. Rashad Evans

Rampage Jackson vs Wanderlie Silva


Jackson vs Silva, this would be the 3rd time they fight. both previous times, Silva has won by KO.



UFC 93

Rich Franklin vs Dan Henderson

Mark Coleman vs Mauricio "Shogun" Rua


Coleman vs Rua is a rematch, there first match ended in chaos. this rematch has been waiting to happen for years.

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With Pro MMA Fighter and VEGAN: Ricardo Moreira (feature on profiles on our main site)







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I love watching what seem to be UFC event replays for free on TV. I just saw UFC 87 last week I think it was. There was a great main event! Knock out fight.


I think it is a smart move on their part to put a lot of "free" events on TV to build the popularity of the sport. And it seems to be growing like crazy in popularity!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree with you, Ronnie, it is a travesty. UFC is all about marketing (of course, they're a corporation) but I think they pushed this one a little too soon. Lesnar has no pedigree in MMA and has not earned his way to this position. I know there's a perception that the heavyweight category is sparsely populated right now, but I am morally at odds with this fight. I strongly dislike Lesnar. I think he's too conceited and disrespectful to be in the position he's in. Dana doesn't share my disdain, so we're going to have to watch many more Lesnar-fests in the future I guess. UFC needs some more international talents like Alistair Overeem


The rest of the card looks alright. Kenflo and Demian Maeia will be two fights to watch. And Leben? There goes the shred of credibility he managed to scrape together over the last year. Disappointing. I wanted to see him get over his demons. This is going to make it harder for him.

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I agree also with ronnie , but my problem is that he may beat couture because couture makes a mistake. No I dont think that Lesnar deserves this at all. But he could hold couture down for long enough to win. That would really suck. Having said that I am very interested about the fight. Lesnar is at this point a realtive side show, but he is much better then Elites XC's Slice.


I am also very excited about the following fight between Mir and my new fav , a classy guy, niguera. Love the jujitsu fighting or a ground fighting dominated fight.

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Lesnar doesn't really have to "deserve" it. Dana signed him for a huge contract and needs to justify the expense. He's a name who was already known outside of MMA circles and he should pull in a lot of money for Zuffa. Besides, after all the crap Couture has pulled recently, who cares? Feed him to Lesnar since he's likely to end up a superstar anyway. Couture is on his way out. He won't be fighting much longer one way or the other. Lesnar, while he's not exactly young, is on his way in, and there is a very high possibility of him dominating the heavyweight division, especially after he gets some more experience under his belt. If he beats Couture, which seems likely, he'll be up against Nog (or Mir depending on who wins their fight) next for the title.

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in an ideal world, the most talented fighters would be the ones who get paid the most. but we don't live in that world. i don't blame Randy for wanted to leave. he wasn't the only one. Tim Sylvia, Andrei Arlovski, (who of course, left the UFC, just like Randy wanted to) and many others both were puzzled how a rookie with only 1 professional fight was going to get a contract and paid 2 or 3 times more than the champions and veterans of the sport.


what i would like to see is brock work his way up, just like everyone else in the top 10 has to do it. any other fighter in his position would still be fighting in regional promotions for christ sake. so let him fight a few top 10 fighters. let him fight Gonzaga and Werdum. if he's successful, then give him a shot at the title. i would respect him more if he did it that way. that, and if he remembers he's not in WWE anymore and stop acting like a douche in interviews.


brock does have a chance of winning tomorrow. for me that's irrelevant. Mike Tyson probably had the ability to beat the champion the day he went pro. but he he had to work his way up and beat all the other contenders. he fought 27 people before he earned his shot at the title.


from the business side, it makes sense. you want to make as much money as possible, so you sign a celebrity who bring in all his fans from his WWE days. you paying him so much, so you want to make your money back. put him up against an aging champ, hopefully he wins and the celebrity is now the champ.


so i can understand the business of the sport. i just don't agree with it. the special treatment he is getting make me a little sick. it's the same mentality has plastic popstars making millions while more talented earnest musicians struggle in obscurity. it's the same mentality that has vanilla ice making more money than bob dylan. if brock wins tomorrow, that would be the real travesty.


wow... that was a long rant... sorry. :- /

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i tend to go off on a rant sometimes, and i apologize if i sound obnoxious.


but i gotta say one more thing. i am tired of how the UFC keeping referring to this fight as "the biggest fight in the history". what a crock! maybe biggest for them, because it will make them more money than any other pay per view. but for the fans? please... Randy vs Minotauro is much more interesting and exciting to me. GSP vs Matt Hughes II was way more intriguing. i am way more excited for the pending BJ Penn vs GSP rematch coming up in jan.


not too mention the fights outside the UFC, like Fedor vs Josh Barnett or Andre Arlovski. and as far as new fighters, Brock Lesnar is not that impressive and not much to get hyped over. i am much more excited about the UFC bringing in Dennis Kang, Eddie Alvarez, Jake Shields, KJ Noons, and Robbie Lawler. you know, fighters who actually have MMA experience.


and the real biggest fight they could (and should) have put together would have been Randy Couture vs Fedor Emilianenko, that's what the fans really want to see, and the fight Randy wants more than anything (imagine hoping for Fedor, but having to settle for Brock ). but it's not about what the fans want or what the fighters want, it's about what will make the most money. that's another reason i hope Randy wins. because Randy doesn't very many more fights left in him. if by chance Randy loses, that fight is much less likely to happen. dana white would use Randy's loss as an excuse to not even attempt a future fight with Fedor. and that, again, would be a travesty.

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well the worst has happened. this is wrong on so many levels. but brock lesnar is the heavyweight champ *ugh* (just threw up in my mouth a little) don't get me wrong. he clearly won the fight. the ref gave Randy plenty of time to recover and defend himself, and he just couldn't do it. i'm not gonna make excuses. i just hate the way the whole thing was handled.


this is Dana's wet dream. he could not wipe the smile on his face putting that belt on lesnar. imagine the money all the wwe fanboys are gonna bring in now that lesnar is the champ. Randy knows he doesn't have much time left. and after what he's done in his career, he deserves to go out fighting the best. at least let Randy fight a top 10 guy! instead, took their hall of famer and they fed him to this celebrity circus freak rookie, in the name of the big money. i understand capitalism, but you gotta have some sort business with ethics. is that such an oxymoron these days? and though lesnar beat couture, at least to me, it still doesn't feel like he earned it. it feels like he sort of bribed his way to it using his fame. he never had to face a top 10 opponent, and he gets paid way more than the other top 10 fighters. all because he is a star... just shameful the ufc would even allow this fight to take place. but that's business isn't it.


i better cut myself off now, because this rant could take up the whole page. the rest of the fights were pretty good. Maia again submits his opponent. Gonzaga looked very impressive again. and Kenny Florian shows he should be the obvious next choice for a title shot at lightweight. best of all, the BJ Penn vs GSP rematch was made official! now that is an epic fight! and i hope they promote it as much as they did this one.

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well lesnar is only going to get better. i would like to think that randy went out fighting a guy who will be champ for some time. I am very interested in a lenar rematch with Mir. Man I cant stand mir. that will be the only fight I would be rooting for Lesnar. having said that I hope that niguera beats Mir.


I wonder how aggressively they tested Lesnar for help.


I didnt think that randy looked himself last night.


I hope that they still try to get Fedor, at least to fight in England and meet us half way. I know he said he wasnt crazy about coming here all the time. I would love to see a Fedor/Lesnar fight.

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I thought that noguera was the interim till randy came back.


Well in either case I dont think this is over until their is a fight between the winner of Mir, noguera anyway.


Does anyone feel like either of these two can sufficiently outpoint or flat out beat Lesnar? I dont know.

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