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Troy - 4-8 mo. ("New Start" 2010 pics coming, stay tuned...)

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Yeah, great job!

How long have you been working out before you hadn't trained for 2 year?

Whatever the answer is, still really impressive!


Though about what Zack said, I find roid rage is one of the most impressive vegan bodybuilders that I've seen and its a little strange his thread has so little post.


Genetics definitely do matter, no question about it. But that does not mean it's easy even if you have great genetics.

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I think here's a few pics you might want to check out: http://www.veganbodybuilding.com/?page=bio_alex


But HEYYY!! Wow, that is some serious muscle there. You must have been eating and training like hell.


I've now trained for ~ 3 months and I'm nowhere close to that (but I think I was a lot skinnier to begin with)... nice to see how amazing results people can get with all aspects in balance.



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4 mo???? Wow, VERY Impressive!
all that in 4 mos. damn!


Thanks SeaSiren and CollegeB, before my 2 years off, I trained off and on inconsistently, strictly lifting weights and some cardio. I'm assuming most of what I've got back over the past 4 months is "old" muscle but I feel like this engine is runnin on premium fuel. I'm feelin alot stronger than I ever have.


That explains a lot! Body memory is an amazing thing. And is precisely why I don't have to start "cutting" BF as soon as I used to for comp.


Excellent progress, you have a lot to be proud of

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Wow! I just saw this thread. GREAT job!


Thanks DV!


That was a ridiculously exhaustive post of quotes, Leave it to Mr. Type A.


Every compliment deserves a thank you


Yeah, great job!

How long have you been working out before you hadn't trained for 2 year? Whatever the answer is, still really impressive!


Though about what Zack said, I find roid rage is one of the most impressive vegan bodybuilders that I've seen and its a little strange his thread has so little post.


Thanks VeganDude...! I started training when I was 16. From 16 to 22 it was more training "on" then "off"... from 22 to 27 it was more "off" then "on"...27 to 29 was a lazy couple years... so I'd say its been about 7 years since I've been in this type of shape. Roid rage is a giant! I'd like to see some before pics of him to do a comparison... I just posted on his thread to... where do some of these guys get their mass???


I think here's a few pics you might want to check out: http://www.veganbodybuilding.com/?page=bio_alex But HEYYY!! Wow, that is some serious muscle there. You must have been eating and training like hell.I've now trained for ~ 3 months and I'm nowhere close to that (but I think I was a lot skinnier to begin with)... nice to see how amazing results people can get with all aspects in balance.




Alexander is a freakin monster! I am no comparison to him... is he "daywalker" if so, I didn't know that was his handle. The guy is the full package. I have been training pretty hard and eating alot of food... I have plenty of methane to prove it. If you just started training, don't worry, it takes quite a bit of time to build new muscle, reviving old muscle comes quite a bit faster. I have found some new strength gains that I impressed myself with. Just going to work on packing on more mass now. Thanks for your support tuc!


Nah. It's cuz he's so tight with his diet.

85 - 90% of the visible results you see in the mirror from weight training (and cardio) is related to how tight you are with your diet. And he did a painstaking amont of research to create a proper diet for himself.


Thanks veggieprincess... I'm upping the calories and adjusting the percentages for the next 3 months too to see if I can get some more mass gains...! I'll keep everyone updated as I go.




Thanks offense74!


Truly inspiring! Please do share your diet plan when you get a chance.


Theres a link to my diet in my signature below, feel free to comment or criticize on it, I enjoy all forms of feedback and I'm open to new ideas or foods. I make slight changes every couple weeks so fire away...


That explains a lot! Body memory is an amazing thing. And is precisely why I don't have to start "cutting" BF as soon as I used to for comp. Excellent progress, you have a lot to be proud of


Yeah, I'm hoping to build up some new mass gains on the vegan diet, although some of this may be new mass, I'm not quite sure. I don't think I've ever been in this shape before.... ie. this lean (which I'm not very lean right now imo) and with this type of strength at this mass. When I get around to it, I'll post some much older photos... through the years... Thanks again Seas Siren

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You look really great. How much smaller did your waist get? Obviously your upper body is where you gained the mass and that will make the waist look smaller, but did it actually get smaller? Having a wide waist, means I need to work on my upper bod shaping a bit more, I think, in order to create illusion It's as small as it's going to get right now. Any tips?


I think you have an excellent natural shape for bodybuilding. Interesting that in your before picture, though, your shoulders really don't look like they'd be as impressive as they actually are. Still, your before pic isn't exactly bad.


Also, if you don't mind a question, if you do cardio, when do you think it's best -- before lifting or after -- for fat burning?

I never get a firm answer. It seems there are three answers: before, after, it doesn't matter.

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You look really great. How much smaller did your waist get? Obviously your upper body is where you gained the mass and that will make the waist look smaller, but did it actually get smaller?


I haven't noticed a real change in my waist. I judge by my pants and in the waist in my pants seems to fit about the same as before. However, I do feel a change in my upper legs, some of my tighter jeans now seem to be too tight in the thigh area.


Having a wide waist, means I need to work on my upper bod shaping a bit more, I think, in order to create illusion It's as small as it's going to get right now. Any tips?


One thing I've been incorporating more of is vacuums. It works your transverse abdomonis like no other ab exercise I know of. I've read that if you do them consistently you will be able to create a great illusion of a small waist. When doing them, it seems a bit odd but hopefully one day I'll be able to do them like Frank Zane... (Vacuum Master)




I think you have an excellent natural shape for bodybuilding. Interesting that in your before picture, though, your shoulders really don't look like they'd be as impressive as they actually are. Still, your before pic isn't exactly bad.


Thanks alot raVen!


Also, if you don't mind a question, if you do cardio, when do you think it's best -- before lifting or after -- for fat burning?

I never get a firm answer. It seems there are three answers: before, after, it doesn't matter.


I don't normally do cardio My metabolism is such that I can manipulate my fat strictly with diet. Not to say that you shouldn't do cardio. I NEED to start incorporating it, especially since I feel my stamina/endurance is really low right now. I find myself huffing and puffing after each set of lunges, which shouldn't be the case.


When you say cardio, sometimes its the term is used broadly, so I guess you would have to define your goal. Some people do cardio to lose fat, some people to increase endurance and make the heart stronger. Lets assume you want to lose fat... as that is what I think you were referring to in your post. When I do incorporate cardio I do so for extra fat loss and minimal endurance. I like to use the "morning theory". The theory is pretty simple, do cardio in the morning, the digestive system is empty or low and the body has no carb energy sources to use for fuel. The body will resort to stored fat or muscle for an energy source. If you keep your intensity low the body will use fat for fuel. If you up the intensity too high the body might use muscle for fuel which is catabolic = no good. Its also my understanding that doing cardio in the morning primes the metabolism to burn more calories throughout the day too. Where the calories come from is a mystery to me, none-the-less still a good thing. I don't like doing cardio in the evening as I sometimes find it hard to fall asleep.


I've also experimented and had good results with High Intensity Interval Training. I don't advise it to the beginner though, its alot more demanding than basic cardio. As for how often, i think it depends on the indivdual. I don't see any harm in doing SLOW fat burning cardio every morning if you wanted to. When I DO, do cardio, I stick to 2-3 days per week, 20-30 minutes of low intensity cardio. No eating prior and I wait about an hour after the session to grab something to eat.


Thanks for your compliments... if you have any other questions feel free to ask...

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Interesting about the vacuum! I actually have done that for years, but when I run mostly, and it's what got me fairly flat abs. I also hold in my lower abs most of the day. I made it a habit! It definitely works. I contract with each breath, so it's like a constant work out.


But I'll try those specific ones, though, thanks. I hope it helps with the tapering look I'm after. I think I'll take a before pic and see if it works!


I'm a distance runner so know that the fat burning benefits of it wears off fairly quickly. I've got crazy endurance too


I do, do HIIT now, too, and like it a lot. I've read the morning cardio thing, and think there probably is something to that one...I actually have low body fat, but would like to get a bit more of definition on my stomach without losing weight. I don't have any to spare.


Ugh, you're one of those people who never get fat, aye? I also lost most fat simply by eating optimally. If you haven't read "Eat to Live" by Dr. Joel Fuhrman, you should. It's the most nutritious way to eat. It's what made me beyond healthy and shun unnecessary supplements and powders, etc. Once you learn the facts about nutrition, some of that stuff is just not even close to something I want to ingest!

It's also what melted off the layer of fat I had over my body to reveal some hard-earned muscle, strictly diet So that was just icing on the cake .... so to speak!


Yes, cardio is great for endurance, but moderate cardio is good for your heart too!


Thanks so much for the advice and the vacuum link.

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I lost internet connection at home temporarily but I've been meaning to write:


I know there was a comment about how come there aren't many comments about Roid Rage considering he has one of the finest vegan physiques on the planet....the answer is simple......we've seen Roid Rage before, many times over the years. In the latest pics there also weren't before and after, but rather, updated pics. We've NEVER seen Troy before and that is why there is so much excitement around this discovery of another top muscular vegan physique.


Both Roid Rage and Troy have some of my favorite vegan physiques out there. Both are awesome!


But anyway, just wanted to point out that. I'd love to see more and more of you who still remain hidden. Just look at how much motivation has been flying around this forum since Zack, xveganjoshx, Troy and others have displayed their physiques.


Well done, all of you. And thanks Troy for rockin the shirts in your workouts!

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If you haven't read "Eat to Live" by Dr. Joel Fuhrman, you should. It's the most nutritious way to eat. It's what made me beyond healthy and shun unnecessary supplements and powders, etc.


I'm gonna check out that book this weekend... I need to start reading more!


And thanks Troy for rockin the shirts in your workouts!


I enjoy promoting a VBB&F... its one of the most positive influences in my life right now. Its my pleasure and I hope to help the VBB in anyway I can in the future.


There is great improvement you can see it with yours eye shut.

Very good.

Don't know what were your goals, or what will they be in the future, but there is big and good difference in such a short time.


Thanks Neven! Alot of sacrifice and dedication and like everyone here, I only hope to grow stronger, both physically and mentally.

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But has your taste in eyewear also improved?


Seriously, very inspirational pics. Great work! I think we have a similar body type so I was especially interested in seeing your progress. Something to work toward. I'm hoping to put my own pics up soon.

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But has your taste in eyewear also improved?


Seriously, very inspirational pics. Great work! I think we have a similar body type so I was especially interested in seeing your progress. Something to work toward. I'm hoping to put my own pics up soon.


Speakin of the stunnas!...... I'm a big fan of early hip hop and I collect a few pairs of vintage Cazals... 607s, 901s, and 951s. Anyways, I finished watching "Fast Food Nation" (good movie), I noticed Luis Guzmán (Benny - the guy who drove the van full of illegal immigrants) was rockin some vintage Cazal 951s... heres a pic of him from the movie and then of my 951s. Fugly or not, the 951s are piece of hip hop history and I will continue to rock em!











Nice NEW pics man! Your chest and arms are SWOL! Thanks for dropping the note the other day too. You're the man. Keep on rockin.


Thanks Robert... no problem on droppin the note, thought you might think it was outta the blue... good to know it was cool, I'll drop ya note from time to time... keep ya in check




F... great.

Keep up.


Thanks Neven, will do!

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Dude your huge thanks for sharing the before and after photos it makes me that much more motivated.


Motivating others motivates me, its a win win situation, thanks phillipeb:)


Dude, I'm motivated as well after seeing your results. I just wish I had the same grasp on my diet that you seem to have over yours. Care to share your secrets with us? I'm really curious!

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Dude, I'm motivated as well after seeing your results. I just wish I had the same grasp on my diet that you seem to have over yours. Care to share your secrets with us? I'm really curious!


I really hold no secrets... I am an honest person and I like to share whats working for me.... you can check my diet and training log to see how my progress is coming along.





sick bro, SICK !


Thanks clark X kent.... HEALTHY ! seems more appropriate, no?

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