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Everything posted by Emmybear

  1. http://i25.tinypic.com/s62439.jpg on the top is Luna ..she was found in the dive threw at Macdonald's( not by me) http://i26.tinypic.com/2njanp5.jpg On the bottom is Salem.he wandered into our backyard Your cat is really cute and fluffy(':)')
  2. Your body is very smart and it does not miss any calories you eat...if you eat more calories than you burn you will gain weight thats how it works...whether raw or cooked vegan omni..any diet. Now.... you are probably burning more calories than you think if you aren't gaining weight...you either have a fast metabolism or your body is burning extra calories digesting the raw food...or you are eating less that you think. You can also burn calories by NEAT non exercise thermogenic activity... you are more active throughout the day ie.. standing rather than sitting tapping foot...ect....
  3. when I want to be healthy.... peanut butter soymilk soy protien ice banana cinnamon or soy protien soymilk strawberries rasberries blueberries when I want to be bad sorbet( mango or peach works best) like half the container frozen peaches flavored soy yogurt strawberries soymilk I made one for my brother( an omni) he said it was the best smoothie he had ever had
  4. In moderation you are probably fine..but 21....woa
  5. Hard workout today...I did 20/20/ 20 and spinning 4 laps around the gym then 6 basketball suicides..ouch..followed by walking lunges up and down the lengths of the basketball courts(see post your gym photos for an idea of how much that hurt) After cardio fun we did arms focused on triceps and chest today 4 sets of chest presses and flies on the ball( in a freakin row) plus we did pulsing on the flies...push ups on a stability ball tricep dips ..lunges with flies and pulsing..overhead triceps about two or three sets of the aforementioned...lunges with shoulder presses...then Froggies..I can't explain them very well you kind of sit down put your hands on your feet and lift your but up and down...does not sound like much but it burns..... then spin! Endurance and interval...I did not have the resistance up too high because of knee issues...but I got a good workout My camera did not work this morning so I did not snap a photo but it was the same breakfast as before light vanilla soy milk..peanut butter banana English muffin I ate a nature valley granola bar( see yesterdays picture) at the gym... I felt weird taking a picture there...I thought it would help up my energy in spin..but it did not I did not have time to digest it before spin...I'm thinking low calorie Gatorade next time.... My camera started working at lunch so I snapped a pic of this..4 slices of smart deli vegan slices and a slice of vegan cheese also some lettuce and tomato inside...It did not all fit..I have wrap problems...the wrap is a carb balance tortilla...cherries carrot sticks and hummus http://i25.tinypic.com/9uqdg9.jpg I woke up from a nap and I wanted something salty... I did not eat the whole can...there were a few left in the bottom that I scarfed...yeah for carbs http://i26.tinypic.com/dggkzs.jpg since I devoured so many carbs at lunch I decided to eat a salad for dinner... a big salad...on top are morningstar- vegan chikn strips and light asian sesame dressing plus strawberries...I have to finish them they have been in my fridge too long http://i30.tinypic.com/2s65310.jpg I had a few of these throughout the day... I am having problems with my throat and they feel so good when I eat them.. I ate way to many though.... I also finished off the rest of the cinnamon soy crisps before dinner I forgot to take a picture...I ate soo late tonight http://i31.tinypic.com/1zl4uj4.jpg yeah tommorow I am taking a picture no matter where I am ..no matter what I put in my mouth...my camera being messed up gave me liscence to bingej(':oops:)
  6. That is all Brian ever eats...I don't eat it anymore. I got sick of it. ( except for cinnamon twists)(':wink:')
  7. Some bread and pizza crust is vegan too..I think there is a list on PETA website of vegan options at resteraunts...I was just interested to know what everyone on here ate.
  8. I did spin today with my favorite teacher...Erin...it was great...we did sections of endurance, intervals and strength.....55 minutes...then I did 30 minutes of abdominal exercises followed by thirty minutes of yoga stretching..very nice relaxing workout today. What I ate.... http://i32.tinypic.com/fw52l0.jpg Breakfast...peanut butter( skippy natural..) 2 tblspoons..plus a med banana http://i26.tinypic.com/260zm84.jpg Lunch after workout in the wrap is a Boca chicken patty vegan cheese slice and salad greens...I had to re-wrap it and I got mustard everywhere:( In the ramekin is hummus..like 2.5 tblspoons and 20 or so carrots..plus about a cup of strawberries http://i29.tinypic.com/25ro961.jpg Early dinner before band practice...soy riblet cherries and salad http://i26.tinypic.com/3501h1g.jpg midnight snack( 180 cals 7 grams of sugar 7 grams of protein ...)
  9. Sounds good...I have never eaten there...I did not know if that had vegan options...awesome
  10. I did not see a thread for this...What is everyones favorite thing to eat when they go out....Try to make it a mainstream resteraunt chain. I want some ideas on what I can eat when I am hanging out with non-vegans. My personal favorite Is Sweet Tomatoes /Soul plantation... They have every salad topping you could possibly imagine including chickpeas and kidney beans for vegan protein...Plus usually fruit and one or two vegan soups...sometimes vegan pasta and sweet potatoes...I love it!!! Please raw foodies join in too I am interested in what you eat when dining out....
  11. Very nice arms lenao1. Looks like more definition in the bicep from last time.
  12. Doesn't look like you eat very much...aha so I can eat at Moe's...I was wondering.
  13. Yeah I noticed after I ate it ...it contained active cultures from cows milk
  14. slurpees and vegan Pizza...hmmm healthier than omni's but on a vegan bodybuilding raw/food website...probably equivalent to junk food.
  15. I think I might die if I was allergic to gluten...My grandmother is FB Italian and I eat pasta like crazy and Fresh Italian bread and breadsticks...that is the only thing I can eat at her house and polenta too is another one of my favorites...all good vegan stuff..probably not that good for you...my grandmother puts maple syrup on my polenta...ha! But she makes me salad too. I think when I became vegan it was harder on her then me...I can't even Imagine what would happen if I told her I was not going to cook my food. She would have a fit. I do eat alot of raw veggies though Raw carrots and cauliflower are my favorite...and I eat green peppers like they are apples and I love raw onions. On a raw diet can you eat cooked beans?Or did I just answer my own question.
  16. No workout today....I painted my living room and my arms were pretty sore after a few hours of edging...tomorrow back on the workout wagon and I am happy because rest days are boring There are two reasons I am posting pics of what I eat.. 1. so you guys can see my awesome vegan cooking skills...JK 2. It is pretty hard to binge when you have to take a photo of what you are eating...every time I feel like eating when I am not hungry I can say to myself Emily you have to take a picture of it...and that makes me more accountable...maybe we will see.....any way here is what I ate http://i32.tinypic.com/2q1z2ux.jpg same breakfast except less peanut butter http://i25.tinypic.com/o0uq89.jpg ooh in florida it is hard to resist slurpees on a hot day...but it was sugar free only 100 albeit empty calories http://i27.tinypic.com/bk1mr.jpg leftover pizza yum..i love pizza!!! cherries which rock too...and of course the standard veggie mix http://i30.tinypic.com/i5slk6.jpg cinnamon soy crisps..lots of protein...good for you only 120 cals http://i32.tinypic.com/29fe7er.jpg ah another salad...this time I only ate one..did not feel like cooking..so frozen dinner it's really good 100% vegan no honey http://i25.tinypic.com/2ujp0fo.jpg yogurt...which turns out has a little milk in it...oops won't buy that brand anymore btw..my boyfriend thinks I am nuts for taking pics of my food..LOL..the look on his face when I snapped my slurpee was priceless
  17. A couple of years ago when I first became a vegan I did not have one for 4 months...and I was not pregnant because I was not sexually active at the time. It was weird. My Doctor said stop working out so much( I think she thought I had an eating disorder)...I lost around 15lbs when I became a vegan pretty fast like 2 months but I was no skinnier than high school ( my weight fluctuates from (120-135) It has since puberty. I had my blood levels checked and I was not anemic and I never have been. Something about quickly losing weight shocks your body into thinking it is starving. To protect more important processes... your fertility gets a little messed up. But nothing like that has ever happened since I went on bc pills its the same all the time.
  18. It rained here two days ago...poured!!! but Florida storms don't last very long...It is sunny again...and hot..We need more rain down here...every year it rains less and less...I want to try biking outside but I am afraid I will die of heatstroke...So I have kept to indoor spinning.
  19. Barbara's Puffins..... they have cinnamon and peanut butter flavored...not alot of sugar..good amount of protein...kaishi heart to heart is vegan...
  20. When I was a little girl I was very blonde and had curly hair... I looked kind of like Shirley Temple...then It got progressively darker as I got older. My Natural color now is dirty blonde/light brunette. http://i32.tinypic.com/r73pfm.jpg Me on the right natural blonde http://i32.tinypic.com/20b07rt.jpg darker hair..me on the left...20 years later...with the same girl.... you can tell she is not from Florida
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