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Everything posted by djshrew

  1. Had a great time at Vegfest- awesome meeting new people from the forum! of course now I have sunburn =( oh well, I also got some much needed vitamin D, lol.
  2. Quick update* I saw my surgeon last week and was given clearance to "test the waters" in the gym- basically start doing light leg stuff- limited ROM leg press no weight for now, extensions, that sort of thing. No squats still, but I can tell how weak I am so Its for the best really. unfortunately, school has me beyond stressed out since I'm trying to get everything done I need to in order to graduate with my MA in 3 weeks. so the gym is on hold somewhat, essentially trying to go at least 1-2X's a week but worrying more about school stuff. speaking of school- Baltimore VegFest will be held on my schools campus so that's exciting! =)
  3. Which competition are you doing? when is it? is it in Richmond? I'm not far, maybe some of us DMV folks can come out and show some vegan support =)
  4. yup, on the water, Ive always liked the Erg and the most fun I've ever had was rafting in a group so I've always wanted to try my hand at rowing- I'm super stoked about it! =)
  5. sorry I've been MIA for a while. School is kicking my butt!!!! no worries though I'm still training fairly regularly though I have had to miss a few sessions to catch up with some of my schoolwork. PT is going well and my therapist said I'm doing better than most people at this stage. I meet with my surgeon on Thursday. I'll keep ya posted.
  6. super stoked to see you have a journal! and can't wait to read and see your progress =)
  7. I take vegan one multiple by Veglife, plus a b12 sublingual. That looks like a good one chrisjs, I'll have to look into it too! Also, welcome! glad to see you on the forum too =)
  8. Djshrew- it started as an inside joke between friends. my name is Ashley and my best friend always rhymed my name and said 'Ashleyshrew I love you' all the time....the Dj part is another inside joke and came about when we were all listening to Northern State and started rhyming with our own names, I became djshrew.. ahhh to be a teenager again... lol. And forever later, people still call me djshrew. Its probably one of those things you had to be there for =)
  9. Maybe I'll post some full body progress photos just to keep me in check... forgot to mention I signed up for a learn to row event here in Baltimore in June (right before we leave for the UK)- I've always wanted to row and thought it would be a great addition to my figure training.
  10. Feeling super sore today =) did tris and chest yesterday...and I did a whole body stretch routine (well what I was able to do with the lower half). realized I definitely need to do that every time I'm crazy tight all over and that wont help me progress!! PT has been going good and my PT thinks I'm progressing . I'll be meeting with my Ortho later this month to check on my progression. Only think I can complain about is that my hip has been generally sore but it might just be the weird weather we've been having. Also, my glutes are insanely tight so I can't stretch my back the way I want and of course my hip... Great news- I was given the go ahead to ride a regular upright (not recumbent) bike and was able to do 20 mins no problem! =) I did 10mins incline on a treadmill and realized that was a bad idea.. my husband and I are planning on cleaning out the basement a bit, so we can repoint the stone foundation... but on the plus side I plan on getting some cardio equipment so I can do extra cardio during competition season and watch tv =) speaking of competing. I haven't thrown the idea of competing this year out, but I know it may not happen. I have found a trainer who will help me get back in the saddle once I'm given the go ahead. I know (unless of course the ortho says I need to do the surgery on the opposite side too) I will compete early next year! ps. Diet has been a bit better, but I still need to cut back on the cheat meals. I weighed in at 144lbs. I know I have added some muscle to my upper body, seeing results and gaining strength, but of course I've gained some body fat and lost some leg muscle =(
  11. yah, you're back! hows school going? We've gotta plan a show to do together sometime
  12. I think this is great- I need to share it with my horse loving friend. I am in the process of getting my calf done up with a gene kelly (so dreamy...) tattoo. I'll post some progress photos of it. its all irritated right now since I used weird scented soap and lotion at the hotel in Chicago and walk around for miles in jeans and high boots like an idiot. Saulo, have fun with that scalp tattoo the artist that did my back had one. his hair growing out didn't seem to affect it at all.
  13. oh man! what didn't I eat?!?!? lol! we went ther about 3 times while we were there. I had pumpkin ravioli a mint choco. shake the 1st night. I had country fried "steak" and a pb choco. cookie dough shake the next. and finally a huge awesome breakfast- tofu scramble with country fried "steak" and gravy with a side of french toast and a pb shake.... I weighed in yesterday at 142...could be worse, I want to be at 135ish next time I compete. instead of the 123 last time- at 5'8" thats just too thin!!!
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0ayxzbgNyU
  15. Cold Fission, here's another Burning season song you might like. this videos funny to me- there's a bunch of people in the pit I know (including an ex....lol)
  16. Whatever you wanna call it. even the bands considered hardcore now wouldn't have been considered hardcore in 1970...and then there's the term emo..which has just been ruined... either way, its all awesome!
  17. Not a whole lot new here. On spring "break" for the week. getting back into my ultra clean diet- but including cheat meals every so often since i'm not preparing for a show. Still unable to do any leg stuff =( which I expected but it still sucks!! the other day I ran up my stairs, like an idiot, and realized just how week some of my hip muscles are. I was pretty sore for the rest of the day. won't be doing that again for awhile. did tris and back today in the gym, felt pretty awesome!
  18. what everyone else has said! how tall are you? 1200-1300 calories may be too low if you are on the tall side. Is you're focus right now to put on muscle? if so you might want to cut some of the cardio- especially the intense cardio. might be helpful to post what your weight training consists of- what do you mean by high intensity training? also, NEVER skip a meal!
  19. Oh wow! Awesome, can't wait to try some of these places! thanks!
  20. changed my routine up a bit- just getting bored with it not being able to do legs... for now anyway here it is biceps/shoulders back Triceps/chest 20 mins on the elliptical today!!!!!!!!!! that's about all I have to say about that =) diet this week will most likely be rough since I'm going to Chicago and have every intention of hitting the dinner there
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