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Everything posted by cubby2112

  1. Have you been consuming an omega-3 source?
  2. I like low reps, but as I work out without a partner 99% of the time, I tend to go more for a middle range because it is easier for me to figure when I am going to fail.
  3. Welcome. You will find many discussions here that will help you with any aspect of fitness you are interested in; we have a diverse group.
  4. I have gained six pounds so far, hopefully mostly muscle.
  5. I have been too afraid of gaining fat to do a bulking phase before and I finally convinced myself to a couple of weeks ago and I am not going to allow myself to back down this time when some pounds start stacking.
  6. Congratulations, this sounds like a wonderful adventure. I would love to do something similar someday.
  7. I started out at 270 lbs and began to work my way down, becoming closer to being vegetarian and eventually vegan. I began by cutting out certain kinds of meat, then meat altogether. I then went completely vegan. In this process, I got down to 165 lbs, a loss of 105 lbs. This was over a span of roughly nine months. Possibly dangerously fast weight loss, but something snapped in my personal life over that summer almost two years ago and I decided to make positive changes in my life and do things I have always dreamed of. As close to raw foods as I have gone is by eating around 60% raw and almost entirely whole foods.
  8. Dr. Fuhrman has one which I cannot attest to, but I would assume it is high quality. Maybe someone else has personal experience with it.
  9. I agree with Potter on this. It has been eaten for so long without negative effects, so a few new studies are rather inconsequential. There isn't much reason to be afraid of consuming a couple servings of soy in whole form. Supplemental form I can see how one might be concerned over, as they are new; but really, unless you have thyroid problems or fall under a few other specific categories, there isn't much evidence to any ill effects of consuming soy even in isolated protein form.
  10. Welcome! Yes, listen to Potter. You will have no problems getting enough energy from a vegan diet. If I wanted, I could easily down 5,000 calories a day eating only whole foods on a vegan diet. Probably well over that even.
  11. I've had a few exchanges with you on MySpace and am happy to see you taking more of an interest in the boards. Welcome!
  12. Welcome! I too am looking forward to cycling again. I have been busy and haven't dusted my bike off after winter yet, but I plano on it tomorrow.
  13. That's great seeing a VBBF shirt on muscle beach. I am guessing that guy you talked to at the beach isn't much into computers?
  14. I am voting as soon as the name of the woman to vote for is released.
  15. I am going to be at a Type O Negative concert in Saugett, IL on April 13th. I just went to a Psyclon Nine show last Sunday in Madison, WI and will possibly be trying to get to another show on their current tour if a good opportunity presents itself.
  16. That is awesome. Yes, a bit of a tear-jerker. There were some people doing that last week at my college.
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