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Everything posted by cubby2112

  1. Haha, yeah, I am not quite 96% indie I don't think; the questions just happened to work for me due to the area I am from being desolate of vegans and people who don't watch MTV all day.
  2. These wailing ships are having a hard time. It almost makes me believe in karma.
  3. I could see myself doing quite well here. Your Inner European is Swedish! http://images.blogthings.com/whosyourinnereuropeanquiz/swedish.jpg Relaxed and peaceful. You like to kick back and enjoy life. Who's Your Inner European? http://www.blogthings.com/whosyourinnereuropeanquiz/
  4. Linguist. Whew, good thing I am an English major; I was afraid this quiz would tell me I am heading down the wrong path.
  5. Aye yes, I had only know red until this weekend. I discovered organic green rooibos quite by accident this weekend, in bulk at a little store in ohio in the heart of amish country. I will have to try some of that. Does it taste more like green tea at all? No, it's way more mellow like you would expect from a rooibos. The one I got has mango and marigolds in it too, so kind of fruity. I haven't even managed to find a plain rooibos yet, so I still haven't really "experienced" it. I need to order some online.
  6. Lots of Paris and Amsterdam. You Belong in Paris http://images.blogthings.com/whateuropeancitydoyoubelonginquiz/paris.jpg You enjoy all that life has to offer, and you can appreciate the fine tastes and sites of Paris. You're the perfect person to wander the streets of Paris aimlessly, enjoying architecture and a crepe. What European City Do You Belong In? http://www.blogthings.com/whateuropeancitydoyoubelonginquiz/
  7. We need to get to work, we have been slacking on these...
  8. Aye yes, I had only know red until this weekend. I discovered organic green rooibos quite by accident this weekend, in bulk at a little store in ohio in the heart of amish country. I will have to try some of that. Does it taste more like green tea at all?
  9. You Are 96% Indie http://images.blogthings.com/howindieareyouquiz/indie-5.jpg You're so indie, it's kind of amazing that you actually found your way to this quiz. Generally, your tastes are genuinely indie... but sometimes you like something just because it's weird! How Indie Are You? http://www.blogthings.com/howindieareyouquiz/
  10. I have a feeling we are going to end up with quite a few of these also... Arty Kid http://images.blogthings.com/whowereyouinhighschoolquiz/arty.jpg Whether you were a drama freak or an emo poet, you definitely were expressive and unique. You're probably a little less weird these days - but even more talented! Who Were You In High School? http://www.blogthings.com/whowereyouinhighschoolquiz/
  11. Several different flavors of rooibos tea. I love that stuff.
  12. Don't forget a mind that needs to be treated well too. Some of us find intense pleasure in coffee and other "poisons". For us reasonably good physical health is a good balance to reasonably good mental health. All of us draw the line somewhere. Riding in the car can be a serious health hazard. But most of us take our chances and go where we want to go. Safer is not always better. Well said. To me, it should just be left up to the individual person. If he/she loves coffee and a cup now and then, or one a day, etcetera, is a great pleasure and stress reliever (I know caffeine can raise stress levels, but I believe that can be outweighed by the individual's love of it), then I would say go ahead and indulge. I like coffee, but I don't drink it anymore because I have gone completely straightedge and I feel better without it. This is not the case for all.
  13. Any discount on hemp protein would be awesome.
  14. This sounds delicious: Sprouted Hummus Platter Sprouted almond hummus toped with onions, black meditaranean olives, tomatoes and parsley drizzled with Olive Oil, served with cabbage or romaine lettuce. $9
  15. http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b32/cubby2112/goodmorning.jpg
  16. Wow, there are a lot of mermaids. You Are a Mermaid http://images.blogthings.com/whatmythologicalcreatureareyouquiz/mermaid.jpg You are a total daydreamer, and people tend to think you're flakier than you actually are. While your head is often in the clouds, you'll always come back to earth to help someone in need. Beyond being a caring person, you are also very intelligent and rational. You understand the connections of the universe better than almost anyone else. What Mythological Creature Are You? http://www.blogthings.com/whatmythologicalcreatureareyouquiz/
  17. That website is helping me out a lot. Wow. I had thought that bending your lower back on a straight-leg deadlift was a no-no, but apparently it isn't considered one unless you do and it is fine to do if you work your way up to it. Thanks again for the site.
  18. Wow, awesome website, thanks. I love having the animations. Now I can really check my form.
  19. Usually my hair is about double its normal size in the morning. Maybe I will snag one with my webcam tomorrow if I think of it.
  20. I need to find out what the heck some of those exercises are so I can start doing them, haha.
  21. I have decided to go ahead and give creatine another shot since I was making my best gains while on it. I never bothered with cycling it and didn't do much of a loading phase when I started. Do any of you highly recommend doing either? If so, what is your method for either one? I just don't really want to take the advice for the loading phase based off of what the packages says, because obviously a loading phase is going to cause you to use more of their product, thus making them more money. That is probably why they never mention cycling, as that would cause one to use less of their creatine.
  22. Yeah, it is weird. I saw some flax oil caplets in a paper and thought "Awesome, now vegans have an alternative to fish oil." I went to the store to get some, looked at the ingredients and saw gelatin. Why you would make a flaxseed oil product that contains gelatin is beyond me. The main function of flax is being a vegan alternative to fish.
  23. I just started sprouting about a month ago and I love it. I would say you are probably right on the radish sprouts, those could be pretty harsh.
  24. That brand of flaxseed oil, Naturemade, I know isn't vegan for a fact. I looked at it in the store once. He isn't truly the Vicious Vegan.
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