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Everything posted by cubby2112

  1. Maybe make some banana pancakes? That might help to cover up the flavor.
  2. I speak some German and very little Spanish and Japanese. I took Spanish for a year in high school and Japanese for a year in college. When I transfered to my new college this year, I found them to have a decent German program, so I switched over to it, as that is always the language I have wanted to learn anyway.
  3. Chickpeas are plenty tasty by themselves, and are a food-of-the-gods if made into hummus.
  4. Welcome! You have come to the right place for exercise advice and support.
  5. Welcome and good luck getting back on the horse.
  6. It sometimes depends on the crowd I am with. If I am with people whom I am not worried about "converting" I will make sure to ask the waiter or just go ahead and order something I know for sure is vegan. However, if there is someone with me whom is considering becoming vegan, I don't want to make it appear as if you have to constantly be on your toes and have your world revolve around whether or not this or that is vegan, so I will just go with it if it is likely to be vegan, or just order something I know for sure is vegan; I will not likely go through the asking, though.
  7. Yes, they look so delicious.
  8. There could be a campaign for votes between members of the forum, hehe. Good luck to everyone on being selected.
  9. Okay, I did a search on chin-ups and it seems they add a little more focus to the biceps and the way I was performing them is actually supposed to split the load fifty-fifty between the biceps and lats. That is definitely not what I want in a primary back exercise. I am going to start using your method or maybe a wider grip one and possibly using chins to build my biceps.
  10. I just clicked the link and it seems they have taken the page down now, as it lead me to the main page and I no longer see the link on the right side to the contest; hopefully this means they are moving along well in their selections.
  11. Low weight with high reps burns more calories, but likely puts you at more of a risk for muscle atrophy.
  12. I used to take creatine and it worked really well for me. I was having trouble with bloating, gas and stomach cramps, so I stopped using it as I heard those are some of the side-effects people have. Quitting didn't clear them up and it turned out I just needed to adapt to the massive amount of fiber veganism added to my diet. I haven't gone back to using it, but I have been considering going back to it lately, as my gains were much improved on it. I still have a big container of it sitting at my house.
  13. I just came back from a cruise a few weeks ago, but it was on the Carnival Valor. I did see the Rhapsody at some ports, though. The dining options were just fine for Carnival's. Buffets were available pretty much all day and there was always an asian option which provided a vegan meal at all times. I was able to eat quite well. At the formal dining event each night, I had a very nice waiter whom I merely had tell the chefs how to prepare the meals to make them vegan if I had to. For the most part, though, there was a vegan main course at every dinner.
  14. I am curious as to what is the best form of pullups to make lat gains? I do underhanded narrow-grip and touch my collar bones to the bar. Is it better to do overhand and not go so high (like in this link http://www.shapefit.com/back-exercises-pullups.html )? Or something different? Thanks. I am new to them as I rarely did them before and focused instead on pulldowns, but I am trying to focus nearly 100 percent on compound exercises.
  15. The best late night snack I can think of is fruit, but if I am hungry late at night and don't want to eat something, I will have a relaxing cup of tea (decaff) which helps to take your mind off the hunger and lull you into slumber. I am in martial arts here at my college; yes, it is fun and a great way to get in some cardio, especially in winter. The vegan group here is working with the cafeteria to provide better, more diverse and healthier vegan options; the school has been quite cooperative. I also joined the contest, it makes for some nice incentive to walk to the gym in this ten to fifteen below zero weather.
  16. Yeah, now that I think about it, I wouldn't be okay with other people eating insects. When I first responded, I thought "Well, it's natural, but I wouldn't do it because I think it is immoral and unnecessary." That doesn't really make sense for me to be accepting of other people doing it. That kind of thinking sort of goes against my main reasons for being vegan.
  17. This UK site usually has really raw rolled oats, but the shop is currently down. Here is a link for future reference if you would like it. http://rawliving.co.uk/order.php
  18. I have stayed the same weight, but my bodyfat percentage has went down.
  19. I don't take an interest in any pro sport really either. I like to watch a strongman contest now and then, but that is about the extent of it.
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