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Everything posted by cubby2112

  1. I became curious right after my last post. It is made in a very different way and involves the whole bean, but it is similar I suppose. http://www.netcooks.com/recipes/Salads/Burmese-Style.Tofu.html
  2. I have heard of chickpea tofu. If I remember right, it is from Burma and is popular there.
  3. There are these tortillas that I love that changed their 'suitable for vegans' label to 'dairy-free.' Also Smart Balance light uses 'dairy-free' while Earth Balance uses vegan since it is targeted at vegans. It is true that when some people see the vegan label, they are turned off; I have seen it in my cafeteria. It is usually stupid meathead guys, but it does happen.
  4. Yeah, this basically equates to the Atkin's diet, which has been proven to be devastatingly unhealthy. It is amazing how people can outright lie like this and have some people take them seriously.
  5. I've made a little progress, but it isn't all that noticeable.
  6. That is interesting. I would love to learn as much as I can also. You really are going to be flamed, though, haha, posting something not in support of raw foods. That stuff does make a lot of sense, I hope we start to hear a lot more about this.
  7. Now we may get to watch another species destroy itself instead of having to watch our own.
  8. Hopefully this will put some Whole Foods in my area. We don't have any sort of health or vegan food chain here.
  9. Congratulations. Bowling and Scrabble are a lot of fun! I wish I could do each more often. I haven't played a good board game or went bowling in a long time.
  10. Sorry for your loss. It can hurt just as much to notice the empty hole a loved one has left in your life much later as when he or she first left.
  11. A lot of people are against Splenda because the company did some terrible animal testing during R&D. http://www.vegansworldnetwork.org/vw-news2006-0121b.html There is a link. I didn't check it, so I hope it is a good one.
  12. Woo! Another VAC fan! And I just noticed the Grendel in your name. I became interested in veganism partially due to some of the experiences I heard from some of Brian's postings. I have only read from him that he is a raw vegan, I haven't heard him post much about his experience with it. I am interested in raw food from him, because I first learned of it from him and I also want to live at the optimum level of health. I don't have the means to go raw now, but maybe by the fall of this year when I move into an apartment and get on my feet as far as work goes, I may be able to.
  13. Well, if something in kale reduces nutrient absorbption it probably isn't really a big deal because of the astounding amount of nutrients present in kale.
  14. Welcome! I wouldn't mind going raw someday, but that is a far off goal, hehe.
  15. HAHA! Yes! I love that quote! Definitely one of my favorites. Commando had quite a few good ones.
  16. I have listened to some of the authors Q&A sessions, he was really good in them.
  17. Seeing that other guy just makes me think steroids. Yeah, it is funny that they put up a picture of a likely roid user rather than getting a model from a natural bodybuilding site.
  18. I have heard you don't want a big fifty-gram-slam after a workout. Something with 20-30 grams of protein with a peice of fruit mixed in is what I shoot for. Your body is supposed to be able to digest faster if you don't pack so much protein in. Likely you can't even use that much at once anyway.
  19. I don't mind the taste of rice protein at all. It was a little weird at first, but it doesn't bother me anymore. I mainly use it to complement my beans here in my dorm instead of adding rice to them; it acts as a thickening agent (I like bean dishes with thick sauces) as well as adding more protein and better serving to balance it out than plain rice. I can't really stand it in smoothies because of the grainy texture. Same thing with hemp, but the flavor bothers me with that as well. I have to make a sorbet to tolerate it.
  20. Here is some German (and other neighboring countries) music for you. http://www.radiogoethe.org/
  21. I think you missed the point of my last post. Basically, I argue that when nothing can be known/proven about the existence or non-existence of something, the more reasonable and logical position to hold is that it does not exist. It doesn't make logical sense to hold that any being that could possibly be posited (which is an infinite number of beings) are just as likely to exist than to not exist. I don't think that not believing in unicorns, leprechauns, flying spaghetti monster, etc. is just as illogical as believing in them. I agree with this. This is the same stance I take. I switch between telling people I am agnostic and atheist because really I am a mix of both. I don't think it is possible to prove the existence or non-existence of a god or gods, etc. but I believe, by the evidence that man has come up with, the way people treat eachother, catastrophes, that there most likely is not a god. If there is a god, I believe it is most likely the kind of god Deists believe in. I do have a slighty odd belief that a sort of "spiritual" realm MAY have evolved like our corporal realm has. With all the fascinating evidence about black holes and other celestial wonders, it is hard not to entertain these thoughts.
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