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Everything posted by cubby2112

  1. Yeah, I do see what you mean. I guess one good thing about the rep being easy in the beginning is how you don't need help to start off on a hard set.
  2. I milk my beans with my Soyquick milker and then pour some coagulant into the pitcher, cover it for 10-15 minutes, then pour it into a press slowly over some cheesecloth, fold the cloth over the curd, press it and let it sit in the fridge for a little while to set hard. I bought all the supplies from this site: http://www.soymilkquick.com/soymilkmaker.html If you already have a means of making soymilk, you just need the tofu kit.
  3. Soy protein (I am looking into getting pea also, hemp tends to dominate the flavor) Banana Raw carob Vanilla Raw almond butter A pinch of cinnamon I have been wanting to try some cherries in there, but I haven't gotten around to it.
  4. It helped me lose a lot of weight combined with diet and cardio...
  5. One good thing about the wheels on the bench of the Bowflex is you can do leg and calf presses (albeit light ones) with it if you get creative. I found out how to do so many things with my Bowflex that weren't in the manual. The only complaints I really have against them is the lack of weight and the way resistance increases as you pull the rods further.
  6. Homemade fresh tofu is so much better than the pre-packaged stuff. Other that soy milk, I have made brown rice milk, cashew milk and garbanzo milk. I liked the cashew milk quite well.
  7. Maybe their water is processed with bone char? Other than that, I have no idea.
  8. Welcome and congratulations on the progress!
  9. I never did much of a loading phase on it before. I just started taking it again a couple of days ago and actually did the loading phase. Bad mistake for me. I have been drinking tons of water, but last night I was horribly sore, had an absolutely throbbing headache, sore throat and I have had the shivers twice. I haven't felt this crappy in years. I am never going to do a loading phase again, it isn't for me. My body doesn't seem to be able to hydrate quickly enough.
  10. I am wanting to get some pea protein and I found a site that carries it in bulk unflavored, though it is from the UK. I don't know what the stuff tastes like, though, so I am somewhat reluctant. http://www.bulkpowders.co.uk/
  11. I always used to survive on soynuts and fruit at work. If you want to be healthier, though, hempseed would be good. This isn't the most filling way to eat, but I was always constricted by a lunch box, so I couldn't pack much in the way of veggies.
  12. I have pushed my stomach to its limit with vegetables, but I haven't tried it with beans yet. That is some impressive beanage and fiber. Americans get an average of around 10 grams of fiber a day, so you got more in one meal than most do in a week.
  13. I need to buy one of the vegan shirts from here soon. Leg pressing was always my freakish lift (last I did them was at 820 lbs for three sets of 8-12, while weighing about 160 lbs), but I gave it up to do squats and deadlifts exclusively. I am not so freakish with them. Yet.
  14. cubby2112

    I'm neeeeww

    Welcome! You have picked a great bored to help with your goals.
  15. I don't know anything about food pairing, but I did a search and this site seems to go in-depth on pairing wines with veggies. http://avalonwine.com/Veggies-and-Wine.php
  16. Nice work! If you are in the contest the rest of us a probably screwed.
  17. I watched it during the grunge days and late 90s also. I was into Korn and Limp Bizkit and such when it was popular then, I was rooting against the boy bands on TRL. Now if I want to hear music I like I have to go to the west coast or Europe; I have met less than five people who listen to the music I do now, it is lonely.
  18. I looked at the wikipedia page for rooibos and saw that there is something called 'red espresso' and was intrigued. I really wanna try this stuff. It is rooibos tea concentrated like an espresso. There are also rooibos lattes and cappuccinos for those who enjoy those. http://www.redespresso.com/
  19. What? Brussel Sprouts are the food of the gods. We sometimes have them for dinner, just Brussel Sprouts nothing else. Usually we just steam them, maybe add a little earth balance or just some salt. Other times Tiffaney will caramelize some onions in olive oil and then toss in the brussel sprouts. Yum! Oh that they are! I love eating them in exorbitant amounts, steaming and eating them plain or dipping them in hummus raw. They are pretty hard to chew raw, but tasty.
  20. Congratualtions! I will be there to join you in a month or two.
  21. Haha, yeah, I am not quite 96% indie I don't think; the questions just happened to work for me due to the area I am from being desolate of vegans and people who don't watch MTV all day. MTV sucks! they used to be a ''good channel'' years ago.. but now.. it's BS-TV. Yeah, it is a bunch of mindless reality TV shit now. At one time music was played on it, but no more. I don't like the music they play on occasion anyway, so even if they did play it with any regularity, I would still be bashing it.
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