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Everything posted by Ruz

  1. No rpobs! They are on their way..but taking AGES to upload!
  2. ok..well give me your email and I'll send you the books
  3. Its a zip file? Haven't you got something to open zip files? any of these free programmes will do: http://www.brothersoft.com/downloads/zip.html I like 7zip
  4. We mine tastes like ass...but recently I've found a way to disguise the taste completely..passion fruit juice! I managed to find one NOT made from concentrate so that's cool By the way...I've been experimenting with the pea protein crackers and now I add more hemp, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, linseeds and sunflower seeds. I've made them with garlic, parsely and other herbs. With so many seeds they really do give you a good dose of aminos at the same time as your protein..and they have a cheesy like aftertaste. They stay crisp for about 2 weeks and if you have machine to grind your nuts and seeds they are really quick to make. If you fancy experimenting one day I'll send you the recpe. There's something wrong with the configuration of my PC at the moment and I can't use the Nutritional Data website to analyze the recipe..but I'm figuring that the crackers have an almost perfect carb to protein ratio for after workout purposes and a really impressive amino profile:wink:
  5. I heard the plan was that the staff was supposed to barbecue her and have a feast. Can't mail human parts out, biohazard status and all, you know Whatever..can't wait for that to be uploaded to youtube though...
  6. I don't eat eggs..they gross me out and I don't like the bacterias they contain. I'm also not into acting in a way some dictionary tells me to! I am an anti.speciesist and that's it..perhaps I prefer the moral definition to the media created one of what a vegan SHOULD be. Anyone who deosn't hurt or exploit non-human animals in any way shape or form is a vegan in my mind I don't like getting into "how vegan" someone actually is cause it'll open up a whole can of worms and its not a competition. For example, i would think of someone as "more" vegan who kept chickens, ate their eggs and was an active protester for animal rights than sommeone who stuck rigidly to the "dictionary" definition of a vegan as regards their diet, and then did little or nothing to spread the vegan message or to promote animal welfare. But like I said, it's not a competition and we all have our own understanding of what a vegan should be. Peace.
  7. Ok..I didn't ask you to send me links..I've seen all the literature thanks..I've been vegan for many years now! I just asked YOU to give me a valid moral reason why he couldn't eat eggs in these circumstances. I'd love it if you could come up with one because i've had this same converstion MANY times with my hardcore activist group..and none of them can give a valid reason. The one thing we all agreed on however, is that veganism comes from within and not without. It's the feeling inside which makes you a vegan, not whether or not you follow the "rules" of being a vegan as defined by wikepedia!! I would hate to use wikepedia define what i am!! I'm not trying to piss anyone off here its just i think its stupid to let a dictionary definition mould your whole life when it should be the vegan ethic you have inside which defines your diet and lifestyle for you.
  8. Well as a teacher I can assure you that PETA does more than anyone to help educate out childern..free videos, lesson plans etc. Their DEMOCS lessons are truly incredible and have allowed me to bring up the question of animal rights "safely" many times in class. I know PETA have their down side..the big blunder for me was promoting Controlled Atmosphere Killing when they should have been promoting veganism!! Apart from that I don't have any problems with things they have done. A lot of people got their knickers in a twist about PETA putting down abandoned dogs...well WTF are they supposed to do with all the dogs? i know its tragic but we have to be realistic at the end of the day and not blame PETA but blame the people who abandoned their dogs in the first place! I've had this discussion many times with vegan friends and I know all the arguments, but PETA are still out there big time putting the vegan message across! Personally however, I just can't wait for Ingrid to die so i can see if they really make a bbq out of ther and send parts of her body off to various people etc. THAT sounds cool!
  9. Sorry I can't agree with that definition..that if you eat eggs you are vegeterian! I'm not really into rules and specially ones placed on you by society and now we have the vegan "egg" or "honey" rule. THIS IS STUPID!! The BIG difference..well I mean HUGE difference between a vegeterian and a vegan in my opinion..is that a vegeterian is still a sepciesist and has these values in mind when chosing their foods. They feel superior to other animals and feel it as their right to use animals purely for their own benefit to a certain degree..where they draw the line at is death. So basically its alright for a dairy cow to be tied up to machines all day, suffering and alone, because the vegeterian will still drink her milk. However, when the dairy cow is slaughtered that is the point when the veggie stops abusing it. A vegan doesn't feel this superiority or inate right to use and abuse other animals just because he can..and choses not to, and his diet reflects that. So...while we are on the subject..give me one moral reason AGAINST eating the eggs of truly freerange chickens because I can't see one! I'm not vegan because I follow a set of rules..I'm vegan becauseI never get involved in the exploitation or suffering of our brother and sister animals..and indeed actively try to stop it! But what pisses me off is this closed minded acceptance of "vegans don't eat eggs".without any further thought as to why. Also, people speak about veganism as if it were a difficult choice for bodybuilders..as though all the veggies and meat eaters had some advantage on us..and so they see it as "unfair" of someone who eats eggs competes against someone who doesn't! This is just bullshit..its just as hard for vegans to build muscles as everyone else, once you know what you have to eat...and that's it. So no excuses if you are small and weedy..don't blame it on your food!!! The size differences between carniverous athletes and vegans has little to do with diet and more to do with the fact that most non-vegan bodybuilders..well to be precise..ALL of my friends who eat meat and train..have taken or do take steroids. I get quite annoyed when people whine on about how they don't want to be compared to vegeterian bodybuilders or those who eat meat, and then turn around and say their diet is just as good! Uff! Bit of a double standard i feel. Our diet is JUST as good and clearly, we don't need eggs, but i don't see the problem with this guy eating them in these circumstances! Yes..in my opinion you can eat eggs, and indeed honey, in some very unusual circumstances and still be vegan. I know not many of you will agree with me, but really, in the true essence of the word, the true meaning of vegan...I'm right!
  10. If the chickens are treated well I don't see the problem really. Veganism is a filosophy for me..not a list of what you can and can't eat. Chickens in the wild would be picked off my all kinds of predators..if you protect them and give them a good life its a natural kind of symbiosis in my opinion. When I was living in the middle of nowhere, I found a farm which had the chickens running round and jumping in the pond etc. and I was considering eating eggs from those chickens. However, when I got talking to the dude, I found out that they were eventually slaughtered when they stopped producing eggs...so obviously, i passed on the eggs. That said, i used to live in this hippy type commune where the animals were cared for in retirment until they met a natural death. If this were the case, I don't really understant the anti-speciesist argument against eating eggs. Personally, after so many years without eggs now they gross me out, but there are some circumstances where i think someone could eat eggs and STILL call themselves a vegan in the true sense of the word.
  11. I'd be curious to see what you think after another month. I've been doing doggcrapp since early May and at first I thought it was extremely good, but now that I've figured out my max weight I don't feel like it's as effective. I workout with someone else and our workouts are pushing 1:30 which is too long and we often are too exhausted to even attempt the deadlifts. This may be partly due to the steady state cardio I have been doing (lost 13 lbs so far) but I can't see a "cruise" week recharging me enough to continue with this.I do think we'll at least keep the stretching and some of the rest-pause in our workout, but I think we'll be changing the schedule quite a bit. And You are just doing 1 working set? How many warm-ups sets are you doing? I do 2 for small body parts and 3 for large..with not very long rests inbetween. Like I said a workout only lasts about 45min for me including stretching and I don't understand why it should be DOUBLE for you..even with a partner it shouldn't make that much difference. Of course, I do cardio on 3 non weight-training days, I train Monday, Wednesday and Friday and do cardio, tuesday, thursday and either Saturday or Sunday...anyway, I'll let you know how i feel in a month.
  12. Ok..I've uploaded it again: http://rapidshare.com/files/249354485/bodybuilding_books.7z.html get it fast!
  13. Actually that article you gave the link for is really good..and I also found a couple of videos for rack chins because i didn't understand the instructions. They look great! I'm going to incorporate them into my routine: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6qdtqWjg04 and how to load the weights if you work by yourself: Also Rack deads: and for those who don't have a rack in their gym : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t96OWKXOE_E This is also really useful..it shows one complete working set, rest paused, with extreme stretching: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=So0aLWFtvqY Another blogg is "all about doggcrapp training" http://dc-training.blogspot.com/2005/11/extreme-stretching.html
  14. Yep..doggcrapp is low volume..very intense. here is another interesting link if you want: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/wotw53.htm There is also a doggcrapp training forum. I just felt like that after reading all the other literature, doggcrapp combined the best elements of all the workout routines. Low volume, high intensity, lots of recovery time. static contractions and slow negatives..I'm loving it to tell you the truth although I have only being doing it for 3 weeks. Each routine takes about 45 min with stretching and warmups included..the only part of the plan I am not following is the steady state cardio..I do interval training and THEN the steady state cardio
  15. Well it is a bodybuilding forum... I'm sure there are plenty of "lets remember Michael Jackson" forums out there for you I thought that was just a rumor..so is bruce willis dead too?¿
  16. The UD2 Diet..see the posts on this website
  17. Hard exercise followed by a big fat spliff does the trick for me
  18. I've had a lot of people ask me to send them a copy of the UD2 diet. I've downloaded a lot of bodybuilding books lately, so I made a zip file and uploaded them all to rapidshare. Anyone who is interested, the file contains the following: DoggCrapp Training (which I am currently doing and i LOVE!!!) Amino acids in foods The Anabolic Diet Black Book of Training Secrets The Ultimate Diet 0.2 (UD2) CNS Workout Dinosaur Training Optimum Anabolics Beyond Bodybuilding Relax Into Stretch Why Conventional Bodybuilding Methods Suck The Abs Diet The Periodization Bible The Rapid Fat Loss Handbook The Truth About Sex Pack Abs X Adaption Download at : http://rapidshare.com/files/248481756/bodybuilding_books.7z.html Download within 30 days before the file expires!! Enjoy!!
  19. OK..here you go: I've downloaded a lot of bodybuilding books lately, so I made a zip file and uploaded them all to rapidshare. Anyone who is interested, the file contains the following: DoggCrapp Training (which I am currently doing and i LOVE!!!) Amino acids in foods The Anabolic Diet Black Book of Training Secrets The Ultimate Diet 0.2 (UD2) CNS Workout Dinosaur Training Optimum Anabolics Beyond Bodybuilding Relax Into Stretch Why Conventional Bodybuilding Methods Suck The Abs Diet The Periodization Bible The Rapid Fat Loss Handbook The Truth About Sex Pack Abs X Adaption Download at : http://rapidshare.com/files/248481756/bodybuilding_books.7z.html Enjoy!!
  20. Wow..that's all wicked advise! I've seen u on a lot of other bodybuilding forums haven't I?
  21. You're eating a lot of carbs..you'll never lose fat like that, no mater how low the calories. Switch to high protein, high fat low carb diet for a while and give that a go. Also, your cardio is all wrong..steady state cardio isn't the best thing you can do to burn off fat, if your body is not in fat burning mode. That's why people have suggested doing cardio after weights. That's a start, but you need to look into HIT cardio routines and use those..because sadly people who live on the treadmills nearly ALWAYS have too much body fat and you NEVER see them get any better! Eating several small meals to lose weight has already been proved scientifically to be crap, although if you need to keep blood sugar levels constant, or just like grazing, go ahead, just remember its the TOTAL calories and what those calories are made up of which makes you fat or thin. Carbs stimulate the apetite for a lot of people and personally, I find that if I add a lot of healthy oils and fats to my foods, that I don't get so hungry and don't need to eat as often as I do when I eat a lot of carbs. It was quite hard to get my head around the idea that maybe i needed to eat fat to get thinner, but if you read a bit and experiment you'll wonder why you didn't try it years ago! Anyway, welcome to the forum!!
  22. Me too! Can't believe he only got 9%!! Anyway, congratulations to everyone..especially DcNinja!
  23. Lovely!! How old are you by the way..if you don't mind me asking?
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