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Everything posted by Ruz

  1. Can't you give these out to winners of the muscle competitions?¿
  2. Well give me your email and I'll send you what I've got
  3. that's amazing! Mindew, I bet theres still a fair amount of guys who prefer the "before" version no? That happened to me when I lost a lot of weight..so many people prefered me fat it makes me wonder why¿?¿?¿?¿? WIERD
  4. Well all I know is it makes me fart like crazy and gives me loads os zits..think I'll pass
  5. hahahha..very funny! No, basically it revolves around 1 all out set, using rest pause techniques, slow negatives and extreme stretching. I like it because although you work the muscle to the max, you don't do it more than once..ie you dont have endless sets to failure etc. This allows the muscle to recover quickly and you can usually work it about twice a week. That means it can GROW twice a week Also, the workouts are rather short so you dont have time for catobolism to set in. Basically you chose three, preferable compound exercise for each muscle group and then rotate them. So the first time you work legs you may do squats, then on your next workout, front squats and the third workout maybe split squats. Where it is safe to do (not on squats...I chose a bad example) you use rest pause technique to really blast the muscle. For example, if you are doing biceps curls, you chose a weight you can do about 8 reps with and work to failure. Then you wait 20 seconds and pump out 3 or 4 more reps. Wait another 20 seconds and squeeze out maybe another 2 reps...the last of which I always try to do a static contraction (holding the weight in one place for about 20 seconds) then a very slow negative. You follow this by extreme stretching of about 2 minutes. It is a little bit more involved than that but to abbreviate I think its an ok explanation. Unlike most training systems which only work for those taking roids or GH, DC does allow your average, natural bodybuilder to make significant gains..the only problem being that sometimes you feel like you haven't done enough in the gym..however, the results speak for themselves. You have to keep a strict journal and do 1 or 2 more reps everytime you repeat the exercise, or up the weight. Ineffective exercises are changed for others, or if you aren't making progress at all, this indicates that you are overtraining and you must take more days rest. I've had more strength gains in the last few months than I have in the last 2 years and I'm chuffed to bits! I'm also combining a bit of FST-7 training (what's that?¿?¿?¿? I hear you all asking) into my leg workout because they are stubborn bastards that refuse to grow, but apart from that its DC all the way! There's loads of stuff on DC training on the net, forums, videos etc. but this is the first link I found if you wanna read more : http://dc-training.blogspot.com/ I've also got the book downloaded and photos of extreme stretching etc. so if you are interested send me your email and I'll get a copy off to you. Really, I LOVE it!
  6. Hey..I've being doing DC training for a few months now and I love it! Anyone else tried it out? If you are looking for a change in your training or have reached a plateau I couldn't recommend it more!
  7. I think if you are having DOMS for a week then you seriously fucked your legs up too much. One thing I've learnt from DC training is to go for your max..but just once. It allows you to recover quicker and hence work legs twice a week..which translates to your legs GROWING twice a week. Don't listen to the boys about lunges.they give you a very nice ass and I think most men should worry a little more about their asses!!! But perhaps split squats would be a better option to build size as you can take more weight. I lke to do them on the smith machine I alternate between regular squats on my first workout of the week, to split squats on the second. legs have always been my weakest area because I do a lot of running..then I started training them once a week till I limped out the gym..but after six months of suffering like that I realised that I had made no real progress whatsoever. Now with DC I've really started to see my legs growing. Working like a nutter once a week is fine if you take roids or GH but if you are a natural BB you really can't fuck up your body so much and expect it to grow...infact overtraining like that will probably only result in your muscles getting smaller. After a lot of years of ineffective suffering and DOMS so incredible I often had to take pain killers to sleep, I really have to say that i couldn't gree with Veganessentials more: "And, I can never stress enough, feeling sore doesn't necessarily mean you're making progress in the leg department"
  8. Definition? hahhaha..i look completely flat with this 1 megapixel camera. I'm going to upload some more photos when I get back to spain although it will be too late for this particular competition Actually, i've put on about half a stone in 2 weeks since i came to the UK (I'm too scared to weigh myself to find out the real extent of the damage) so i dont look anywhere as ripped as normal. I've been training with some competition level bodybuilders and they scream at me to lift more and more (I wouldn't be surprised if they got out a cattle prod!)...I normally only workout for about 40 min but these heavy, long workouts I've been doing here make me unbelievably hungry and i've been eating like a pregnant horse so its understandable I've lost a bit of definition but I'm enjoying myself no end! Normally though, I keep my body fat pretty low which isnt easy for me. However, there is a lot a variation between my summer and winter bodyfat levels. As i live in the hottest city in Spain, its hard to eat during summer (I dont have air con) so i eat mainly raw with very few starchy carbs, this always leaves me ripped. During winter however, i crave starchy carbs and always put on at least 3/4 of a stone and have much higher levels of body fat..generally its about 10-12% in Summer going up to 15-18% in winter. Interestingly, I've found that I make little to no muscular gains when I'm totally ripped and put on muscle a hell of a lot easier when i have more bodyfat during winter. So many bodybuilders have told me you need to get a little fat to gain muscle and for me its definitely true. I can't really tell you how long i have been lifting as I have had bouts of lifting in the past and then changed sports. I was a competition level swimmer as a kid which gave me my wide back and muscular chest. Then i went on to bodybuilding at about 18 for a few years, got bored and gave it up. I didn't really do any sport again until I was about 33 when I started running..i did that for a few years till i screwed up my achiles tendon and out of desperation i started going to the gym again. I worked out on and off for about 3 years but i was mainly into boxing at that time. However I gradually got more serious about bodybuilding, or addicted would prehaps be a more appropriate adjective..so i suppose i have been working out seriously for about 3 years although i already had a lot of muscle when i started. As regards my height combined with muscle, yep, most people describe me as "scarey looking" which is fine by me
  9. 5 feet 7 inches, or 1 meter 70 whichever you prefer..pretty short by todays standards but that was tall when I was a teenager my 12 year old daughter is already much taller and heavier than me..if she starts training one day she will be really scarey!!
  10. Yep of course!! Compounds are wicked! My shoulders are the muscles which have shown the most improvment in the last year..these photos only have 1 mega pixel which is good when I'm taking photos of my face cause you can't see the wrinkles but shit when I'm trying to take photos of my muscles so you'll have to take my word on it! I've been using Built's shoulder workout which comprises of hang cleans and olympic bar corner presses..then i follow this up by a superseries of arnold presses and round the worlds..give it a go, your shoulders blow up like balloons! However, i must say that after a year of doing this, i'm getting a bit freaked out by the vascularity I've got in my shoulders, a bit is ok... but mine are starting to look like a map of the london Underground Go for 8-10 reps on the hang cleans, 4-6 on the OB corner presses and 6-8 on the superseries..that burns like hell but you get an amazing pump and some great DOMs!! BTW..your triceps are looking a LOT better!
  11. Look wierd I know..but I had to do this in the library and there was this wierd system for putting the photos on the computer...ontop of a shit camera..uff! After 3 hours trying i'm royally pissed off!
  12. You have no idea what a nightmare this has been not having my camera or computer here! This is the best i can do...sorry. Don't think these are going to upload right but i'll give it a go.
  13. Well I want to enter..but I'm on holiday in the UK and forgot my camera charger...therefore I couldn't possibly take any photos before the weekend when my M8 comes over to train with me..then it would be Monday before i could put them on the net..so unless you extend the time limit as you have on some of the other competitions..well there will be no photos from me And shoulders are probably my BEST feature BTW..vegan food is AWESOME over here..you can get like 5 vegan sausages for 1 pound and they have over 21g of protein each!! Vegan bodybuilder heaven!! LOL
  14. Apart from the obvious..that looks like an excellent way to eat!
  15. One of the members on this site has a signature which goes something like this "there is no such thing as a hard gainer..just people too lazy to investigate what works best for them" I think its very true. As long as you take a good protein supplement I don't see any problem with putting on the muscle you require. If you're looking to bulk up you should probably be eating quite a few carbs..beyond that its a case of investigating recipes and finding out what you like. The internet is full of vegan recipe sites, just try not to go crazy with so much choice! Also, even the best diet in the world won't make up for sloppy, ineffective training. Keep a detailed log and if you see you are not progressing with one training system, switch to another. I'm having immense strenngth gains at the moment using Doggcrapp training so maybe if you are looking for something new to try you should check it out. its like one week I do 2 extra reps and the next week I bump up the weight. My strength gains have never been so fast!
  16. As a vegan you don't get any from your diet so I don't see a problem. The negative affects of creatine are associated with high intake and loading. However, 5g (1 teaspoon) a day shouldn't cause any problems. I have a friend who is a butritionist who thinks that creatine is so good that she gets her elderly mother to take it everyday..but as regards research, well i suggest you google it. Personally speaking, it's the only supplement I have ever taken with which I have seen marked positive results.
  17. I started the anti-bullfighting group in my city. Here's an interesting video I made detailing some of the things you MAY not know about bull-torture: http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=47560572380 And here is why most of the protestore over here are just as bad as the toreros, and why I no longer run the anti-bullfight group over here: http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=47739702380 I made that video after a protest I helped organize in Sevilla where more than 2,000 people showed up! I was very proud but then later when we went to eat in a bar and a lot of people ordered VEAL I got really pissed off and made this video. Now i don't tend to get so angry, I try talking to people more and setting an example, but I was well pissed off when I made this video it has to be said... Of course..the origionals were in Spanish but after getting sued by one of the bullfighters who is in the first video, and having my account closed several times, I no longer put this type of video on youtube. However, I did give several people permission to copy and use my videos as they liked so s`panish versions of these are still very much out there on the net
  18. Ok..what I didn't know about bullfighting in spain put into a video, its ver informative: http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=47560572380 then this one details the hypocrasy of many of the protesters here in spain: http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=47739702380
  19. You wanna see something about bull abuse? Chack out my video http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=47560572380 Not sure if you can watch it if you aren't a friend though, let me know!
  20. The advantage of having your heels on the ground is that it arches your back and opens up your chest. I've recently discovered a technique which takes this principle even further. I push the bench right up and only rest my shoulders on the bench to press. Its like the position which many people adopt to do heavy bumbell pullovers and I love the way it feels. Opening up the chest will ensure a wider peck muscle and you wont just have this bunches up narrow muscle thing going off in the middle of your pecks If you won't to see pictures you can download a free sample of the book I have at this link, it includes the bench press although only done with DB's in these pictures: http://www.fitstep.com/freebooks/the-best-exercises-free.pdf
  21. Denise..a personal question which you may chose not to answer..are your tits real? It's just that the more sport I do the more adipose tissue i lose and I'm left with practically nothing more than nipples now Your tits look real, don't get me wrong, but I don't understand how some women maintain adipose tissue in their breasts while others lose it. I was looking into having inplants but if you want the inplant placed UNDER the muscle, so it doesn't just look like a ball placed ontop of your peck, its really expensive!Pff!
  22. Wow..so you're vegan just for health reasons then? Because I know my diet is the correct one..nutritionally and ethically and I have no problems telling anyone!
  23. OMG! Bosers are the best! I've had 2 and I love them! I like the way they try to talk to you and make all those silly noises, I've only ever seen boxers do it! if you havent already you should check out the videos on youtube, there re lots! Just search "talking boxer", shoulc give you a few laughs
  24. No way! it gives me headaches and makes me feel like crap. I've stopped counting calories and carbs now, and eat far less fruit because that's what makes me hungriest. I dont normally eat bread, pasta etc efter lunch, but if I fancy it occasionally its no problem as I seem to be maintaining this weight eating pretty much what I like within these guide lines. I do eat carbs in the form of beans, nuts, seeds and veggies, but nowhere near as many as before.
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