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Jason X

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Everything posted by Jason X

  1. Yesterday I ran up Ramsey Ave 2x while my friend Ben ROLLERBLADED up it! I know it hits 11% at least. pretty sure more. the end kicks up pretty steep. anyhow, thats all I did yesterday.
  2. Man, you guys are hilarious! Maybe that's the real reason I don't swim!! Coached trainer ride? Where do you go? Do tell! A friend of mine does training classes in the spring and through the winter. They're tough!!
  3. I bet we could a 5k and switch in the middle! She's tough enough for that, easy!! Meet you in ohio?
  4. Was squatting that guy, not carrying him. But mary would be faster running herself! Although I'd love to try it!
  5. don't get that attitude. You can keep going on squats. just get under the bar and make it go up and down. you got it! I know it's hard. We've all been there and have had those days. What going on in your head will have a big impact on what goes on in your legs. and get psyched.
  6. ok, in that case, is there anything else I can do for you? Reminds me of pre-rugby games. me, "Brandon! what can I do for you today?" Brandon, "fucking hit someone!" and so on.
  7. Just did 2 sets of 5 on deads for chewy and mary. One set at 245 and one set at 250. Will update the rest after my shower. Ok, squat 1x10 @ 135 deep and slow. 235 x 5,4,5. Aforementioned deadlifts. Circuit of barbell row, hang clean, front squat, push press repeatx4 for 4 sets. = hard! @ 115 Lat pulldowns @ 120 superset with shrugs @ 75's 3x10 (tryin' to get my yoke on) 50 lb preacher curls SS 1w/42.5 lb tri pulldowns 5x10 Lots of pullups of varying grips. Is that it? Those little circuits really took it outta me...deads felt good, though, surprisingly.
  8. Omg! Omg! One of my hero's just commented on my training journal!!! Thanks Robert, things are awesome!I wish I could get down to see you while you're in WI! When are you leaving? You coming to the twin cities?
  9. it's a waste of time. No, not really, but it's boring, and it's a waste of perfectly good calories. You aren't shocking your system as you would with intervals, and, unless your training for a long distance event, it's pointless. That said, if you really enjoy it and don't care, then feel free. Do what you enjoy. Intervals still work the anaerobic system. This is good. general "jogging" doesn't do much but raise your heart rate a little. that's the NON-scientific version.
  10. today was a bit different at BBG. run to warm up, then straight to the field! no lifting or crab/bear walking shenanigans. circuits. 5 pushups/5 leglifts/5 bw squats for 5 reps. fetch drill. kick the ball, next guy runs and gets it, sprints it back and kicks it for the next guy. x5 per person then a new thing AJ brought. lay on the ground, head at another persons ankles, looking up. grab their ankles, and do a leg lift. the guy standing just SHOVES your feel down straight, or to a side) and you keep your heels off the ground and get your feet back up asap for a round of 15. x 3 then we all stood in a tight circle and passed the ball. the guy that started the round had to run around the outside of the circle and get back to his position before the ball got there. each successful round, we all took a step back, increasing the diameter. hard. I was definitely sliding for balls to get there in time. only failed once (got there, but knocked it on. ) then we played more fetch, but this time sliding onto the ball, sprinting back to our feet and running it back in. Then we talked. the end. fun day. really fun day. I am ridiculously sore from my squats yesterday. it's awesome.
  11. We're pullin' for ya, Chewy! Hope you get it figured out. And I know the feeling. Big time.
  12. HEY! i'm not arguing their awesomeness! I've just felt a bit weak lately, and feeling weak and trying to deadlift generally leads to suicidal thoughts... ok, half kidding.
  13. or the gayrilla biscuits? hilarious. http://www.last.fm/listen/artist/Gayrilla%2BBiscuits/similarartists#pane=webRadioPlayer&station=%252Flisten%252Fartist%252FGayrilla%252BBiscuits%252Fsimilarartists also, i back outbreak in a big way.
  14. Busted!!! Deads are a pain in the ass in my gym, but I'll do two sets on thursday jst for you! Thanks man.
  15. 195.5 today. later in the day than last time. felt much stronger, too squat. 135 1x10 to start, 1x20 to finish with 225 5x5 and 245 1x3 in between incline bench 5x5 @ 115 Barbell row 5x5 @ 120 1x15 @ 95 tri pullover 5x5 @ 70 1x15 @ 50 shrugs 3x10 @ 75 1x15 @ 50 lat pulldown 2x10 1x8 @ 115 some curls to stay SWOL! and a few sets of pullups. 4 sets of 5? haha. was feeling pretty big today. it was nice.
  16. Start with that, then modify by feel. If you can sprint longer, do it, recover shorter, great. If you need more time, add a few seconds to recovery. Its more of an art than a science (for beginners)
  17. Go for a jog, but at set times sprint as hard as you can for a couple seconds (10-30) slow jog to recover until the next time you're ready to sprint. repeat until you can't move. jog jog jog jog jog sprint sprint sprint jog jog jog jog jog jog jog jog jog sprint sprint jog jog (etc)
  18. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs466.ash1/25589_109372585763182_109093099124464_108955_5112012_n.jpg the blonde one. David Strettle.
  19. ok, can add more. went to the co-op today, checkout dude was staring at me. that's fine. He said eventually that I'm "too cool" with my red hair and beard. And the girl ahead of me said that she wishes more guys would wear pink. Then the worker boy said that he was surprised I was able to wear a pink polo AND a pink bandana around my neck and still not look like I'm trying too hard. That was a fun conversation. Then I went to the gas station and the lady there said that my glasses were awesome and very unique. Big win on the day (minus the new crack in my 5 month old cars windshield, but thats ok)
  20. they've done it before too. promise. story: When I was a bicycle messenger in philly, my style was to get rolling, then strap my feet in SUPER tight so I couldnt pull out, and then reach down and loosen them while i slowed down. Anyhow, a few days a week in the summer they have a big water spraying truck that just rolls around and sprays the philly stink off the street. SO, in the mornings when I start my shifts the roads were generally wet. Anyhow I was rolling, then got a red light (I wasn't on the job, so I didn't need to run it) I started trackstanding. no problem. But, I got distracted and ended up falling down and rolling around in the wet road for a couple seconds before I was able to get out of my pedal. embarrassing, but shit happens. and i got a funny story out of it.
  21. same, as long as youre not long distance running you should be fine. Keep it around 30-45 minutes at a shot on non lift days and youll be ok. just eat enough to compensate. and remember, jogging is silly. run intervals.
  22. So, that workout was cut short due to god-awful-ness! squat 1x10 @ 135, 1x5 @ 225. 1x3 @ 250, 1x4 @ 225 gave up. overhead. a pair of 25s. didnt do the math. 3x5 barbell row 3x5 2 25's and a pair of 10s incline press. 3x5 pair of 25's and a pair of 10s. bah. the week of not enough food and water, and sweating a ton and cardio killed me. 194lbs. fucking metabolism. BUT, i feel lighter, faster, more explosive and agile. and im more defined, so I guess I'll take it for now.
  23. HA! super into this thread. MAN! I'm super positive lately. My Deaf Culture camp was amazing. I was offered the Rugby team captain position last night. I met and have been talking to a girl Im quite smitten with. SUPER positive! my life is awesome.
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