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Everything posted by xveganjoshx

  1. http://img75.imageshack.us/img75/1914/wtfmj9.jpg
  2. Kind of irrelevant since you already bought it but an excellent use of a thread nonetheless
  3. Well, what does your diet look like right now? You seem to be working very hard - if you aren't seeing the results you want than maybe your diet is suboptimal for your fitness goals.
  4. It's funny to hear alot of people talk about raw food when nobody was talking about raw food in the first place.
  5. Don't listen to Zack he's a dumbass
  6. No one mentioned me... I am now crying in the corner. Jaleel will bring me tissues though.
  7. Thanks! Unfortunately this isn't true. Once you set the safety pins, it's just as safe as a smith. The disadvantages of a smith are that it's locked in a plane so the movements will be unnatural and will not work your stablilizers. You can also do alot less with a smith than a power rack. Also, that bar is attached to the machine, meaning you can't do free weight stuff with it (for example cleans). Unless you go and buy another Oly bar. I believe if you buy a smith you will regret it within 6 months once you see it's limited usefulness. But it's your call, not mine. Good luck.
  8. I don't think it would be too different than eating it. Maybe some things in there would "break down" (haha I am not a biologist) but overall I don't think it'd be too different. But more importantly, HOW are you eating/drinking that!?? It must be so sludgey and gross with that much rice or oats...
  9. The uses of a smith machine are very limited. I think it's a waste of money. Get yourself a good power rack, olympic barbell set with plates, and an adjustible bench (one that can lay flat, go on incline, and go 90 degrees). For a couple hundred bucks you could get an adjustible db set too. This would be under $1000 and far more useful than a Smith.
  10. Global warming is hitting portland hard I see. Climate scientists prefer the term "Global Climate Change" as being more representative. While the temperature of Earth as a whole, is going up, that temperature rise is disrupting normal climates in different ways. For example, the rise in temperature is altering currents in the oceans such more cold water will be staying by the UK longer. The UK will actually get colder from "global warming". When the charlatans figured out global warming could not fool the world, the frauds changed it to "global climate change". How clever. Since temperatures always fluctuate, they can never be wrong now can they.
  11. I don't really "get pumped" to music anymore. I used to put on stuff like slipknot, etc, to get angry and stuff. I listen to rap, pop, electronica, whatever now, but more so to keep myself entertained between sets as opposed to making me all angry and strong.
  12. Yeah, like I said in another thread, I'm not sure if I personally like to be thicker or more ripped, but I will be adding about a lb of mass per week for the next 12 weeks with a new diet and training program I've put together. This is not so much a "New years resolution" type thing but more so happening because I have more time now with my company all set up and other ventures taken care of for awhile. I had to take a break from bodybuilding for awhile and my cut last October was unintentional. People like you inspire me. Especially the new guys. I remember logging weights and food with excitement and enthusiasm when I first started, and seeing it in other guys reminds me of why I love this sport.
  13. ZOMG is that a german dude MCing over drum n bass? Awesome!
  14. It's not "good", but if anything its an indication that you are pushing yourself balls to wall and holding nothing back (no pun intended). Training with intensity like this drives results. It shouldn't be a regular thing, but puking once every couple of months isn't the end of the world.
  15. Does anyone know if the vitamin and mineral add on for gemma is vegan?
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCiVXigrjjQ
  17. Are those houses ON the pier? I've never seen that before...
  18. Me at 173 lbs (Jan 08) http://img238.imageshack.us/img238/4182/josh15xq9.jpg Me at 155 lbs (Oct 08) http://www.veganbodybuilding.com/contest_overall_m2.jpg Currently at 157 I don't know what I like better... being thick or being ripped.
  19. I've been following your blog. Did you really do 11 sets? Try and do more. My workouts are 20 sets of 6-8 reps now. It's good for me. Try eating more protein. Your a big guy, try 50 grams more and see what happens.
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