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Everything posted by xveganjoshx

  1. I'm fairly sure I'll be able to attend Vegan Vacation. I can firm this up within the next 5-7 days, and then I'll be able to send the necessary money over to you Rob.
  2. If Crass and Seinfeld got in a fight... who do you think would win? Dude even if you dont like their style or their music, there is a whole lot of depth in the words that's gotta be respected. hmmm there are 34430985340985490 bands with a vegan sxe message. Who needs crass? P.S. Seinfeld kicked crass ass CRASS had a lot of important things to say about politcal, religious, and cultural institutions. They had a direct action and DIY ethic in an era where punk was thought of to be commercialized nonsense like the Sex Pistols or the Clash. CRASS has a lot more meaningful things to say than a bunch of tough guys who scream about not smoking or drinking. Sure, I'm edge, and if you choose not to smoke or drink that's fantastic. But really evaluating, criticizing, and fighting the major institutions that control thought and fuck the world over is a greater message IMO than not taking drugs. And that's what CRASS did. They were pioneers in that, and while their message wasn't necessarily brought about gracefully (their music is awful musical-wise), their message was priceless. Even if you don't like CRASS, don't hate on them, because they did more for punk and the alternative think-for-yourself ethic than half of the sxe bands that shove their dogma down peoples throats. I know I'll get shit for this, especially from you darth, but that's how I feel.
  3. So I just checked out yr myspace (even though I don't have one), and I saw that you listen to CRASS. And my heart skipped a beat . That is all.
  4. Dude you are huge and well defined! Great back! You look fantastic! Definitely an inspiration!
  5. Welcome Destiny! I was hoping we could get 3 sxe posts in a row, but Potter ruined that!
  6. This is great! It's so awesome to see vegan athletes competing, beating their PR's, and surpassing their goals! Great Job!
  7. Any updates? How are the offers for modeling coming along?
  8. Welcome to the boards! Film-making, that's pretty sweet!
  9. Welcome to the forums! A vegan family that bike commutes, how cool is that!
  10. Natural Birth control.... viewtopic.php?t=5781
  11. Any luck with this bro? This section of the forums seems to be dead as of late... Shame really, big strong vegan guys were the reason I got into the whole vegan bodybuilding thing in the first place.
  12. Welcome to the boards kidd!
  13. Nice pics! Do you always flex for pics Rob? Just teasing, you all look great!
  14. There's a difference between a recreational hunter and an avid hunter? It's all the same to me. Oh well, hunters are losers, and he's not going to get elected anyway.
  15. Your supposed to take this stuff before bed right? Do you have to take it on an empty stomach...Because I have an 800 cal shake before bed, so what should I do if I decide to incorporate ZMA into my supp plan? Thanks for any advice.
  16. That's what I was alluding too with my T-2022 days (now 2021 days). The end of the long count.
  17. Something BIG is coming... T -2022 days...
  18. Welcome! Cool to hear about your Texan vegan cop too!
  19. Welcome! I'm just down the road from you ! Good luck with your fitness goals, there is alot of resources on this site!
  20. Your blog is so interesting! It's one of my favorite ones to read! You look fantastic- good luck with your training goals... not like you need it!
  21. I've heard this but I've never seen any form of science backing it up. If this were true then it should be equally rational to sleep when your not tired, poop when you don't need to and eat when you're not hungry. Our body has been built through millions of years of optimization and it has a highly sensitive signaling system for it's needs. I don't think that system suddnly broke down. I still say drink when you're thirsty, your biological machine knows what it's doing. The "drink even when your not thirsty" motto is from the bodybuilding crowd. I understand what you're saying Offense, it may not be natural to drink when you don't need to, but then again this is a rule of thumb for bodybuilders. Is it natural to carry excessive amounts of muscle? Of course not! Just like it might not be natural to eat when your not hungry or drink when your not thirsty. However it is this same unnatural activity that causes one to gain the unnatural amount of muscle a bodybuilder is out to gain. It might not be natural, and it might not even be healthy, but like one of my bodybuilding friends says, "It's called bodybuilding, not healthbuilding". Take it or leave it, but that's the game most bodybuilders/aspiring bodybuilders are out to play.
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