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Everything posted by xveganjoshx

  1. That's actually a classic omni bodybuilding tip. Some people like to do one day a week of just juice after 6 days of heavy training and high protein eating. It's supposed to help you recharge for the next week. I've never tried it myself but I may in the future.
  2. SPAM????? We messed with the perfect pushup when we were training in Lincoln City. The only thing I've heard was that it may be a little easier on the wrists because it's supposed to create a "more natural" range of motion. I haven't used it enough to really say. I don't do many bodyweight exercises anyway, but I really should, considering the fact that I can handle some heavy weights for certain bodyparts but struggle to do some of the equivalent bodyweight exercises.
  3. I think that a healthy diet can prevent certain diseases, but I'm not so sure about 'curing' them once they are full blown.
  4. Welcome to the boards! I saw a video of you beatboxing, it was pretty sweet! So you want to live in a zero gravity environment huh? Then all your muscles will disappear! It's cool though. Speaking of equally weird requests, I'd like my remains shot into the sun after I die. I'm not even kidding, though I probably wont let it happen because I don't think it's very sustainable or environmentally friendly . But there's something appealing to me about stardust to stardust. Anyway, enough rambling, welcome to the boards!
  5. This basically happened when Potter claimed he could eat a bakers dozen after the Ethiopian food that we ate (well, that I attempted to eat because I'm only looking out to be a pretty little model now I guess ). So we put him up to the test, me and offense bet him $20 dollars total that he could not do it without puking. And of course, Potter stood up to the challenge!
  6. That's got to be my favorite picture of the whole trip. I'm giving the thumbs up to everyone eating the processed cooked doughnuts while Flanders is giving the thumbs down to it and eating his banana. Priceless!
  7. I drink 2-3 liters of water a day, and an additional 2 liters of fluid from fruit smoothies and soymilk smoothies. When I don't drink enough water my lower back feels spotty and I feel clogged up, so I drink up!
  8. Welcome to the forum Ana! I can't believe I missed this thread for so long! With so many new members it can be hard to keep up. It was so nice meeting you and your boyfriend at Vegan Vacation. I look forward to chatting with you on the forums. Take care!
  9. You'll get there soon enough. Just keep training hard and eating alot. A year ago I could not bench press the bar, now I bench over 150 lbs. I started squatting 75 lbs, I have in recent months squatted over 225. Deadlift I don't do so much, though I have pulled 225 several times. I used to be small and weak, and now I think I look about average and am less weak. Still working on getting big and strong though. Set goals, put all your energy into them, and you can achieve them. There are a bunch of people on here who were weak or small at one point who put in the time and energy to build their bodies, and have succeeded. You can too.
  10. I can't believe I missed this thread for so long! It's great to have another vegan bodybuilder on the forums! Congratulations on your masters victory!
  11. Welcome! I am also someone who was very skinny, started bodybuilding, and made significant gains in a year. 33 pounds is impressive! Congratulations!
  12. Welcome Steve! If that is you in your avatar than you are in really great shape!
  13. Welcome to the boards Rebecca! There is a strong vegan community in Portland and I'm sure your business will thrive!
  14. Congratulations on quiting smoking! Quitting any substance addiction can be terribly difficult, so congratulations on being smoke free for 2 weeks. IMO the beginning is the hardest part, so be proud of yourself and keep it up!
  15. Remember what they say: If that bar ain't bendin, ya'll are just pretendin!
  16. Nice! Good to see your back in action! Also good to see that someone else is makin it happen....... Besides me!
  17. Good to see you guys enjoying some quality vegan cooked food!
  18. I miss Portland too. What an amazing city, with great energy and personality. I hope to visit soon for a weekend to kick Rob's butt in the kitchen and the gym . I also think Portland might be a place where I could wind up staying for awhile, in the future.
  19. I'm going to beat XDarthveganX to this (I think) and say BJJ. If you get stuck in a hold it can be very difficult to get out of, and the person holding you can easily break limbs ( ). Sure it hurts to get struck by a punch or a kick, but try fighting with broken limbs. That would be my opinion from the brief amount of fighting styles I have been exposed to.
  20. Even though I saw it in person, again great ink! The color is fantastic and even better it is vegan, and also supports a vegan artist!
  21. That is so cute how you got a Linus tattoo. Nice ink!
  22. Thank you to all of those who Robert has mentioned, and thank you to Robert himself. I had an amazing time. This experience has influenced me in many ways and I have grown because of it. It was great to meet you all too. Everyone of you is an amazing person.
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