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Everything posted by julia

  1. Ciao! I'm relatively new to this forum as well and just reading some of the topics on here has helped me a lot, so you might want to read some threads on here. As for books.. Robert Cheeke (vegan bodybuilder, creator of this site) has published a book recently. I haven't read it myself yet, but have ordered a copy now. A lot of people on here have recommended it: http://www.veganbodybuildingbook.com/
  2. Thanks for the info! I'll have to look up Austrian laws on taking photos of strangers..
  3. I have a question: When you photograph people and put their pictures online, do you let them sign a contract or anything like that? I guess not, but just wanted to ask because I've heard of legal issues before..
  4. julia


    Good to know, thanks for the info
  5. julia


    So did I.. I just decided to give it a try today and they turned out great
  6. julia


    Here's what I made for lunch today: Even my mum who's always very skeptical about low-fat vegan food loved them
  7. Great, thanks for the response I need to wait until the money from my bank account is on PayPal but I'll order as soon as possible.. Looking forward to reading your book!
  8. Mon Jun 28: 2 hours of Capoeira Tue Jun 29: mowing lawn, 1 hour; some walking; some sit-ups Wed Jun 30: 9AM: rowing machine [30 mins; 4.2km; 225 cals], decided to go for a 30 min run now (8PM) because I've eaten more than usually today [nothing too unhealthy though] Thu Jul 1: 6-7PM: cycling (to find out how many kms I run usually.. 4.1k) and tried to do this work-out: Fri Jul 2: some biceps curls because I've been to my sister's place and her bf has some barbells, 26 min run (4.2 km; 1 km of that is uphill) Sat Jul 3: spent 3 hours distributing fliers and posters to shops all around town (3 hours of running around and cycling) Sun Jul 4: 30 min run pre-breakfast, tried to do some pull-ups and chin-ups, 30 min walk in the evening, some ab exercises, felt really hungry today and have eaten close to 1800 cals Usually I'm eating about 1200, but I just decided to follow my feelings and ate lots of fruits today and also some nuts. Felt like I needed some extra energy today.
  9. Breakfast: -> after when I do 30 min runs -> before with everything else Just feels right for me.
  10. Thanks for the nice comments As for hips.. Yep.. Sometimes I love them sometimes I hate them (I do like my waist though..)
  11. I was wondering if I have to pay customs duty for shipping to Austria/Europe? When I ordered Earthlings from the US I had to pay for that, and it wasn't even that low. Also, the shipping took like forever because of that..
  12. http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/6503/sidep.th.jpg http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/9653/front2cd.th.jpg http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/4954/frontnh.th.jpg I just had a big salad, so I tried to pull in my belly Haven't done anything about my arms, so there's no progress there, but I'll try to focus on them more. 124 lbs
  13. I quit school yesterday, so I'm trying to be really sporty in the next few weeks/months. I hope sharing what I do on here keeps me more motivated than I usually am Fr Jun 25: moving -> 1 hour of carrying boxes + a lot of stairs Sat Jun 26: cycling [32.2 km; AVS: 19.5 kph; 1:40h; ~500 cals] Sun Jun 27: pretty relaxed day.. some pull ups, some sit ups, a bit of swimming in my grandparent's pool, bit of rope skipping
  14. I've thought about not using scales any longer as well.. But end up using it anyways I'll try to limit it to once every 2 weeks.
  15. I absolutely love sprouted mung beans. The taste of radish seeds is too intense for me, so I rather have neautral sprouts like mung beans.. How long do chickpeas take? (How long should I soak them, and how much time will they need until they sprout?)
  16. Because I passed 2 tests today, quitted school which means no school/university for 3 months, and I met with a wonderful vegan girl that loves the same books, movies and music like me. Awesome day!
  17. 2 or 3 hours a week. I don't have time on weekdays, but occasionally watch TV on the weekends.. If DVDs count as well it would be a bit more, though..
  18. I really love those quiches: http://blog.fatfreevegan.com/2006/12/mini-crustless-tofu-quiches.html They're amazing! I also eat tofu as a filling for crepes. (Make some crepes, then blend firm silken tofu (or usual tofu with some soy milk), add some raisins, agave sirup and about 2 tsp of cornstarch or arrowroot for one pack of (silken) tofu, fill the crepes with that and add some on top of the crepes, bake for about 15 minutes and you have a delicious meal ) Here's a pic of it: http://img203.imageshack.us/img203/1637/dsc00269d.jpg I topped it with a carob-sauce..
  19. I've been doing nothing but Capoeira for a bit more than a month now, and I definitely notice it on my arms :/ Before I did push ups almost every day and have seen results pretty fast, but then I stopped and now my arms are getting smaller again But I end school this Friday, so I'm planning on some intense workout weeks after that I'm pretty happy with my results so far, but feel like that final touch is still needed As for arms.. When I started doing sports I always thought "I don't want to look like those female bodybuilders with muscles all over..".. And now.. Well, I'm still not aiming to look like a bodybuilder but I've definitely come to find muscular females very pretty.. So my goals have changed a bit from just fat-loss to fat-loss and muscle-gain
  20. julia

    hello :)

    Polish, interesting to see how this thread becomes so multilingual
  21. When I went vegan I actually gained weight, simply because I stuffed myself with everything that was vegan You don't seem to do this though.. Hmm.. How many nuts/seeds do you eat?
  22. I'm a hobby photographer and upload my photos to flickr, is anybody else here a member of that site? Here's my account:
  23. Hmm.. some recipes would be great, I guess. Especially recipes that don't use any "special" ingredients like soy milk, tofu, quinoa etc. Some recipes with stuff that EVERYONE has at home, because that's the recipes they're going to try out, I guess..
  24. Great legs! And everything else is looking awesome as well..
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