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V VII Hero

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Everything posted by V VII Hero

  1. for a second i thought this was brandon boyd of the band Incubus. then i read on further anyway, glad to have ya on the boards mate! and congrats on the recent step over to veg
  2. awesome. yeh hobson doesnt live far from me in the states. its funny cause the first time we met was in England. anyway youre gonna have a great time. you'll love it over there. goodluck!
  3. WOW i think this is the best you've ever looked. fantastic pictures!
  4. DIET SODA could kill you. because of the sweeteners contained. http://www.sweetpoison.com/phenylalanine.html
  5. i thought creatine was to gain muscle? and it adds water weight to help aid the muscle in repair?
  6. thanks. yeh i totally need new pics. I still feel my arms need a lot of bulking up in comparison to the rest of my body. good news though: they're actually starting to respond well to my new routine. I just need to find a vegan belt so I can do weighted dips. I been placing dumbells in between my feet.
  7. I just started working arms in opposites. I work my biceps, then triceps, then biceps, then triceps, etc. it gets the whole arms really pumping. and I dont rest in between sets for more than 30 seconds. I just really tank my arms til they want to die
  8. Ive changed the style of my quats. I used to have a lil bit wider than shoulder stance. and I would squat all the way down til my ass hit my heels. feet facing dead ahead. i also wore the bar really high up on my traps. well now I do this: arch my back significantly and stick my butt out so I maintain that tension. I stand with my legs shoulder width, feet slightly angled out. and i let my knees follow their natural path. I drive from my heels and concentrate on the quads. and the bar is slightly lower on the traps in the natural "pocket".
  9. I'm addiction free. I dont drink soda. I dont put salt on anything, its so unnecessary especially when all these soy products are loaded with sodium. I watched my grandfather die from a stroke. and some of his last words were for me to eat healthy and watch my diet. and to never put salt on anything like he did. it will lead to an early grave. I never knew how much he impacted me til right now. I really started eating healthy cause of him. so kick that soda and the salt. we can surely help you I guess chocolate soymilk would be my vice? (not quite sure what a vice is)
  10. okay, my back is HUGE now. I been training it insanely lately and I have that whole Cobra-head back. its really cool. but my arms look so tiny in comparison. so its time to maintain the back and blast the arms and legs. bodybuilding is all about symmetry thats why I love it so much. that and the dedication one has to follow to see results and keep em. does anyone know any good arm blaster routines? i need massive bulky triceps and biceps. I cant do hammercurls or reverse curls (negatives) cause of a pinched nerve. but everything else i can do. so keep the routines coming
  11. I try to support local healthfood stores as much as I can too.
  12. CLIF Builder Bars are amazing! Michael Hobson introduced me to them. They have 20g protein each! http://www.clifbar.com/eat/eat.cfm?location=builders they taste soooo good too! I reccommend those of you looking for protein bars to purchase these. This is what I will be using
  13. it was this prissy girl who's dad was a basketball coach. she always got ignored and she wanted to show her dad that she could do something athletic rather than just be a ditz. it was cool cause it braught her closer to her dad. he was like her second coach. she went from never riding to competing in just 6 weeks. really awesome. I commend her. nah, i never seen that discovery channel special. i wish i did, heli-oarding looks hella fun. I'd like to try that sometime also. Ive never ridden Oregon, but i visited. and I would put it in the top 10 in the world. conditions looks superb (I guess anything is compared to where I live). simply for the fact Oregon has snow year round on timberline. Timberline is the government training camp where over the summers pros and ams can practice their moves. Tahoe is up there as well. I have a magazine that lists all the top resorts. Colorado is supposed to be awesome too cause of all the sunny blue skies. yeh once I get my personal trainer certification, the plan is to move to Portland. I been wanting to move for several years now, ever since I initially visited. thanks
  14. dude, on MTV is that show MADE, and they have snowboarding on it. never have I wanted to be out west riding some pow pow so damn bad. As arduous as it is breaking bones, I still want to freestyle ride. Im gonna have to wait til I move to Oregon!
  15. that sounds pretty damn good. im thinking about switching to a "routine" similar to that.
  16. I got stuck in Billy's bath and in her car. but then again everything is so much smaller over in England. except for you. youre a giant!
  17. Ive been trying to drink orange juice lately, but its too acidic for me. I get my calcium from figs.
  18. hahahhahah I just woke up sick this morning (I ate WAYYYY too much for my stomach to handle), and Im miserable. and then I came across this picture of Rob dancing. one good look at it, and I instantly feel better.!
  19. wow good pics! the stuff I ride on is also considered "ice gravel". that's what I get for living on the "ice coast" hehe. anyway, that's awesome that you ride and have had so much fun with snowboarding. if we're ever in the same area, we gotta ride together.
  20. I dont do cardio. I do polymetrics ever now and then. I run on a boulderfield. Ive actually noticed my calves growing now, and my legs are slowly. I figured out what I have to do to make em grow. I just gotta wait for this sprained toe to heal up.
  21. hey man welcome to the site. congrats on the 10lb gain! keep it up. I've gained about 30lbs since vegan bodybuilding. and i know you can too!
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