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Everything posted by beforewisdom

  1. Notice that meat is only one of several culprits. A lot of vegan stuff or stuff with vegan counterparts. I think that is why so many people swore by Atkins. It is an unhealthy diet, but it cut a lot of caloric junk food out which had to make people feel better even though they jumped out of the fire into the frying pan.
  2. After having been forced into being sedentary for several years, orthoscopy on my right leg as well as a long recovery, having my right shoulder rebuilt...even longer recovery, then years of heel spurs in my left foot my ideal body is close to what I have now.......reasonably slim with the ability to do moderate exercise.
  3. So, you want a vegan wine, how about there is CASSEIN in my faux cheeeeeeeessssssseeeee Okay, how about this http://tastebetter.com/features/booze
  4. I remember reading somewhere that 8th continent brand puts non-vegan additives in their soy milk. I'm not sure if I am remember correctly so you might want to google on it. Sorry for being the vegan police.
  5. I used to have a job where I got up at 5:30 am every day to be at work by 7am. I did that job for years. The keys to getting up early, without it being torture are: - going to bed earlier - going to bed at the same time almost every day - getting enough sleep Even if you can't jog in the morning you can begin working on it by taking each one of those three things one at a time and gradually making it a habit. Operant conditioning is one of the most powerful means of behavioral change ever discovered. Come up with a system of rewards for each step in this process. The rewards do not need to be anything expensive. Logging what you do consistently can motivate you to make it a point to make a new log entry the next day. Give yourself a point for each thing you do, keep score, and make a game of trying to boost your score every week. If you pass a certain score each week go buy a magazine or a cd. Each day that you have to push yourself hard to get your task done give yourself a sticker in your log like a gold star. It sounds dumb but it works. People have used operant conditioning to train pigeons to play piano numbers. We have the same responses. Don't expect instant results. Changing behavior is like exercise. You build up a little bit at a time.
  6. Yep, concrete is vegan. People also confuse "healthy" with "impossible to get from eating too much of", which they also do with "vegan". I had a neighbor who is a vegan RD. We were talking one day when a morbidly obese vegan musician in our community came up. It was her belief that he was a "chegan" ( cheating vegan" ) because while vegans can get fat vegan foods could not support weights as this guys. I told her I was shocked at her opinion since she was an intelligent RD. I told her that I as a calorie counter could find many calorie dense vegan foods that pack a lot of energy into tiny portions that look innocent to many people. I added that all it takes to put on an extra 20 lbs of fat a year is an extra 250 calories a day.........the equivalent of one serving of potato chips. Bags of chips from vending machines have 2, the big supermarket bags have 7 - 10. If I wanted to get morbidly obese on vegan food like this guy all I would have to do is eat a bag of chips a day, not exercise, and do that for 1-2 years to cross the obesity line. I really wish calorie counting didn't have a negative stigma. People have such medeval beliefs about food and energy because of that. One of them being the myth of the "slow metabolism". Most people don't have a slow metabolism that will keep them from comfortable losing weight.......they just literally have no idea how much energy they are truly taking in. All it takes is +- 250 calories a day to make a big difference by the end of the year and a major difference compounded over several years. It is like tracking your finances. Five dollars and ten bucks there doesn't look like much but once you write things down you see loads of opportunities to recover hundreds of dollars with only the smallest of saracfices. End of sermon!
  7. I think what that vegan RD did at Summerfest was very smart. By being very blunt to a large audience of veg*ns he got that point out, but since he was addressing an audience instead of an individual I don't think anyone was offended. He didn't dwell on the point either. He just said pretty much what you did. Facts are facts, but right or wrong people will judge you and veganism by how you look. Unless you look like a fitness buff don't go on to people about the health benefits of veganism.
  8. I was standing in line for a sandwich a few weeks ago. Behind me were two college guys talking about a really fat vegan guy they knew. I got the impression he was obese, not just carrying a few extra pounds like most of us do. They weren't mocking him with a vengence with the idea of dissing veganism, but they were having a laugh at his expense. One guy mentioned to the other that all he ever saw this guy eat was french fries and the guy half jokingly admitted it. The other friend replied back "yah, that makes sense, I thought all they ate were salads so I couldn't see why he looks so fat and greasy". Granted, this is off topic as the absent french fry vegan didn't sound like he was spouting off about health.
  9. I had that happen to me a few years ago in my dot.com. Some guy ( otherwise nice, interesting, etc ) was going off like a know-it-all about vegetarians, saying they were all fat. He was so morbidly obese he couldn't sit right because his stomach and his chins got in the way.
  10. What do "you all" think of veg*ns who are obviously not fit and who have an unhealthy appearance spouting off about how veg*sm is great for your health as well as weight control? A fact is a fact, no matter who speaks it. However, I have seen people do this and I have seen other people ridicule them behind their back later. I have also heard a few people conclude that the health and weight control argument for veg*sm is bunk because a heavy/way thin/unhealthy looking person spouted off abut the health benefits of veg*sm. A few years ago when I was heavy due to some injuries a coworker who was also a friend put the matter of me giving fitness advice beyond a certain point to me bluntly....in private. It really hurt, but I am glad I was told. A registered dietitian who speaks at Summerfest made a smilar point to a big audience he was talking to. He told the crowd that if you have an obvious weight or health issue you shouldn't go around talking about health and veg*sm as both you and veg*sm will be judged negatively. I'm on a non-veg*n web board where this vegetarian woman is always bragging how she is a health nut being into yoga, massage and have gotten several boyfriends to lose weight by convincing them to go vegetarian. She has posted pictures of herself and she is quite rotund. So what do all of you think about this kind of situation? My personal view is that it is wrong for people to judge people.....and advice this way....but, it seems to be a fact of life. IMHO unless someone is the picture of health they should stick to the other arguments for veg*sm when talking about it. Opinions?
  11. I only get gas when - I haven't eaten beans for a long time, then go back - I eat brown rice very close to bed time - I don't eat cruciferous vegetables for a long time then start again - Eat legumes and/or cruciferous vegetables several meals in a row without taking a break with an easy to digest meal ( soy food and/or pasta, bread etc )
  12. Your pictures on your web site look like you are pretty ripped when flexing, IMHO you don't have a problem with flab.
  13. Vegan Gas remedies: http://beforewisdom.com/blog/?p=180
  14. I remember when I discovered lentils in college. Tasteful and cheap.
  15. There is a true story about Grouch Marx back in the 40s. He was on a beach about to go into ocean when a lifeguard ran up to him and pointed to a sign that read "No Jews Allowed" Marx read, turned to the lifeguard, and asked "My son is only half Jewish, can he go in up to his waist? "
  16. I'm an American Native ( born here ). My heritage goes all of the way back to that African Australopithecus woman Lucy. Closer to this century I am euro-mutt. 50% Sicilian, 25% Hungarian, 25% Austrian-Czech.
  17. I'm an American Native ( born here ). My heritage goes all of the way back to that African Australopithecus woman Lucy. Closer to this century I am euro-mutt. 50% Sicilian, 25% Hungarian, 25% Austrian-Czech.
  18. That is really useful, thank you! I forwarded it to all of my friends
  19. It looks like you put weight on and all good weight, not easy to do! Congratulations.
  20. Is it about the same things as "The Secrect" and "Intention Manifestation"? In other words, if you believe you can do something and visualize it, your thoughts will change something in the universe to make it happen?
  21. You might find reading this article informative: Why The Scale Lies http://www.primusweb.com/fitnesspartner/library/weight/scale.htm In a word: water. It is impossible to assimilate 2-3 pounds worth of calories a day or burn off that much in a day. When you eat a big meal and gain a pound the next day you did not gain a pound of fat. Your body refilled its glycogen stores and glycogen is packed with a lot of water. Glycogen is the first energy source tapped. So, the next day when you eat light to compensate and get a work out, that glycogen and the water it was packed with is released. Miracle! You lost 1 pound in a day! Ignorance of the last paragraph is what sells so many BS diet books. Somebody eats a little bit less, loses 5 lbs of water weight in the first week of the program, they get religion, and declare the latest food cult "our natural diet". Oy. If you don't want to gain weight during the holidays take something of everything offered to you, but only take one helping and if that helping is big take a fraction of it. Most people stop tasting their food after the first few bites so you aren't losing any enjoyment or appreciation of the food by wolfing down large or multiple portions. At meals, take 1 plate worth of food......a level plate, don't make pile.....and don't go back for seconds. You main gain a pound or two, but nothing that will not clear up in a few days.
  22. Brenda Davis RD is my favorite vegan nutritionist. Aside from cowriting "Becoming Vegan" which has to be the best vegan nutrition book out there she cowrote the American Dietetic Associations Position Paper On Vegetarianism. Brenda Davis RD and other prominent vegan RDs have been coming out and telling vegans that it is a mistaken belief to believe that vegan diets are special in making vegans not needing the RDAs of any particular nutrient. They claim that is a myth. The US RDA for protein is .36g of protein per pound of body weight or 0.8g of protein per kilogram. That isn't a lot. You can get that eating beans and rice with one soy meal or a protein drink rounding things out.
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