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Everything posted by BodhiDave85

  1. I just need a big bubble with holes for my arms and legs.
  2. Has anybody succesfully got rid of stretch marks from either losing/gaining alot of weight or muscle? I have 3 strech marks around my waist/love handle areas on both sides of my body. These are red stretch marks that you can feel if you rub your hand across them, not the cool white ones from lifting. Its not all that serious, pretty sure surgery is not necessary. Suggestions...
  3. I didnt realize how much stuff I needed to start swimming, safely and comfortably. I was so naive I thought I could just jump right in and go. So far I bought 2 pairs of swimming shorts ($80), goggles ($25), swimming cap ($10), ear plugs ($15), sandals(to walk around in locker room - $25) and now I need to get special lotions. I've easily dropped $150 already so I can so swim laps for 2 hrs a week.
  4. Congratulation to Troy for making the front page!
  5. Well if it helps that much, I guess its not very good for training.
  6. Probably not. Why are you worried? I've just heard how its not the greatest of things for your skin. As someone who, like most of you here, prefers to eat as "pure" and "healthy" as possible, I also prefer that my body absorbs the most natural of elements. Maybe I'm a bit paranoid, but I really cant stand how dry my skin and hair get after swimming. Its not a big deal, but if there was something I could do to avoid it, i'd sleep better at night.
  7. Be creative, its not too hard to workout with weights! This is true and i would prefere an all bodyweight workout to weight because i am more comfortable with it, it does however leave me at a disadvantage in a competition because i cannot add as much muscle as quickly as those using weights. Maybe you arent doing the right workouts? Shoooot..give me a couple tires, a broom stick, jump rope, and some stairs and I bet the results would be no different than anything you could do at the gym...but I feel ya ...the gym is just so much more convienant!
  8. The other day I did 2 hours of swimming, upper body workout, and then went on a 5 mile jog( back to back to back) A guy in his car stopped to ask me if I was okay because I was flopping around so much. Surprisingly my legs were not the issue, my shoulders and chest just completely gave out. I'm sure I looked like pretty goofy.
  9. Be creative, its not too hard to workout with weights!
  10. Is there anything I can do to keep out the Chlorine?
  11. Hi, Glad to have another EastCoaster'r here!
  12. I always thought wetsuits keep your skin pretty dry.
  13. I was thinking of getting one for regular indoor lap swimming, to protect my skin from chlorine.
  14. If you are trying to preserve lean muscle, low intensity cardio is best. I was doing 2 hours of running a day and I was a "skinny fat" girl until my trainer ordered me not to run anymore and to do low intensity cardio. That is when my body changed dramatically and I started seeing muscle tone. When you saying running, do you mean jogging? Is jogging considered low intensity cardio?
  15. For the Swimmer... Are wetsuits vegan? Does anyone own a wetsuit that isnt vegan? Are there specialty vegan wetsuits that I can order online? Thanks
  16. You make some good points Gerard, but what I refuse to accept is anything has a natural purpose to kill another living thing. I think the food chain was the cause of some malfunction in nature, and that animals did what they had to do to survive, which has been passed down for thousands of years now. Ofcourse, I have no proof of that, but it's just a thought. I'm glad your dog is doing well, what breed is he?
  17. Hallmark/Westland Meat Packing Co. has been shut down permanantly! http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080224/us_nm/hallmark_westland_meat_dc;_ylt=Ak8DyL5Pp2YoCcOC2zNGtowDW7oF
  18. Yes I love PR. The character Fausto Bonadventure on the Madtv skit was hilariouss..."I'm gonna make this baby dope"
  19. Best Faux- Milk Product I have tasted.. Living Harvest Hempmilk Vanilla http://www.worldpantry.com/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/ProductDisplay?prmenbr=655972&prrfnbr=950031
  20. I was at a Korean supermarket today, and saw the Batata's...I bought two big ones. Haven't tried them yet, but I'll let you know how they are. Thanks for the reccomendation!
  21. Great Post DV! Everything you mentioned in your post is something we should all live by, as I do myself 100%. I find your insight objective, but I am a believer of herbs and cleansings as long as they are done in a combination of a healthy lifestyle. I do not need cleansings or herbs anymore in my life, but at one my point in my life i did, due to SERIOUS NEGLIGANCE of my body. I was as skeptical as anyone could be, but they worked, and they worked great! Daily use of the herbs helped with chronic conditions caused from obesity, and 8 colon cleansings helped me lose about 8-10lbs quick and further inspire me to keep on my regime. None of this would have mattered if I didnt stick to a "clean diet" and consume a ridiculous amount of water. I also fasted many times, included daily meditation/chanting, and yoga 3-4 tiimes a week. I'm sure everybody does the best they can, but we should not dismiss these options just because there are "better" ways.
  22. Prince Fielder becomes vegetarian, joining Tony Gonzalez as the second big athlete to make the conversion in the past weeks. Fielder, like Gonzalez are legitamte MLB and NFL players, he finished last season with a .288 average, .618 slugging percentage, a franchise-record 50 home runs, and 119 runs batted in. Are we seeing a trend among atheletes? Links http://www.jsonline.com/story/index.aspx?id=720531 http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/blog/mlb_experts/post/Prince-Fielder-is-on-an-all-sunflower-seed-diet?urn=mlb,67984
  23. That is a popular opinion. but it isn't a medical opinion.. Like you I am not a scientist, like you I am not a medical doctor and like you I am not a degreed health professional so I am not going to tell you that you are wrong. Weil is/was all of those things so I will run with his opinion rather than someone else's. I didn't claim that Weil wrote that herbs have a negative impact. I wrote that Weil claims that there isn't a need for people to do "detox" programs, let alone use special herbs, supplements or tools etc. I don't understand how any of those personal qualities invalidates his education, his research, or his professional opinions. Robert is currently smaller than he used to be. Does that mean he lost some knowledge on how to train as he shrunk? In my opinion, if someone knows the "answers" or any "truth" and does not practice them to the fullest extent then that person is not an acceptable source of information. Robert has proven himself many times, even when his shape fluctuates its still in obviously great form. His attitude is welcoming and sincere, and his intentions are honest. Weil on the other hand does not portray any of those. Action is ultimately more important than talk.
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