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Everything posted by ChaserHUN

  1. yeah, but food bars only really good dehydrated and stuck together that way, I know we need hydration, but sometime you need good food fast
  2. yeah but the 9 plates Excalibur costs 354 dollars here, my dad don't gets so much mony monthly , need to find a summer job, lol
  3. theres B12 in sea-weeds, lucern, and kombucha, I get B12 from kombucha
  4. http://www.thegardendiet.com/shannon.html just found him, his huge too
  5. is there dehydrators witch work with batteries too? if you go somewhere...you can never know.....
  6. I have an headache about this too, there's gonna be a lot of music festivals at summer, and I donno what to eat, theres nothing vegan on these festivals, maybe at the chrisnas, especially not raw food and the worst you can't bring in food inside the festivals you are forced to buy there, or go out to the city or eat where you want, ehh, lifes hard sometimes this way
  7. Dude my faces just melt off! cool song song, I like it very much, keep up the good work, what tuning are you in?
  8. Well thanks, but the real graduation will be in 2 years, but I'm glad it's over
  9. Just wanna ask, my left arm is a bit bigger than my right(I'm left handed), is this normal? because I don't see the difference on others
  10. I'm going to try out an everyday split to 2 program, red Alexanders article, start with light weights and built it up slowly
  11. I found it in an hungaryan online shop, but fuck, 354dollars?
  12. I'm thinking of buying one, because I need to bring some food with me to school, I thought it would be cool making some raw bars, what do you guys think?
  13. well I eat about 6 times a day, but 3 of these are fruits like snacks, I listen to my body too, I don't stuff more food in myself if I don't feel it, I eat when I'm hungry, I don't if I'm not
  14. Sometimes the beast inside awakens and wondering how would it taste again, but than it comes to my mind how shit I feel after eating it
  15. I have little-graduation (it's not 4 years of stuff just 2), wanna be over it
  16. Find the cat on the pic! http://img164.imageshack.us/img164/6351/cirm006ao0.jpg http://img164.imageshack.us/img164/6351/cirm006ao0.d08feba073.jpg
  17. yeah I spend lot of time online, but at least now I'm not playing lot of online games it's a progress, watch one of the South Park episodes, when theres no internet and they're going on a tour to search for some internet
  18. I didn't had problem with making kombucha it grows very fast. How do you falvour kombucha? I had the camera before, I was just lazy to use it look out with kombucha, if you let it grow to big the kombucha monster will get you! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMpbbZsRGz8 xD
  19. I've red that bananas and dried fruits take an hour 1, other fruits about 30-45 minutes edit: is palm oil raw?
  20. http://files.meetup.com/410532/Food%20Combining%20Chart.pdf like this
  21. maybe try food combining, it solved the problem for me
  22. He is right about listening to the body, I can't do this bulking things, if I eat more than I feel it, I feel like crap
  23. well the red/white, I found him in a car park and he was at our car, and meowed until we picked him up, now his 10 years old and still here, the other were born here from a female cat
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