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Everything posted by Richard

  1. Yo, the podcasts hopefully will return, I am up for doing them at any point, but Mark is reportedly busy. I know he still wants to do them, but he has had other things going on. So in the future we will do another project together, we have discussed podcasts, or perhaps episodic videos of some kind
  2. Been to the gym a few more times this week. It's been hard as it has been after work rather than on my days off. Still I got another PB on the upright cable row: 37.5kg x 10 Morrrre
  3. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs398.snc4/46120_458976774873_627929873_6225589_7089906_n.jpg
  4. Thanks so much everybody for your support! I just got ready for work and noticed in the mirror that, finally, there is some ab definition just below my ribs, without me flexing. That is awesome, but I have a long way to go to get what I want. Still it is a sign that I am doing okay. More photos will come soon
  5. I wasn't sure where to post this, maybe I shouldn't post anything, but I am so pissed off right now. I just read of this girl's death (in 1989) and it is probably the most heinous and evil thing I've ever heard of, and I've read a lot about violent crimes and serial killers. If you haven't heard of her, in a way I don't want you to read about it because it's so miserable - and if you are easily disturbed, you really should not read about it. But the killers are all free men today, and it's so screwed up it makes me sick, the sentences they received were bullshit. I can't believe this is the first time I've heard of it, I guess it is because it happened in another country. Stuff like this makes me think of two things: 1) This existence is total shit and there is no justice 2) I am at least glad that my life is on the brighter end of the spectrum of possibilities And I can't help feeling like those guys should die, and I don't mind saying so. In fact I can't believe nobody has killed them yet. Maybe that's just how I feel because this is news to me, but I think that after reflection I will feel the same, as I do about so many violent criminals of this nature. A similar murder took place in Britain not so long ago, but it didn't last 44 days, I think it lasted just a few hours. Still made me furious, but this is 44x worse.
  6. What the--? Are you in the right thread? Baby Herc Sorry, I was just screwing around, I just meant that I'd like to see some videos of it, as I missed the event
  7. Where are all the videos I was promised? I will DDT your family onto a bike
  8. To me it just depends what you mean by a word when you say it. If by "violence" you are talking about "physical damage", then it must be a physical thing, and thoughts are not the same (though they can lead to physical damage). Things can be described as "violent", but just in as much as they relate to it, not because they are causing physical damage. For instant, you can: move violently = move quickly violently disagree = strongly disagree watch violent imagery = watch imagery which depicts violence and so on, none of which are the same as physical damage being caused, the word just has different uses is all
  9. Hit the gym again today, only did one PB, was quite tired. But still was a good workout considering lateral shoulder raises 14kg x 9
  10. It is no surprise that people find it hard to watch animal cruelty, but it is consistent with veganism. You don't need to keep seeing this stuff and reminding yourself of it if you are a vegan. But if you are non-vegan, and you can't bring yourself to watch it, then you have to think carefully about why that is, and what you're going to do about it.
  11. I work at Hillside Animal Sanctuary, which can be quite physical, lifting bales of hay / straw, lifting buckets of feed / water and carrying them over distance, getting in and out of tractors, being on my feet pretty much all day. I get up at 6:00am in order to get to work for 7:30am, finish at 4:00pm, get home for about 5:00pm. I normally go to the gym about 8:00pm. Some days I have to do the early shift at the sanctuary, so I get up at 4:30am to start at 6:00am. On my days off I sometimes go to the gym twice
  12. H Dirk, welcome to the forum, good luck becoming more vegan, kick ass
  13. Hey, glad to have you here, any questions, just ask
  14. Yo, I think that sets and reps will be set by what your body can do, there is no point somebody saying "then do 20 pull-ups" if you can only do 15, if you see what I mean. Because it's bodyweight, you can't really do anything apart from just trying your hardest in each set (unless you struggle to do even a few on that exercise in which case you would need to take it easy in order to gradually build up muscle with repeated small sets, rather than just getting to failure then being unable to do any more sets). So, I'd say either break the body up and do a day of whatever, and do as many sets and reps as you possibly can, and then next workout day, do another body part. Or the alternative is to do your whole body in one day, then have rest day(s) until your next whole body workout again. Push yourself to your limit either way. I'd say only use numbers of reps / sets as a guide or target. Once you reach them, don't be satisfied, do more next time, and improve. bodyweight exercises that I can think of off the top of my head (all pretty obvious stuff): chest and triceps press up incline press up (feet on a chair etc) decline press up (hands on a step or chair etc) dips back and biceps pull ups chin ups bodyweight rows (not sure of real name for this, basically lay underneath something you can grab onto, and pull yourself up, with your feet on the ground. Basically an inverted press up) legs squats lunges calf raises side leg raises front leg raises abs/core crunches of all kinds I don't recommend sit ups, just crunches hanging leg/knee raises - if you have anything to hold onto for this, which could be awkward around the house other / fitness / cardio burpee (press up, get up, jump up with arms straight up, crouch down, legs back, press up etc) jumping jack running up and down stairs jogger / trampoline martial arts / shadow boxing / punch bag jump rope
  15. Great, share some photos if you have any! Never mind all that pretentious bollocks
  16. Didn't go to the gym on Friday like I had planned, because at work I had to move a stack of hay from one barn to another, which took about 2 hours, then during the day we had 3 deliveries of straw which come on a massive trailer and I had to help unload those through the day. So I was wiped out already and my shoulders ached. Hopefully will go today or tomorrow, feeling good!
  17. From what you've said, I'd say perhaps you are training too frequently. If you're worried about overlap, then doing full-body workouts will get rid of that, since you can't overlap when you do that, you either have a training day, or a rest day, so it's simpler. Right now I am only eating 60-100g of protein a day, and I weigh around 12 stone, and I am seeing gains.
  18. Yo, not sure if I can help or not, and you probably follow some of these things anyway, but these are a few suggestions off the top of my head: - Eat protein as soon as you can after doing weight training - Eat enough protein through the day, but you'll get different feedback on how much that should be - When lifting weights, set a number of reps that will be your maximum, and as soon as you are able to lift that weight that many times, put the weight up so that you can't do that many, and keep going like that to get up the weights. Try not to get stuck with just one weight doing the same amount of reps each time - Try cutting down the number of days you workout each week to give your body time to recover, if you are feeling an ache in your body, don't work that part of your body - Experiment in changing the order of exercises in the gym, as well as type of exercise, and different approaches to sets (breakdowns, super sets, negatives and so on, things that shock your body and present new challenges) - Consider doing "high intensity" workouts, where you hit your whole body each time you go the gym, doing only 1 set per exercise. This allows you to put your full energy into each exercise rather than starting off strong, then getting weaker and more fatigued as you go along, thus you can't lift as much by the end. High intensity workouts are quicker and you could very well lift more weight because of it (it has been working for me) - Don't do cardio before lifting weights, and consider cutting down on cardio if you want to put on weight (you don't need to do a lot of cardio if your goal is not weight loss) Hope these might spark some ideas!
  19. Hah, awesome. Today at work we had to move a pig crush, which is a large heavy metal frame. The other two dudes I was working with had tried to lift it together (it has 2 handles on the front to move it), but they had to keep stopping to rest (even though they were both lifting it). So I picked it up on my own and moved it, and one of them said "No, don't lift it on your own" and I said "why not?" and they said "Because it's so heavy" and I said "I'm built for this son" and moved it as far as it needed to go. That felt like sex!
  20. Alright, hit the gym once again, and got a little further with those exercises. Strange that my lat pulldown isn't coming along that much, maybe I just don't put enough effort into it. new PBs: Upright cable row 35kg x 8 Incline dumbbell bench press 28kg x 11 (struggled, but got there) lateral shoulder raise 14kg x 6 Hit the rest of my body too, feels good. I am now considering changing my training style to a less power driven scheme, because my main goal is to lose fat, and while I am getting stronger, I wonder if this is the best way to lose the fat. Probably would still do pretty much the same, but lower the weight a little bit so I can get several sets out after I do the first round. Not sure, may think about it
  21. Groovy, welcome to the forum Progress pictures are always welcomed!
  22. Fission, I think you'd be set if you said that girls usually don't have the same interests as you, which I'm sure is what you meant. I assume Jennie was getting at the fact that the way you phrased it was as though there are no girls with the same interests as you, which would be unlikely!
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