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Cold Fission

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Everything posted by Cold Fission

  1. Who cares about what other people are doing. Be yourself. ps.veganazis are my blood brothers.
  2. Just order it off this site. I did and i live in Australia. Maybe 1 of the Euro members can order an extra 1 and then send it to you lol
  3. Don't buy him animal products. It's for his own good.And you even cook for him?LOL He eats what you eat or he eats nothing!
  4. This is the first time i have seen photos of you except for your avatar and 1 with Robert at a store or something. Your inspiration so much man.You look better than you did in the first set of photos. Keep up a journal everyday and if you miss a day i will troll you lol
  5. I trained last night but i'm still sick lol I couldn't wait any more than a week so i lifted but kept it as the same weight as the last leg, bicep and abs training last time. Should be 100% by the weekend. I'll just practice muay thai today to keep my technique getting better. I really want to try some 1 rep max lifts soon.
  6. I checked her out and you were not lying!She is hot!!!!!
  7. I still lift if i don't get much sleep the night before. Just try not to lose sleep too often.That's the best time your body has to recover(grow).
  8. I don't understand why they would do that lol
  9. And here is 1 he made 5 days ago. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ODnndNlrFQ haters gon hate lol at that lady in your video trying to edit her videos like he does.
  10. its madness to eat animal products all together. but people act is if its taking it too far to refuse them. weak convictions.no honor. and jc, i am raging at what you wrote but will not flame you because its pointless because you've made up your mind and have become 1 of the people i didn't think existed.
  11. I have none but will most probably get some 1 day.I have no tattoos yet. vegan 4 life
  12. Sometimes I also eat stuff with trace amounts of whey, eggs or other animal products in it - does that make me a vegetarian? I just don't see any point in obsessing over such miniscule things. Those ingredients are simply by-products of animal agriculture which would go away together with the industry. As I see it, trying to avoiding such ingredients 100% of the time doesn't do anything to change the situation, so I don't bother. Besides, as I've mentioned above, it is, after all, impossible. We would even have to give up books as they're usually bound with animal-derived glue. You can't make perfect decisions in an imperfect world. To me, veganism isn't about purity or following rigid rules, but, rather, about minimizing animal abuse. And there's more to it than just doing this and not doing that. Riding on a leather seat is pretty lame, though Refusing animal products all together is the way to get companies to only make vegan options. And i would not eat a product of torture. Take more pride in yourselves and you beliefs.
  13. No he didn't! I'm a member of his forum and he doesn't diss vegans. He's a vegetarian and will be 1 forever.Maybe vegan but he says he doesn't see the reasoning behind not eating something with a little bit of milk or honey in it.I do though.SLAVERY TORTURE!
  14. I hadn't seen that video yet and i've seen about 50 of his videos. That 1 is the best.
  15. Everyone should just get a blood test every now and then and see what they need to balance better. I haven't had 1 yet but i will look into it.
  16. LOL i won't eat any animal products whoever gives them to me. Like drugs.I'm not going to take them because everyone else is.
  17. Davey vegan straight edge Hunter vegan Jade vegetarian straight edge Adam vegetarian http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SulKPvLiwkE
  18. I think he has me in the deadlift lol i haven't tried a maximum for that. i own him in the bench and military press though.fuck yeah
  19. I used to go for months with them but now i don't even bother or i just say i would murder them in a brutal way. they never change.
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