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Everything posted by MontanaVegan

  1. It was most likely Dr. Fuhrman's book. Eat To Live Very good book
  2. I thought you would be more of a vega bar crust with vega powder mixed thick for the filling. Topped with vega bar crumbles.
  3. It is true that cholesterol is only found in animal products. If the product contains cholesterol, then it is't vegan. Check the ingredients also. Even if there is no cholesterol, there could be animal products. Soy cheese got me a few times, no cholesterol, but it had casein. We have some Non-Dairy Creamer at work. Cholesterol: 0mg The last line of ingredients says (in bold) CONTAINS: MILK How can they call this non-dairy?
  4. Friday - Sept 22nd Waist, Abs, Legs Saturday - Sept 23rd Back, Bicep, Forearms Sunday - Sept 24th Bench, Shoulders, Triceps I haven't been able to complete the reps on the EAS Bench Program the last 2 workouts. So I'll go back to my old workout for 3 weeks and then restart the program. A little change is good. Added 15 pounds to my 1RM in 4 weeks, just like the first time I did the program.
  5. This one should work without the last dot http://www.dogsdeservebetter.org/doogie.html Sounds like the Chief is a 'freakin idiot' 'incompetent' criminal He's the one that needs a slug in his @$$ He needs to lose his job if that is what he said.
  6. Friday - Sept, 15 Bench Press, no time for shoulders or triceps this morning, maybe this evening. I got 225 back up again this morning. It was very difficult. Next I decided to try 230. It came down easy - it always does, but didn't want to go back up. I'll get 230 next week
  7. Feel free How did you type the "ö" on an American keyboard? I used copy and paste. Was the German correct?
  8. Please no. Animated avatars and sigs can be very annoying. All the blinking and motion are really distracting. They also make page load times very long for non broadband users. 3 animated avatar pictures and one sig have already put this thread over 2 MegaBytes That's an eternity on 56K Can you imagine 15 animated avatars and 15 animated sigs per page?
  9. Hi Dan, welcome to VBB&F You came to a great place to prove that stereotype wrong. So many strong healthy vegans here.
  10. I think that the 2005 World Bodybuilding Champion is also vegan.
  11. I'm using a program from EAS.com An average gain is 25 pounds in a 7 week program. In the last 4 weeks I've raised my 1 RM by 15 pounds.
  12. Thanks Mr Potter. On or before May 7, 2007 I'll post another milestone. 3 plates at each end of the bar.
  13. Hi Keely, welcome to VBB&F Tell him to start trying to build muscles, he will prove himself wrong. If he is eating a healthy whole food vegan diet, he will build muscles. Meat does have all the essential amino acids required to build muscle. But so does nearly every vegetable, grain, legume and even fruit. Some might be slightly lacking in an essential amino acid. But there are 8 essential amino acids, and not all plants are lacking the same one. What might be lacking in one is abundand in many others. If you get enough calories to survive, you will get enough protein.
  14. Thanks Crystal and Robert. After thinking about it, maybe 90 pounds in 8 months isn't out of reach. This program has me scheduled for 235 by the end of September. That will leave 30 weeks and 80 pounds until May 7 EAS doesn't recommend running this program back to back. They recommend at least 3 weeks lifting no more than 80% of 1RM. 3 intense weeks at 80% might raise my 1RM. I should be able to squeeze in 3 more cycles of the EAS program. It's a little funny how goals can change. Not long ago I said that I would be happy when I hit 225. Now that I'm there, and can see 315, that's where I want to be.
  15. I'm very happy this morning, I got 2 new PB on my bench press. About 4 weeks ago I restarted the EAS Bench Press Training Program On August 12th, my 1 RepMax was 210 August 22nd I got 215 pounds up. This morning, Sept 9th, 220 went up, not very easily though. A couple minutes later 225 went up VERY slowly. I got it back up to the rack and there's no time limit, so it counts. My goal was (2) 45 pound plates on each end of my Olympic bar by Sept 30th. My next goal is (3) 45 pound plates by my anniversary day here at VBB.com: May 7 90 pounds in 8 months is unrealistic, so let's see how close I can get.
  16. Saturday - Sept, 9 Big milestone for me today on the bench. I got 2 new personal bests. 220 was my first new PB. Followed a couple minutes later by 225 225 is 2x45 on each end of the bar. My goal was 225 by the end of Sept, got there 3 weeks early. http://www.huetheronline.org/vbb/bench.jpg
  17. Welcome Ryan. You are correct, this is the best site.
  18. Monday - Sept, 04 Abs, Waist, Legs day Tuesday - Sept, 05 Back, Bicep, Forearms Wednesday - Sept 6 My second failure test on the EAS Bench Press Program I did 195x4 on the final set. Last week was 190x4 A week before that I did 185x4 Small improvements, but at least improvements. 1 tiny step closer to 225
  19. There are some people here that have big muscles Not Arnold size, but the envy of most people.
  20. Bill Pearl won Mr. Universe as a lacto-ovo vegetarain in 1971. He quit using steroid 10 years earlier. I'm not sure when he went vegetarian. I wouldn't give credit to Arnold's success to meat. Hard work and genetics were a major part. A few performance enhancing ingredients probably also had a part. I'm sure with a properly planned vegan diet Arnold could have been just as big. Most vegan bodybuilders are natural bodybuilders. They will never get as big as guys like Arnold. Does that makes soy a better bodybuilding food than beef?
  21. I agree that meat, and maybe even to a greater degree dairy, is good muscle building food. I've wondered how much of it is from the natural flesh or the unnatural stuff we pump into our animals. Milk is designed to grow a baby cow very fast, so even organic dairy probably grows human muscle faster. But eating meat and milk causes so many health problems. And suffering. I don't have any personal experiences of lifting while eating meat. I started lifting after I started eating vegan. I've had steady improvements since I started. You are right, Veggies do need to eat a LOT. 3 pounds of broccoli has only a few more calories than 1/4 pound of beef Legumes and grains have closer calorie and protein characteristics to meat. I began eating a vegan diet for personal health. But I am glad that the animals and environment benefit from my new lifestyle
  22. Was your post intended to just stir up the vegans? Kind of like poking the sleeping grizzly bear, "let's see what he does" If not: Dr. Ornish and Dr. Esselstyn - heartattackproof.com - are famous for reversing heart disease with vegan diets. No meat based diet has ever stopped or reversed heart disease. A vegan diet is the only cure for heart disease. Drugs and surgery aren't cures even if they can extent a life. Nobody needs meat. Not even diabetics The Standard American Diet is usually the cause of diabetes. Most people blame the carbs, so they think meat, which is carbless, is the answer. More than 50% of the calories consumed in the USA are refined carbs. Refined carbs = garbage. Only 7% of the calories consumed in the USA are from whole plant foods. A whole food vegan diet can cure diabetes. A junkfood vegan diet, probably won't help much. It may not be too health dangerous to eat meat once in a while. But it's definitely not vegan. Our bodies can take an incredible amount of abuse and still survive.
  23. I would call Portland BIG, but I live in Montana. The Portland metro area has more than twice the people than the entire state of Montana. Montana is a big state. I would like to someday move out there. My brother lives across the river in Vancouver. Even if I don't move there I will have to visit soon.
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