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Everything posted by chrisjs

  1. Welcome and congrats on the weight loss. I'd recommend you pick up a copy of Starting Strength by Rippetoe and Kilgore. When looking for a gym make sure they have a good barbell area including a squat rack or --better-- a power rack.
  2. Are you first talking about behind the neck, then in front of the neck? Having my palms face my head for an overhead press sure doesn't feel natural.
  3. The vibrams are intended for running.
  4. Discovered this through Martin Berkhan's twitter feed. A recent study compared casein, soy, and whey protein, finding soy best for increasing energy expenditure and whey best for fat oxidation.
  5. My lifting buddy was told he couldn't wear his vibrams into the weight room. According to the director, the people who work there are too stupid to know the different between them and aquasocks, and aquasocks are a no-no.
  6. I can't say specifically on that one, but it's normal for straight amino acids to taste awful, usually very bitter.
  7. Take a look here: http://www.exrx.net/Testing/WeightLifting/BenchStandards.html It's in pounds and those are one-rep maxes.
  8. You're not trying to educate anyone about the inherent racism of the US justice system, you're just trying to point out every little fault in it as if that will somehow exonerate you. My point about the racial makeup on those incarcerated being irrelevant is because it's significantly more complicated than that. Comparing to the general population assumes that every racial group commits crimes equally, which is ridiculous. Blacks don't commit crimes because they're black. Latinos don't commit crimes because they're Latino. Whites don't commit crimes because they're white. And so on. There might be a correlation between race, poverty, arrests, and conviction, but trying to boil it down to the system is unjust because "America imprisons more blacks than apartheid South Africa" is missing quite a bit. I still don't see what it has to do with you getting caught transporting a shit-ton of illegal substance, regardless of whether or not I agree with it being illegal. You still haven't answered how much you were transporting or why you think the search was illegal.
  9. I don't see how this is significant. While I'm sure racism's still pervasive there as it is here the apartheid ended sixteen years ago, the ethnic makeup of those incarcerated isn't itself significant, and, oh, you're not black. But hey white guy going to jail, by your logic, thanks for making the system less racist. Sorry...I support you over the whole marijuana thing, but now you're just being obnoxious.
  10. chrisjs


    Sorry for your loss, but welcome to the board!
  11. And a very generic welcome to you!
  12. Most of our cops are fine people who truly believe they are doing a good public service, though they can get a bit high on power. There are unfortunately some bad ones and there seems to be zero interest in cleaning them out. The whole "you're either with us or against us" thing is pervasive in the US.
  13. How long have you had them? I tried a pair of macbeths a while ago and after three weeks the sides completely ripped apart.
  14. I don't think there's anything wrong with adults choosing to use marijuana. I have no interest in it myself, but I also don't see the point in spending any resources investigating, prosecuting, and incarcerating over it. It doesn't seem any more harmful than tobacco or alcohol and those are legal. That's all I meant. I wasn't referring to the supposed illegal search, etc.
  15. Sorry to hear about your situation. Definitely one of the cases where ethics and the law don't quite match up. Hang in there.
  16. I don't know Boston but I've always found HappiCow to be useful when traveling: http://www.happycow.net/north_america/usa/massachusetts/boston/
  17. vegimator, have you tried it? Does it have that same "ass" flavor that the berry Vega has? The Vanilla Chai flavor is the only good (actually great) flavor IMO.
  18. Well, recommended daily allowance/adequate intake is different from tolerable upper intake level. For most of those vitamins and minerals, toxicity is well above 100% RDA. The Vega label does have a warning about iron poisoning. But I don't use Vega. I have better things to waste my money on.
  19. Hmm interesting. This is a new theory about yawning so maybe more research will be coming up. I was curious if maybe it was related to always feeling warm or cold, but we're opposite in that regard.
  20. I yawn a lot too. It's apparently a mechanism to cool the brain and increase concentration. I'm curious, are you kind of person who's always hot compared to other people in the room? I'm always wearing short sleeve shirts and can't normally stand layers of clothes because I get too hot.
  21. TrueProtein now carries some Ajinomoto amino acids. BCAAs start at $19.99/lb and Leucine is $16.49/lb in smaller quantities.
  22. I remember reading elsewhere here that there's a theory that heme iron is always absorbed into the blood stream, posing a toxicity risk, whereas the body can regulate non-heme iron absorption and only take in what is needed. As far as I know, all these studies about absorption just supplement xx grams and then record blood levels, they don't take into account what the body actually needs. But I haven't found any good evidence to support this idea. Has anyone else heard of it?
  23. Honestly I had a bit of trouble seeing exactly what you're talking about, but after looking at pictures of people with more extreme versions of this, I do see it... it's really not that noticeable, at least in the pictures. I have to echo what some others have said, you mostly just look scrawny as hell. Work on bulking that up, man. Worry about what you have control over.
  24. The cheddar is tastier than the mozzarella, but both are good. Daiya is definitely melts better and has a better texture than Vegan Gourmet... the flavor is better too I bet it you went back and tried the VG right now you'd taste a funk in it you hadn't noticed before.
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