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Everything posted by chrisjs

  1. Take-out chinese makes me feel like crap as well, but I don't think it's the MSG. Most places in the US don't use MSG anymore because of some crazy news stories about it being harmful years ago. But if you don't have an intolerance for it, MSG is fine. It pops up a lot in spanish spice mixes around here. I bet it's the high amounts of soybean oil and salt, but not specifically MSG.
  2. I happen to enjoy how easily my iron plates slide onto the sides of my 2" steel bar. I assumed when you mentioned mountain bike that you were on a mountain, if you're just riding around a mostly flat path I can see how wind resistance could be noticeable. Anyway if these fancy bikes and tight clothes make riding more enjoyable for them, great. I'd rather have a nice 10 mile ride than struggle through 5 miles, all else equal.
  3. I would really be surprised if it makes that much of a difference in effort. That CF bike might be 10 lbs lighter than an aluminum one, but the riders you're describing are 50 lbs heavier than you. Even the wind resistance is only a small part of the puzzle, I'd imagine that mostly affects you going fast or downhill, but most of the energy spent is fighting gravity. You can minimize the small sources of resistance but no (unpowered) technology is going to help you fight gravity. I bet what you have here are people who know they need to lose weight but won't stick to anything. This year they run out and buy expensive bikes and clothing, they probably have a $1000 treadmill from last year currently serving as a clothes rack because their closets are stuffed with three or four of those abs crunch contraptions. Do you really see them effortlessly riding for a while? I'd think they're just taking frequent breaks or aren't actually out for that long overall.
  4. Well I was wrong, I'm tolerating the HCL form just fine. Cubby, have you run into any good info on Forskolin or ALCAR?
  5. Don't get me wrong, I'd like to have more options. I just didn't get that from his post. TP has definitely been good at bringing more affordable vegan proteins to the market, but the whole sky-is-falling on cheap whey hysteria has been going on for a few years now. Waiting for it to happen...
  6. Yeah there's quite a few frequent posters who have completely disappeared in the past few months. I guess that's partly just the nature of any forum, but it does feel especially dead around here recently. I find Facebook good for keeping in touch with people I know, but I'm not one to go friending hundreds of people who I've never met simply because they share some group with me. I still find the message board / forum format better for discussing distinct topics with people who I don't necessarily know well.
  7. First off, Eric Markus is a total douchebag. I don't see why he's *so* offended that Andrews got a positive impression from his tour of some cattle ranch where the animals were treated well, yet Markus is the first person to be celebrating when some megacorporation switches to cage-free eggs. He's the friggin' definition of an animal welfarist (vs. an abolitionist) so there's NO reason for him to say anything with regard to this article. That said, I don't think he's off-base, he's just in absolutely no position to criticize a welfarist position. I think Andrews had some good objective points about what the animals are fed and all, which is of interested if you accept that other people do eat them... which he kind of has to as he works for PN. But it's still all bull. I'm amazed how he seemed to buy into the whole story at the farm and summarized that animal agriculture is like that in general. Andrews has been walking a fine line for a while, trying to gently push people who are interested in health but eat animal products into a more plant-based way of life. To do that without seeming too offensive and pushing them away in the process I think you have to swallow a lot of bullshit and this time I think he choked on it. Hardcore. But in the end I don't see how this in-fighting is productive. I think he's wrong, I think he should be corrected, but this is hardly something to deploy the troops over. It really doesn't matter if this has been quoted in some animal ag industry journals, people don't read those when standing in line at mcdonalds.
  8. My point was suggesting avocado then saying the diet's already high in fat. lol.
  9. Does it have to taste good? If so, you're screwed.
  10. Meh. Optimal ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 is probably somewhere around 2:1, walnuts are 4.5:1 which, while better than most things, doesn't really help balance your overall w6:w3 intake. I'd look into flaxseeds, flax oil, or chia seeds. Of course you can't go too crazy there since flax is high in cyanide.
  11. Blending pea with a bunch of whey and egg doesn't really seem like progress. I'm not reading anything in there suggesting there will be more vegan proteins in the future. But that's ok, I'm quite happy with my pea/rice blend.
  12. I think organic ketchup tastes better, but that's probably because it uses sucrose instead of hfcs.
  13. I'm sorry to hear about your dog. You did the right thing. Any nervousness and discomfort he had during the procedure pales in comparison to the pain he'd continue being in until he otherwise would have passed away on his own. I lost one of my cats about two years ago. After an operation to remove a toy she swallowed and two weeks of feeding through a tube, she started to recover but ended up with a septic infection from the tube removal. After less than two days of being in an oxygen chamber and being dosed with antibiotics, she was having more and more trouble breathing and eventually went into arrest and wasn't able to be brought back. As hard as it was to lose her, looking back I wish I could have known it wouldn't have worked at the beginning and been able to avoid putting her through all that suffering. In your case it's clear his life would have been full of pain going forward. Putting him to sleep was the right choice. It'll get easier with time and in knowing you did the right thing. I feel like I'm mostly OK now with what happened with my kitty, but I'm getting myself upset now just typing about her.
  14. I don't see how you can possibly be eating all day long and are really full on 800 calories. Please post what you're eating.
  15. Breads and pastas are extremely low in protein, and the protein they do have isn't very good. You need to incorporate more protein-rich foods like legumes into your diet and cut out all the processed carbs. Your abs showing are almost entirely a function of bodyfat, not pushups and curls. There's plenty of good information around here. I recommend you start reading some of the stickies and look at some others' plans. Pasta, orange juice, and chocolate aren't what you need.
  16. I think it's overpriced and relatively low in protein. If you're going to supplement with a protein powder there are better options such as pea, soy, and rice. Omega 6 and 9 are hardly things worth worrying about. You can get more than enough omega-3 with a little bit of flax or canola oil. Omega 6 is in almost everything and the body can produce enough omega 9 from the other unsaturates.
  17. Glad to hear this other type of IF is working for you. One of my favorite aspects of the one I'm doing is not having to bother with food during the day, then at night I can pretty much eat as much as I want. I'm still eating under maintenance most days (I'm not strictly tracking it) but I do think it'll be a challenge when I go back to eating more. I find it hard to stick with it on weekend when I'm home and preparing food for my daughter. Somehow a stray pasta noodle always makes it into my mouth then it's all over.
  18. I think there's some validity to the criticism of conventional foods, but I think it's seriously overblown. Nutritionally they are similar as far as I'm concerned, it's the residual pesticides that are more the issue. I don't understand how it's better for food security though. Traditional farming produces more food per acre and allows food to be grown in regions where it wouldn't otherwise grow.
  19. It's fairly low in lysine. PDCAAS is 0.25. Profile should be similar to wheat flour as gluten makes up about 80% of wheat protein: http://www.nutritiondata.com/facts/cereal-grains-and-pasta/9265/2
  20. Martin Berkhan thinks that 12-18 hours into a fast is optimal for fat burning http://leangains.blogspot.com/2010/06/intermittent-fasting-and-stubborn-body.html But with all this stuff, "optimal" doesn't consider that people have schedules. Better to do it outside that window than not at all.
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