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Lean and Green

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Everything posted by Lean and Green

  1. Hey Estevan Snowboarding FTW! a Plant based if definitely the right way to go. Welcome and nice to connect with you
  2. Kyle with the right motivation (which you have) and the right dedication (which you're doing), you'll be on your way to be living proof that vegans have an edge when it comes to fitness. I am thrilled to know more and it will be exciting to read your posts along the way. Thanks for giving a shout out and sharing. Welcome to a tight knit family of cool like minded peeps. Hope you enjoy your time here
  3. Thank you Vegan Joe and hsorlando. Early New Year's Resolution Progress So here is what happened to me after the two competitions in April 2009 (new pics of starting all over will be posted in the 2011 photos thread and my own of course). I had dedicated 3 months of intense 5+ hours and 2+ workouts a day every single day from Jan09-Apr09 to be contest ready for VeganBrothersInIron. I needed to. Without that effort, it would not have been possible to have a presence considering the condition I was in before we started on a spontaneous idea. It went awesome! I had a blast and many things changed in my life for the better. Unfortunately... My life balance was suffering greatly b/c it was all one sided on the documentary. A character strength and also flaw of mine is to have a one track mind. Sigh. My relationship with dani took a huge backseat and my career was non existent (aka I had no money and 'thendanisays' had been paying for everything). Well, that needed to change. I found a lucrative position and worked my tail off 66+ hours a week. Not to mention to hours put into www.veganproteins.com on top of this to continue fundraising efforts and grow the site. I also had to mend my relationship. These things all took time... all of my time. I went on the fast track to being completely absent from the gym and exercise. One day turned into a week to a month and more than a year. I couldn't get back onto a program. May 2009 - Dec 2009.. 17 workouts total. Jan 2010 - November 2010.. 20 workouts total There was no consistency of pattern developing other than me trying and failing over and over. Well, I decided to take a less demanding job in August, the time and effort but into a loving relationship has since grown a foundation of trust and understanding and I made myself an early New Year's Resolution. My gut told me that this time, I was going to make it and I did!! Goal 3 workouts a week consistently. Do this for a month and then we'll talk body. Then we can set up a program, more goals and get on track as a whole. The delicate balance is going strong and I am growing stronger. 17 workouts in December 2010!!!!!! I did it! 4+ workouts a week surpassing my goal by 5 workouts this month. Fantastic. This shows me that I am here to stay and therefore I will be on vbbf more too b/c quite frankly, I miss everyone and this positive environment sooo much! I hope that I budget enough time to post everyday like the good ole times. For sure, i'll be around with at least a journal and some other posts. Here's to the early new year's resolution being successful and carrying over right into 2010 with a bang! Highlight of today's workout: Deadlifts 205x10, 245x10, 265x10. still got it... somewhat
  4. Oh my how the time has flown without a consistent training or diet regimen. I promised myself an early new years resolution and I am sticking to my guns. Caring for our landlords dog who we raised $ for a succefful surgery. She needs round the clock care so no training for another week or so unfortunately.. Before the end of November I will be on track! On a side note, I had a 2 week consistent routine gojng and counting and then my roomate got psychotic and belligerent. She has now since moved out (not dani, my love). It's been an extremely challenging year and I am happy to get through it on a high note once I get the opportunity to. It's not a matter of if only a matter of when. Stay posted, I hope to be much more active on VBBF also... I hope :fingers crossed:
  5. Some intense cross fit and way to pack in some good calories!
  6. You have come to the right place for sure! I am not as active as I used to be (on the forum and in training/nutrition). Should be changing soon so look forward to checking out your posts! Good luck on the best time possible for the Marine Corps Marathon. With a vegan mainly unprocessed diet, you will be giving it the best effort possible Raw Foods with strong body and mind can be done. I've been there (bodybuilding / competition) and there are many others as well; several are on this very forum! Welcome and hope you enjoy the threads. If you start a fitness log, it would be a good way to get feedback as well as to support and motivate others like me
  7. Shalon! Welcome to the forum I am sure you will find this and informative and friendly place./ Hope to see you around. You sound very passionate about the website design and creation. That is a fantastic idea that will be awesome for showing others nearby about Veganism and Bodybuilding.
  8. only processed/synthietic thing i'm a fan of (creatine) mainly for it's effectiveness. Eat Eat Eat, Train Hard, be persistent and consistent. Sorry I can say more, gotta run. I did want to welcome you to the forum though, HIYA!
  9. Sounds like you want sprouts and nuts mainly and perhaps some spirulina or whatever else is most suitable for a wholly unprocessed lifestyle Welcome to the forum, anything can be accomplised on a Vegan Diet and then some, even a RAW one See you around.
  10. YB. We're trying! I'll hit you up in a week after my parents fly back and we can brainstorm about this effectively and together.
  11. My roomate and dear vegan friend is from Louisiana Can't wait to tell here tomorrow about yet another cool vegan from around her ways. Look forward to meeting you as well. Welcome to the forum and will be great to connect on the threads
  12. Looking into 24hr instead of local gym that is no longer local. Pretty cool gym partner once I start,racquetball partner also. Thendanisays will be my nutrition buddy, Y.E.A. B.U.D.D.Y. only so long i can just talk the talk; stay tuned. I'll be out here shortly getting good ole muscle memory in check. How else can I catch up to Tuc's maddening avatar?!?!!??
  13. @JasonX, thanks brother. Totally looking to this place to be a haven for positivity and forward momentum with sufficient resistance training and regimented healthier eating habits. @ veganessentials: need to get consistent with the shoulder horn and consistency! Great to hear from you too, ah it's good to be back
  14. Skipping rope is alot of fun and way more intense then it looks. Great way to train your heart and get fit super quick! Capoeira is prob alot of fun too, never tried, know a little bit about it. Nice to see all your training; keep at it!
  15. Check you out! You look fantastic. Too bad I couldn't make it out to see you at ARC. Way to represent though!!
  16. Fell of the face of the map, looking to come back to the boards though! Looking to get back into training, a wholly unprocessed diet, the works. Looking for the support of others, to catch up with old friends, make new ones, hang out on VBBF. Miss you all alot. Been way to long for a lil' forum in my life. Well, hope to spend some more time here consistently going forward and to also reignite my log and efforts. yay!
  17. Hey, welcome to the forum! I haven't been around for awhile but i'll always come back. I'm sure you'll find VBBF as welcoming. Plenty of nutrition sharing and cool peeps. Glad to see you here
  18. NicholasV, welcome to the forum. Tons of resources and don't be afraid to ask questions that have already been answered in the past. Plenty of support to go around. I am sorry for your loss. Vegetarian/Veganism is a great way to go. You're right, jumping into a diet without knowing your options for consumption can be limiting and confusing. You can surely get all that weight back and them some on plant based nutrition. Whole grains, nuts, seeds, protein isolates (the majority are vegan, they're just not marketed as heavily as whey) and then some. Less processed more unprocessed and adequate caloric intake. Resistance training to keep the mind and body healthy. I look forward to seeing you around my friend @Ducati; thanks for the Nellie Mckay link bc now I know she'll be nearby next month. Missed her last time she was out here
  19. first, welcome to the forum! Alas I don't spend as much time as I used to here but that can hopefully change soon! I check in from time to time to say hello, welcome, catch up, post a journal (if i'm training). Anyhow, your vid was awesome. I was impressed with your core/stability exercise at around 4:30ish. Seems like a very cool, challenging and productive movement. The editing on the video was fantastic as well. Getting back to your routing, form was great and you seem to really enjoy what you're doing which will ensure that you get the most out of it. That mailman better watch out though! Oh yea and your upper body has really improved alot from the bf pics see ya around.
  20. hey all, Been incognito and inactive and not necessarily back to raw or training yet. Still teetering on going head first into it. Actually got the the gym today, FINALLY. I think I can do it. All I need is the final push of will amidst all the crap that's been going on in my life. Still much more to tackle (trying to get a mortgage and then affording it specifically) but I think it's happening shortly. Last workout was a month ago. Today felt good. It felt GREAT. I still need my month of consistent attendance in the weight room and then I can resume a normal bbing hardcore. I'll keep all posted. If i'm training, i'll be posting regularly. Fingers crossed to stay committed stat as in now!
  21. It's been forever since I logged on and thendanisays said this thread must be viewed. Skepticism is a good thing or you can wind up becoming a lemming. As for medman, definitely appreciate your wit and dialogue
  22. ditto! plant based dieting will definitely help to maxmize raw strength Hope you continue to enjoy to forum!
  23. wow that's so amazing, my arm hairs are raised just thinking about how excited and pumped you must have been. I need to fix my shoulder too. Perhaps all the months i didn't train gave it some time to heal?
  24. ed's the man. I hope your foot feels better or how else are we going to cycle? Are you cool with cycling in the rain or when it's cold??
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