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Everything posted by tuc

  1. Good work lifting well above double your body weight! I'd try to use legs even more so that you wouldn't have to work so hard with your back. It's hard, I've been trying to do that for a while now...
  2. tuc


    Welcome! Wow, that avatar kicks ass! Great pecs! Your workouts seem to be good (but I'd train more legs, butt and back ), and diet very healthy. Seems to be working well! Looking forward to see more pics! Have fun here!
  3. Welcome, Meru! "I'll show you guys!" feeling is the best motivation ever! Keep it up! You sound really active. How on earth do you have time to do all that? BTW, take pics of your awesome buns! Not only it's really fun trying to take pic of your own a$$ but that way you can keep good track of your progress. Then post the butt pics here! Also, tell the guys who think that men need meat to check this forum!
  4. tuc


    Welcome, Davie! Wow! I wish there was a vegan fitness instructor at my gym too! No wait, my gym is in my bedroom... hmm... haha, that would still be fine. Keep us up to date with your progress! And have fun here!
  5. Welcome, Jamie! Wow, great to have another veggie here who has been vegan for a LONG time! Cutting carbs isn't really that easy while being a vegan... but it is easy to get good carbs instead of bad ones. Increase tofu consumption, kut down grains. That's what I'd do. I'm sure you'll find a lot of good tips here!
  6. Mad busy lately. Kickin' it when I can which isn't as often as I'd want to... but still making progress! Sat 23rd May I helped 3 of my friends move sofas, beds, washing machines ect. which counts as a workout I guess. My dad has a van and I lift weights. Guess who's the man among my friends when they have to move? Mon 25th May Bent-over rows and strict leg deadlifts with light weights and loads of reps (+20) per set. I just wanted to test how it kicks in. Not bad! Also MAD eating! I ate about 8 plates of food! Tue 26th May - Bench press, barbell: warm up @ 50kg, then 8 + 7 @ 82kg (181lbs, I guess this is among my best bench presses ever!) - Standing shoulder press, dumbbells: 10 + 9 + 8 @ 20kg per arm - Dips: 20 + 15 @ bw Now off to move some more!
  7. Thanks mates for the compliments, and thx Gaia for the tips! I try to use a mirror but it's just not that easy... and I should try to use different lighting ect., maybe you'll see if it works in muscle contests! There was a large article of me and my eating habits in a paper, a pic of the article here: http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk250/tuc_finland/DSC05141-1.jpg A trained nutritionist said that I eat very healthy food, and a senior researcher specialized in environmental impact of food production said that pretty much everything in my diet is positive. The article is about different ways to reduce CO2 emissions by changing eating habits. I think my diet was considered the best. There was also a freegan, a flexarian and low carbon (not low carb but low CO2) diet person in that paper. If you insist I can translate the article. But you have to ask for it, I won't do it if no one is interested.
  8. As I said earlier I can take care of creating thumbnails and equally sized pics. My biceps have been waiting for this so long! Bring it on!
  9. I think it's AWESOME that you are bulking enough to lose definition. That is the only way one can properly get ridiculously big. Losing fat is a no brainer, but eating huge amounts every day is full time work. Lose all the definition you want and lift super heavy. That's the only way to greatness! Who cares about sixpack if you can deadlift 500 lbs? (that is my goal and when I achieve it I'll print a t-shirt with that text!) BTW, Robert's rear double biceps pose is world class! Still shocks me every time I see it!
  10. Wed 20th May Squat and bicep day: - Deep squats, barbell: 10 @ 52kg, 10 + 10 @ 76kg (168 lbs, still weak but not for long...) - Hammer curls, dumbbells: 8 + 6 + 8 @ 20kg (44 lbs dumbbells ) - Bicep curls, curl bar: 6 + 5 @ 50kg (110 lbs), 25 @ 23kg in the end for a proper pump It's 11pm already, gotta go eat some more! ->
  11. Wow, loads of birthdays! Happy birthday Molly!
  12. Thu 14th May - Bicep curls, dumbbells: a few pump sets @ 12kg - Bench press, barbell: 2 x 10 @ 50kg just for warm up - Dips: 17 + 20 + 15 @ bw - Deadlifts, barbell: 5 @ 50kg, 4 @ 92kg (for warm up), 4 + 3 @ 142.4kg (314 lbs) - Bent-over rows, curl bar: 10 + 11 + 10 @ 70kg Whole weekend: dancing and watching other people dance. Too bad I couldn't work out because of it. Mon 18th May 2h bboying Tue 19th May - Bench press, barbell: warm up @ 50kg, then 7 + 5&a @ 82kg (woohoo, back in business!) - Incline bench press, barbell: 10 + 10 @ 61kg - Standing shoulder press, dumbbells: 7 + 8 + 6 @ 20kg - Bent-over rows, curl bar: 12 + 10 + 10 + 10 @ 82kg (this went rather well) - Dips: 15 + 15 + 15 @ bw
  13. Actually chocolate does have quite a bit of protein. Also, I think those bars are mainly meant for bulking... I think it's waste of food to peel the chocolate off. http://www.cacaoweb.net/nutrition.html Here's some nutritional info. I REALLY wish I could find Builders at that price. If I order a bulk pack, they cost at least 2.10€ ($2.90) each. And that means I have to order at least 10 boxes (120 bars) including shipping & other stuff.
  14. At least you'll get awesome gains! But usually the prizes have been really nice here, don't worry about that.
  15. Tue 12th May Squat and bicep day. - Deep squats, barbell: 10 @ 52kg, 10 + 10 @ 70kg - Bicep curls, dumbbells: 3 x 10 @ 20kg (isolated, 1 arm at a time) - Bicep curls, curl bar: 6&f + 7 + 6 @ 44.5kg More tomorrow!
  16. ffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu- The latest pics with comparison to 2008 state are INCREDIBLE! GODDAMN! The most inspirational stuff I've seen for a while since you are quite accurately as tall as I am and I was also around 70kg when I started. I am SO MUCH behind you... gotta go lifting -> cya!
  17. I second this. Good overall condition, quite low bf % and arms look good. I'd suggest you do pec exercises at least twice a week. Don't push yourself to the absolute limit since when you're at the beginner phase you just need to stimulate your muscles a bit and eat like a horse and stimulation twice a week is much better than once a week. At least it worked like a charm for me when I started lifting. BTW, that's quite a combination... long distance running along with bbing. Anything is possible, but you have to make some sacrifices I guess. Anyway, looking forward for updated info & pics!
  18. Looking really good! If I were you I wouldn't worry about belly fat. You don't seem to have it that much... I'd concentrate on gaining muscle, since you seem to be really good at it. Especially your arms look really thick! Also, cool ink you have there.
  19. Huh, long time without updates! Well, I was dancing instead of bbing and it hurt my muscles quite a bit... but it also helped me to get rid of some fat. Also, biceps NOT pumped at all in this pic. I just updated my profile, here's the same pic a bit bigger: http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk250/tuc_finland/DSC05130-edit.jpg As you might notice, I'm lighter than before but I also have some sixpack! It will be gone soon with the amount of food I am eating. L&G, you are being too kind... how about some negative feedback for a change? Thanks anyway man! xphilx, I am not trying to pose bbing style but trying to show how I really look like. That pose shows how my arms, shoulders and pecs really look like. If you want I can take pics monthly in all bbing poses... But really, I desperately need to work on my posing. It is also quite difficult to take pics wih timer alone. That's an excuse to crappy quality of the pics! Lena01, thanks! Hope you still think that way even though I lost some weight...
  20. Thu 7th May - Bicep curls, curl bar: a few sets @ 44kg (100 lbs) and sets about 8-10 reps. Rest of the week I did nothing, I want to recover properly. It seems like that I have to take it easy for a while, then gor insane amounts of training. Mon 11th May - Bench press, barbell: warm up 10 @ 50kg, then 4 @ 82kg, 5 + 5 @ 80kg (WEAK! But I trained alone, I had to be careful and not push it to the limit and during the past few weeks I only did bp with dumbbells) - Standing shoulder press, curl bar: 8 + 7 + 6&f @ 45.5kg (100 lbs) Also some bboying but too light to be considered to be workout.
  21. I'm in! I've already seen my best gains (I guess) but if something includes competing and eating a lot, I'm always in!
  22. I think the biggest con last time was that people had huge amount of pics of different sizes and no thumbnails. I can help you guys (L&G and Richard) by providing pics with thumbnails at correct sizes. Should make it easier to compare people with each other. Looking forward for competitions!
  23. AWESOME pics! Thanks Robert, L&G and xdarthveganx!!! Looking fantastic!
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