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Everything posted by tuc

  1. tuc


    Welcome! I'd start by just increasing your protein intake and starting to lift weights with full body workout 3 times a week. Start with light weights and put more weights every time. You'll be in good shape in no time. I just post the reps I make in my online training log in this board. That way I can check how much I lifted last time and then I'll add some more if appropriate.
  2. Welcome! Ice hockey is a national sport in Finland and since we have quiet a few ppl from Finland here I think we'll have interesting ice hockey conversations in the future! Good luck with your gains!
  3. Not a bad form to start building muscles on to! I bet when you get your technique right you'll be able to lift a LOT more than your current stats say in a matter of weeks! I'm really looking forward to see how you end up with since you're big but low bf % to begin with! With a proper nutrition & workout you'll be ridiculously big vegan.
  4. Now that's what I call progress! Great gains, especially in shoulders! Good job! Now you can really see the changes easily!
  5. Mon 24th November 2h 15mins bboying. Not very hard this time since. Wed 26th November 1h 45mins bboying. Thu 27th November - Bench press, barbell: warm up @ 50kg, then 1 @ 82kg and I realized that I have pain in my right shoulder. Starting well - Deep squats, barbell: warm up @ 50kg, then 6 + 6 @ 82kg - Deadlifts, barbell: warm up @ 50kg, then 1 + 7 + 6 @ 122kg - Bicep curls, curl bar: 5 x 10 @ 40kg I'll pump my chest & triceps when my shoulder is fine. Shouldn't take long, it's just a bit sore from sleeping in a bad position.
  6. I'm TRYING! Next month I have LOADS of time to bulk & train! It's just temporary. Today really fast train, just pump up for party clothing (we have a 90's party with proper clothing and music, no sleeves in my 90's shirt which means I have to get a good pump to look good. - Bicep curls, barbell: 20 + 18 + 12 @ 26kg - Standing Shoulder press, behind neck, barbell: 20 + 14 + 11 @ 26kg I feel kinda stupid.
  7. The best and the only article you need to read about soy: http://www.t-nation.com/article/most_recent/soy_whats_the_big_deal No miracles, nothing to fear of. It's just food among others.
  8. Mon 17th November 2h 15mins bboying Wed 19th November 1h 45mins bboying Thu 20th November About 1h bboying. - Bench press, barbell: warm up @ 60, then 1 @ 84kg, f @ 100kg, f @ 100kg, 5 + 3 @ 84kg, 10 @ 68kg - Deadlift, barbell: 6 + 6 + 5 @ 120kg Really weak. So bad day I only took the most important moves. Hope tomorrow is better.
  9. I use WinXP and the latest Opera and it's REALLY REALLY slow. And I use the forum at work at the moment. I think the university has like 1GB connection (well, the speedtest said it's only 50MB but the test ended in like 1 sec).
  10. Really big & stupidly well endowed vegan guys wandering in the forest looking for hunters to bang would also keep the hunters away from the forests. On topic: Transamerica (2005): One of the characters says he's a "level four vegan--I don't eat anything that casts a shadow." This is a reference to an episode of the Simpsons where a vegan activist says "I'm a level 5 vegan--I don't eat anything that casts a shadow."
  11. Nice moves! We gotta have a bboying BATTLE (vid comp) or something later. Or at least I have to get my sh*t recorded. Anyway, big up! I gave you 5/5 on youtube.
  12. http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g138/iand1993/Scruffy_Futurama.jpg
  13. Thanks mates! IYM, it would be even better if I weren't so lazy to measure myself. Well, at least writing them down. Fallen_Horse, I simply don't know. I don't have a training or eating program. I eat everything I see if it's vegan. I'd say about 3000kcal but I really don't have a clue whether it's correct. bodybag, I hoped I could nail 100kg bench press (220lbs) but I couldn't. Still, I'm quite happy with the results. The real work starts now -> my goal is to do proper sets @ 100kg in bench press next year.
  14. OK. 1 year completed... results: - Bench press 1 rep max from 60kg to 98kg (also sets of 8 @ 82kg and 4 @ 90kg) - Squat from something really lousy to 120kg 1 rep max - Deadlift 1 rep max from 110kg to 174,4kg (384 lbs) Weight gain from 70kg to 80-82kg: http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk250/tuc_finland/tuukan_paino.jpg Aamupaino = morning weight, empty Iltapaino = evening weight Pics: Front double biceps, not that much of a difference: http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk250/tuc_finland/Comparison-front_double_bic.jpg Back, HUGE difference: http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk250/tuc_finland/Comparison_back.jpg General condition, huge difference: http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk250/tuc_finland/Comparison_front.jpg You can check my training log from the training log section. I tell almost every rep I make. Hope I can help others to gain muscle! REMEMBER TO EAT!
  15. I've been very busy this week, soon I'll have a lot more time to work out. Some headache because of stress has prevented weight lifting. Mon 10th November 2h 15min bboying Wed 12th November 1h 15min bboying, over 2h acrobatics. Also some bench press and a set of 12 chin ups Sat 15th November - Deadlift, barbell: warm up @ 92kg, then 1 @ 130kg, f @ 180kg, f @ 180kg, f @ 176,4kg (well at least I got 180kg a couple of inches up from the floor but WEAK STUFF!) I HATE THE LETTER F!!! - Bench press, barbell: warm up @ 52kg, then 5 + 5 + 5 @ 84kg (weak ) - Dips: 10 + 8 + 10 @ bw + 10kg (first time in my life with extra weight!) - Bent-over rows, barbell: 12 + 12 + 10 @ 80kg - Bicep curls, curl bar: 12 + 13 + 8 @ 40KG I'm really disappointed because of the deadlift. I guess it was psychological, bad day or something.
  16. You only have less than 1½ months between those pics. Take the next pics after a month and remember to take them when you're really bulked. The pace you've been gaining weight is fine. If you are a hardgainer, add +1000 kcal to what you are eating now, for example by eating 125g cashews every day between meals.
  17. He-Man on bulk period http://s.naurunappula.com/0/218/294/405707.jpg
  18. That site kicks so much butt! http://www.veganhealth.org/articles/images/KingJourney_1.jpg http://www.veganhealth.org/articles/images/GhandourRayyan1.jpg
  19. It's some finnish woman(?) in a Finnish low-carb forum where I rant about their twisted opinion on vegetarian food and vegans (they've read a lot of Weston A. Price Foundation web pages). So if I get this right, your "serious digestion problems" are farting and having a round belly after eating a lot? Isn't that pretty much the same thing with EVERY bodybuilder in the world! Thanks for the prompt answer mate!
  20. Solid workouts even with all that traveling! Kick a$$! Hey, I heard a rumour about you having serious problems with digestion. The person who tells this is a former vegan who spreads the word in the Internet that veganism made her really sick and after she started eating meat she got really well. If you have or have had stomach problems, what causes/caused them and are you fine now?
  21. Forearm is looking great and bicep is growing well! Keep up the good work!
  22. Wed 5th November Super fitness day: 1h 45 bboying, 30mins pause (with some Clif Builder's from VeganEssentials!) and 1h 30min more acrobatics. I managed to do aerial (cartwheel without hands) pretty well. Thu 6th November 1h 30mins bboying training. I got great tips from local bboys and I managed to do aerial on hard floor. Afterwards I was all torn up so I kept 2 days off training in order to recover properly. Sun 9th November - Bench press, barbell: warm up @ 50kg, then 8 + 6 + 6 @ 82kg (I went for 9th rep on 1st set and 7th rep on 2nd set but lolfailed in both and it wasn't fun since I'm lifting alone.) - Standing press behind neck, curl bar: 10 + 10 + 11 @ 40kg - Bicep curls, curl bar: 10 + 10 + 11 + 10 @ 42,5kg - Dips: 15 + 13 + 12 @ bw I don't know my weight since our scale ran out of batteries. I'm still light, don't worry! And be on your way already, it's really easy to come here!
  23. That is one big transformation! I'm really looking forward for more pics. This will be awesome.
  24. The term for such a stomach is "GH gut", google for more information.
  25. Lou Ferrigno was REALLY big in "Hercules" (1983): http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0085672/ I guess the elite soldiers in Rome were pretty big, or then their plates were just made shaped like they have loads of muscle under them.
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