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Everything posted by Octopussoir

  1. Did you miss the vegan part of the website name? you have to take into account that everyone is welcome to this site. Vegan/non-vegan, everyone is welcome to come share and learn. If you read what was said they were emphasizing potatoes! Yeah, I did see the non vegan items too but they were pushing potatoes as a great bulking food. Ease up and try to teach rather than judge. I can't wait to rip up some cinnamon toast crunch and some dark chocolate dream peanutbutter after next Saturday. I haven't been craving too many foods as of lately. I did eat a small container of vegan chocolate almond ice cream after a 5k run yest in which I thought I deserved it. Even though I'm not bulking... Lol probars, larabars, and raw revolution bars are on my list as well
  2. Yeah cubby he's recommending I workout more to bring it up. Like I'm unhealthy or something. I don't supplement with B-12 and can't believe it's so high. 695 and range is 211-946 nitrogen is high 16/20. Glucose was 87 and range is 70-100 don't supplement with calcium either and it was 9.1/10.2 testosterone total was 6.9/8.0 it looks like my ABS lymphocytes are low 1.15 and range is 1.20-3.4 total protein is 7.0/8.3
  3. Bloodwork results in: but first let me just tell you what the doctor typed about my cholesterol- "the HDL is borderline low at 34 and it should be a minimum of 40, higher the better. regular exercise helps to raise it.." really I need to workout regularly... WTF anyway on with the numbers: vitamin D is 89.5, range is 30 or higher b-12 is 695 and range is 211-946 calcium is 9.1, range is 8.6-10.2 triglycerides are 60, cholesterol is 88 hdl/LDL is 34/42 so everything checked out normal but my HdL and white blood cells which are borderline low. Hmmm
  4. Why not contact sequal naturals yourself? I contacted Larabar and am an Ambassador for them.
  5. I workout and go for the pump, and?... Come at me bro!
  6. Had blood work done today. I guess we will see how everything is in a couple weeks or so. I did legs today. Higher reps than normal and way more sets on everything. I weighed in at drs office at 175. Im def leaner than I was last year at this time and weigh less. Its okay though. Im just a week.5 away from Mr Alabama. Not getting much sleep. I wake up all through the night looking at the clock. I pee about 3 times a night now. Im going to Protan up tomorrow just to see how everything is looking at a darker me. Oh yeah Cubby- thanks for the info, but I am anti-DL. Have been for years now.
  7. Zin yeah I'm aware that high rows will get it somewhat but I look at pics even when my back was at it's biggest years ago and I still lacked there. Rear bb shrugs has brought it up some. Have been keeping hands close together and squeezing hard as I bring the bar up
  8. See I don't want to have to experiment with gemma protein. I hate how I see everyone has a diff story about how they have to experiment with ingredients to make it taste good. Vanilla chai vega vanilla sunwarrior vanilla life's basic protein
  9. Well, maybe he should take up learning to cook as a hobby. If he "needs" to eat healthier I doubt he is starving. Like I tell others if they're really hungry they will eat it. If he can't cook after a while he will learn to eat it. Oh yeah, throw away the bad stuff so he and your kids won't be tempted. My wife and child were like that. Even when I ate meat. I would cook chicken all the time And if chicken was made the night before(even though it was made/seasoned diff this night) my wife would go get fast food and my child would want what she was having so she would get him something too. Now I tell my child to eat it or go hungry
  10. @zin- you not crazy brah.... I train traps more now but I've neglected them ever since I went vegan 3yrs ago. I was up to shrugging 6-7 plates(each side) and when my weight/bodyfat went so did all my strength in that exercise so I quit doing them. My back is what cost me in my last show. I was destined to get second in the light heavy weight but then I did my back poses and main judge was disappointed. I appreciate you pointing it out for everyone to see. Wish more people would critique and tell me what I need to work on. It seems everytime I do back it hits my Lars and lower back(the hump) the most. Traps will grow when flexed and showed in the front but lack in the back. It's frustrating!!
  11. Wow, donotwant.jpg Thanks to aluck, i bought two jugs of this without tasting it first. Cant get past the thick pea taste. Hell, its not Thanksgiving...lol
  12. Taken a couple days ago: http://i43.tinypic.com/1424e2t.jpg Taken today, unswol, in the potty room: http://i43.tinypic.com/mawhw5.jpg Also, today: http://i39.tinypic.com/110gif8.jpg
  13. Im still around. Workouts have been iffy lately. Diet has been off on some days. Im just not feeling the inspiration anymore. Im tired of "having" to workout and eat strict and cardio after. My energy levels arent there. Nobody to look up to thats doing vegan natural bodybuilding. I cant wait, only 19 days to go and 5 minutes in the a.m. and 2 min in the pm. I will take a break from just lifting after this show. Not long.... just enough to recoup. I actually only want to workout 3days a week(m,w,f) and then run twice a week(Tu,Thr). Ive been hearing "oh you only have a few weeks less why give up now..." but its by people who have never put their body through this kind of "torture." Ive been eating clean since Dec. 1st and and so sick of it right now. I will post pics later...maybe. I took some today and they didnt really come out well in the sun so I did them in a shadier place and they looked a little better. I def dont even care what I place now. I was shooting for 2nd place this year but now Im just looking to get it over with. Thanks to everyone who have kept up with this journal.
  14. How do you make Pakoras? Please do share. The cauli looked way too yummy
  15. man I had a pretty good chest workout tonight! Tired as all hell right now. Cooking quinoa in a broccoli broth. 1.5 hours of nothin but chest and 15min cardio after(thought I was gonna fall off machine)
  16. @jx28- im anywhere between 179-183. Weight fluctuates depending on sodium and water intake. @Jason- man my arms are anything but huge and please dont argue with me!! I know better. The past couple days Ive been flakey in the gym. No real motivation or want to be there. Tues I did some delts and about 30min cardio. Yest I was supposed to workout with someone and they flaked on me two hours before gym time. I was pissed. Went to gym too late(around 7:30) and did... hell I cannot even remember what I did. It was that bad. I did teach bootcamp and that gave me some extra cardio plus I ran outside with a client(1mile). so eh.... Today I went to gym and did some bi/tri supersets. Started off doing 1handed tri xtns followed by single db curls with same weight. I went from using 15lbs and doing sets of 30 to 40lbs and doing sets of 10-15. Then I hit the cable tri pressdowns with cable curls. tricep kickbacks/"preacher" style bicep curls(went up to 45's). I also did Behind head BB xtns with BB curls. Tonight Im supposed to meet up with said person again and hit chest. Hopefully ill get swol again. Arms got a good swell today. Been starving all day. Finished off cherry jubilee Spirutein and have been craving more. Hopefully it will get me through the workout tonight.
  17. Cold- I respect your request, but seeing his post makes me feel better about my choices as a vegan. When I did it 100% I felt better about myself and never wanted to return to an animal eating/exploiting lifestyle. If I had seen multiple postings or PMs asking me to take it down then I would... but from what I see it has only offended you as such. I don't agree with what he says, but people should see both sides and decide. Veganism isn't for everyone brotha.
  18. Hey hey hey. Welcome to the board! Glad to have ya here.
  19. I have some brand new stuff I never wore back when I was in the 220's. Will post later...
  20. Agreed...but if leave checking out the ladies for when you're not in there throwing weights around. It's like screwing around online when you should be doing homework...it can be done, but is done better without! Would you ignore me if i talked to you?
  21. vega sport(lemon lime) is a good replacement. I started feeling withdrawls of it though when I didnt have it. Crazy how our bodies are.
  22. Taste is a turn off but the energy givin in return is awesome.
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