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Everything posted by pelicanAndrew

  1. I've wondered the same thing although i try and get just as much protein from foods as i do from shakes. I agree with the no supplements. I take two right now and i'd like to just cut down to one(glucosamine) or stay and too and have glucosamine and creatine(no glutamine). I'd also like to not take any protein shakes except for one vega a day but... A. i don't have enough money for that much vega right now B. i don't have a kitchen and my cafeteria is dumb(even though i do get good choicese, i'd rather have more simple things with lots of protein/carbs)
  2. That's some tough stuff Richard. I haven't had to deal with any depression in my family but we have some issues as well(wayyyy too Catholic grandma and cheating alcoholic uncle who stole thousands from my dad when they worked together). Just stick with your family no matter how crazy they may be acting. They will be there for you later on in life when something difficult crosses paths with you.
  3. I see you're obviously a very skinny person(my waist is just under 36 in comparison). You're probably not accustom to eating lots(unlike myself again) but eating a few more calories either in the form of one more meal or just a snack will really help fuel muscle growth. I'm not even talking about protein shakes. Your dinner looks really solid. I see that you stay up pretty late so you could even have a 2nd dinner at around 10 o clock. Don't be too worried about calorie intake when you're lifting to gain muscle. Make sure you don't eat too much processed crap(which i see you keep to a good amount already) and you'll be fine. Your routine looks good so far. I enjoy more of a powerlifting style to a bodybuilding one but as far as i can tell you have the general idea down. Hope to see your other logs to see what other sort of lifts you do on different days.
  4. Crap workout today thanks to my schools shitty shitty foozball team(american football) that only won like 1 game the whole season. Apparently they get to use the weightroom all to themselves because they suck so much they need to try and get bigger even though all they do is bench when they should be doing deads and powercleans and keep the bench and squats to a minimum along with curls which they also do too fucking many of. I hate jocks. (no offense to any "jocks" on here because you don't count in my hate list because you're vegan and therefore intelligent, next football player who asks me where i get my protein from is getting a plate of lentils crammed up his ass ) anywho... Deadlifts(no belt, no gloves, no wrist straps, just chalk) [email protected] KG [email protected] KG Easy as pie. Sqauts(no belt) 1x5 @ 275lbs holy crap that was hard and i had shit ROM 1x5@225 hard as hell really good ROM I've decided that on no belt days i'm going to start doing snatches and hang cleans and maybe power cleans as well and save the squats for another day. I figure squats twice a week, one bench/row day and one Deadlift/clean/snatch(aka get a sexy back) day will be a good idea. Not to mention i have to get my squats up nice and sexy like before winter break. My bench set at home can't support more than 230 supposedly(although i've put more on for shrugs) and i'll be losing some leg strength over break unless i train with my girlfriends dad. This was more of a rant than a log. Kinda mildly stressed but not too bad. Gotta somehow do 7 service hours in 3 days. I may be taking a cab to the animal shelter if i can't get a ride.
  5. This is good info to know. Even my girlfriend's family doesn't declaw their cats. They're totally non-AR people at all and they still understand the stupidity behind it. My mom's friend had a lawsuit filed against her because some idiot left their declawed cat outside tied up on a leash. Said cat was mauled by my mom's friends cat who had claws. That's like putting bait in your back yard. Total idiots. Of course, knowing the area helps you realize that this sort of thing is probably pretty normal. I think there's something about money that makes people numb to common sense.
  6. Well if you're lifting weights, try and do less cardio as CollegeB suggested. I've found that helps me feel much better after i lift. You may have just needed to take down the intensity level. Try raising it a little bit this week and see how things go.
  7. You don't need an 800 dollar vid card unless you want to run a quad- SLI in which case you would need a 1200 dollar server motherboard. That's for doing things like playing WoW while editing video and doing your taxes on two monitors. 200-300 to for a vid card will run for at least a year, more likely two. No offense to sales reps but he probably jsut wanted you to buy the card right then and there so he could get commision. If you want tips for a gaming system i'll post my specs for mine. Built it with the help of my IT guy. Works good for school as well obviously and i should be doing music and graphics on it as soon as i get some money for software. Crap, gotta get some pants on and get to class.
  8. The only logical conclusion i've come up with is somehow finding a way to menstrate. I'm not too worried about this seeing that there's obviously way more iron in meat and dairy along with a ton of other unhealthy crap. Basically i don't really want to resort to eating rice bran or blood letting. Better stop eating all them leafy greens.
  9. Any good pie crust recipes??? Or store bought ones that are vegan. Gonna make my whole family several vegan pumpkin and apple pies. I ain't tellin em it's vegan.
  10. It's either that or stress. I mean, if you're working your abs and then you have stomach problems, it has to be some sort of stress issue. Either that or it may be lactic acid. I've gotten pretty sick after over doing it in the gym so don't count that out. Maybe just take a week off of lifting. It never hurt anybody.
  11. You have no idea how much i want to burn down every tabloid in the nation fin. That stupid Celeb-fixation bullshit makes me want to puke. If i ever meet a celebrity i'm just going to pretend like they're a normal person. Say "hey i saw you in blablah, good job!" But no screaming, no obsessing over whatever they wear all that crap. Unless it's Natalie Portman, then all bets are off. p.s, Didn't do that when i met steve albini i could barely breathe.
  12. I'd be for them if they were all amazing and actually cared for the animals and not for profit. Granted, i'd be for Wal-Mart if they were pro-union and actually cared for their workers as well. It's a huge change. I think that some zoo-pamphleting may be in order. Not sure if they exist yet. Possibly educate people on what they're really supporting. Maybe piss a few parents off for making their kids cry too.
  13. Soy milk is good if you're cooking something and substituting it in for milk. I also like it on cereal. Every once and awhile i'll chug a carton of chocolate soy/almond milk. Definitely not necessary.
  14. Welcome!!! We have several German vegans on this forum. Not sure if they're from the same area but it's nice to know you have something in common with your fellow Germans.
  15. Damn, forgot my bodyweight session. Basically i did some of the stuff off of bigbwiis Raw Fitness Camp site. Very fun stuff gonna have to do a day of this every week. Alrighty good lift today even after doing push ups late last night. Bench(reg grip, slightly closer than normal) 1x6@185 4x5@190 1x4@190 Shouldn't have done 6 in the first set. Rather well done. Shrugs 1x8@315 2x6@335 1x5@345 Damn that felt good. Side Rows 3x8@80(per side) reallyyyy gooood. Doin some ab work(planks and v-sits) right now. Better shower and eat soon.
  16. Lots of rows and shrugs. Do side rows and seated cable rows if you have a machine. Shrugs are great. Lower back is all about deadlifts and good mornings. I gotta remember to so side bends from my love handles that just wont die.
  17. Laws exist to protect property, not people.
  18. This is what happens. It's not because of veganism. I know vegetarians who lose lots of weight and the same thing happens. Even meat eaters who lose a lot of weight, it happens. I've heard the only way to get rid of it is surgery but i think that's BS. If anyone else knows anything else please post away.
  19. Any idea how i can get these sort of films presented at my school? I gotta print my pamphlets out later today so i can hit up the campus during my lunch time.
  20. I say we make it about squash and vegan pies and baked tofu and vegan green bean casserole and heaping salads and more squash and some more vegan pies.
  21. indeed, but rather low in calories :/ Not if you eat a couple cans.
  22. I mean Skinhead like a pro-union skinhead, not a Nazi. There's a difference. Skinheads beat up nazis. Granted, violence is violence. He figured that one out. He's still an ass sometimes but that's the punk scene rhetoric. The sad thing is he knows why he does stupid things and prides himself in them. It's gonna be tough but i'll do it.
  23. Canned beans. Best invention.
  24. It's hard for women to learn said things CollegeB. It's not socially acceptable and it's not taught in schools. We can only hope that if the select few radical women start now that they'll teach younger generations and it will spread. And the rape victim example may be true but is rare and the drawn conclusion is ludicrous. Men rape for power, not because a girl is scantly clad. Changing her dress will change the way she is percieved by society, not a rapist. You'd be better of making the argument that if women had sex with men more, there'd be less rape. Both are far fetched. I agree with men being discrimnated against if they aren't "sexy". Screw that, i'm just as sexy if not sexier than Brad Pitt.
  25. He's probably getting it from one of those awesomely accurate Creationism Scientists.
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