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What's your usual Breakfast?

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I'd like to know what's your usual breakfast for having a starting boost of mental function and not yawing all the morning. Nowday I'm taking Tea with honey and 2 toasts with marmelade with no added sugars. Thanks


I take it you're not eating enough Greens and fruit !!! Cut off the caffieen and relace it was fruit.. PS Jam is added sugar, and if it say no added surgar then it's probably added aspritame. So it's good to check the ingredents..

If I'am doing bike training I eat about 4 banana's wraped in kale. B12 and 2 cordycepts, Barley grass drink and maca root. On my bike I'll eat half a vega bar and make my own engery drink. Bring banana's and dates. I don't take protein or fats on my bike or running or in the morning Also I swim on an empty stomach, I don't like to mess around with my body there, I had weird experiences ...After will be a vega smoothie, and more fruit during the day. Then a gigantic salad for dinner.

Carbs! Carbs! and more Carbs! Oh and alkline foods !!!!

But that's what my body like best in the morning. You'll have to experiment yourself and know what you're body likes Have fun

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Its more getting enough sleep that keeps me moving. 8 hours and i'm good. Less and I'm sloggin' through the day. For bfast though I usually eat a muffin or half a scone or something. At least lately. Then continue to munch throughout the day.


My abs look decent for it too



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4-6 bananas and some other fruits. Sometimes a melon instead.


A watermelon for breakfast is so awesome.


Thats what I just had for breakfast. Lately I'm just having whatever fruit is around for breakfast, depending on how hungry i feel I might have a banana and an apple or two. We have some awesome plums at the store i work out that I have been diggin on. I used to eat oatmeal for breakfast every day but I am feeling alot better not eating cooked grains.

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ON a training morning:


Banana and a couple of dates.


When I'm training later in the day:


Grapefruit, slice of melon, few strawberries and a kiwi

Smoothie (banana, kale, berries, cucumber, Vega (or Smoothie Infusion) etc)


I'll have a midmorning snack too.

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This week:


Nature's Path Rebound cereal w/ soy milk and blueberries

Orange Juice

1 scoop of Vega


Next week I'm going to start with a green smoothie in the mornings and move all starchy carbs to the post-workout window.


I usually have a Raw Revolution organic food bar as a mid morning snack. Anyone tried these?

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Breakfast... usually I start off with a quart of water with fresh lemonjuice in it, then I usually go out in the forest for an hour or two, then I juice or just eat fruits.

Now that I don't live in the forest no more (cus Im in portland), I start off with the water and when I get hungry, I eat fruits. all kinds of fruits.

I used to eat oatmeal and such for breakfast, but since I went over to a fruit breakfast almost a year ago, I've got so much more energy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I get up very early and break breakfast up into 3 small meals. For example, this morning I ate:



4:30 AM (after cardio)- 4 oz oats with 1/2 grapefruit and 1/3 pack of steamed tempeh

7:00 AM - same

10:00 AM - 4 oz oats with 1/3 pack steamed tempeh


Don't eat this exactly every morning, but usually something in this ballpark.

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Just about every morning I have a protein shake usually of soy, but i've got rice and hemp on hand to mix it up now and then. And i have cereal too, some kind of whole grain stuff. I eat fruit if i've got some. Lately i had mostly canned fruit, and usually eat the contents of the can which say 3 or 4 servings, but they are so small! Bananas and apples as well.

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I enjoys smoothies with smoothie infusion. I also like Yerba Mate in the morning.

Also consider taking the honey off of your toast and using agave instead.


I like mango with a sprinkle of hemp seeds as well, or other fruit.

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