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Everything posted by CollegeB

  1. I think welfarists look at things from a utilitarian view, not moral. That sounds like what you're getting at. You should re-evaluate what you value.
  2. The Nazis had the strongest animal welfare laws of the day. I don't think it means anything other than they believed in the power of certain animals due to their mythical religious beliefs so they wanted some protections. Hitler did not hate Fascists as he was allied with Moussolini....a fascist by all accounts. The nazi party is opposed to communism. They still are.
  3. Kentucky is a nice state!
  4. Some places and climates just have serious roach problems, but yours sounds extreme. Having the exterminator come out once a month would cut down on the roaches you see, but that's just treating a symptom not really the problem since your neighbors probably will not take similar action. Perhaps it would be more cost effective to just break the lease, pay their fee for breaking the contract and move on. I do find the situation of who is protected where strange. For example when I lived in IL the laws there favored landlords over tenants, and here in Texas renters have more legal protections than landlords (which can be a bad thing since landlords can't just kick out crummy crime causing tenants, but in Texas some folks tend not to put up with those folks too long ). I tend to think a cat or maybe even some new approach like a snake would help limit the number of living roaches in your place, but just because you have not been there doesn't mean the roaches are gone. They can live 3 months on a single human hair and i'm sure you left some of those around. Take care and good luck in whatever you choose to do about this.
  5. "Something about how "Vegan bodybuilders" are a disservice to the vegan community, because them taking care of themselves convinces vegans who are not taking proper care of themselves, that they are...Does that make sense?" I guess he's countering his first argument of began BBers looking sickly since they look healthy enough to bring folks into the vegan fold. As far as getting pics of this author i'd search facebook, myspace and google with the guy's name and his email addresses. You can find out a whole lot about people with the digital footprints they leave around. If you can find out what university he went to they'll probably have some things about him posted as well. Universities seem to be not so mindful about privacy. A lot of times I see vegans at like potlucks and honestly they're as physiologically as diverse as the general population. Even at the gym, where I assume most folks are on a regular diet, very few are anywhere near muscular. I'm not at the point physically where I'd like to be but my friends and folks that don't even know me regard me as fit and healthy and strong...sometimes when they find out i'm vegan then for some reason there are concerns. But when I say i've been vegan for 7 or 8 years (I don't keep track of it anymore) it seems to give them pause and usually is a decent explanation.
  6. the Thai Kitchen brand has 3 varieties of instant noodle packages available. They are similar to ramen. Put the noodles in hot water for a little, add the spices and eat. They are way more expensive than ramen.
  7. I thought Alex's police state movies were really good. I've not been too impressed with most of the others.
  8. There was some cartoon one which came out after the 3rd movie. Glad they're continuing with the films though.
  9. Amazing effect, what with the 3d and all. I thought of it as Fern Gully the last rain forest meets Apocalypse now.
  10. Saw this a few years ago. Fantastic movie. Loved the fight scenes! This movie opened to door to Korean films for me. They've got some really innovative ideas to convey which is such a joy when compared to most films in the US.
  11. I asked a friend of mine about them and he said they wouldn't be as good since those shoes are not reinforced in the front like climbing shoes are. I imagine your toes would have a lot of weight on them individually in the shoes you show. Still seems like something neat to toy with though.
  12. So I went to a climbing gym yesterday with a buddy of mine and did bouldering...I think that's what it's called. No ropes, we just climbed up little shapes on the walls. Anyhow it was a very fun time and I think some of my strength training went to good use, now I'd like to get a pair of shoes appropriate to the sport. Any suggestions?
  13. I'm a little on the poor student side of things, so I've mostly been using soy protein. soymilks, soy protein powders, tofu, all sorts of tofurky products, a bunch of veggies/fruit, oatmeal and peanut butter. I was at the same thing years ago, but the school cafeteria really helped out. Sounds like that may not be part of your options though. I'm still on the poor student side of things. Cut back on the tofurky stuff if you can as that costs more than rice and beans. Some of those savings should go into clif bars. And no I don't work for them but I'm a long time customer...er, supporter. Also buying gemma protein from trueprotein.com can save you money. Even with the fancy add ons like vitamins and flavors you're getting into only $6 a lb, and if you get a few pounds then your order comes out to only $8 a lb or so after shipping. I'm not sure for your area, but soy protein goes for at least $12 a lb where I'm at. Also buying gemma means you're not consuming isolated soy protein constantly. I think it's win/win. I'd like to put on some weight myself and not turn into a fatass so best of luck to you.
  14. I'd like to get back to weighing 165 lbs (I'm 150 right now) and not become a fat ass while doing so.
  15. There are many vegans in this situation so you are not alone. It's a good sign that he has agreed to whatever professional help you both are going to see. If this was a huge problem like this becoming a personal issue he'd probably not agree to go. Your frustration most likely is coming from feeling like you have not been heard since our arguments to go vegan are rock solid and very convincing, how could he not go vegan? All his reasons are probably not very convincing to you, and they don't convince the rest of us either I agree with octo and the others on not pushing your husband to go vegan, and also for you to let the conversion or dealing with issue go and just be a positive model. Robert has espoused this philosophy for as long as I can remember and I think it's a great way to deal with a world that can be frustrating. We can live our lives the way we want and hopefully this will appeal to others more than getting in their face. It sounds like you both are working on this in a constructive way so I hope this continues. Stay positive and keep coming to the forum. This is a very supportive group with a great variety of experiences, knowledge and viewpoints.
  16. Well when you change your diet for something other than not detesting the destruction of sentient life, what would keep you on the diet? At some point conditions will improve, but taking a life is always taking a life.
  17. i supplement b-12 every now and again. Mostly I like the tingly taste of the b-12 drops I've got. And the chewable b-12 tabs...I think something is wrong with me. Who can like b-12 supps this much?
  18. Here is an article about plastics decomposing in the ocean: http://www.physorg.com/news169927772.html Anyone ever heard there is an actual island of plastic in the ocean that is about as large as some state in the US? Anyhow I wanted to make a reply about b12. That warning on the bottle about consuming too much should not be taken for granted. I usually double up on my b12 dose anyhow since I like the taste, but I only had a little left in the bottle the other day but it turned out to be probably 5 doses. I turned really red like a sunburn and I felt like I had a slight skin burn or rash. Very uncomfortable for about 20 mins. Might be a fun prank to pull during the summer at the beach or something...
  19. The reason I can bring food for a break is that I leave the secured area to take a break. So there I can have "outside" food. Lunch is to be eaten in the cafeteria with the residents I supervise, and I am also not allowed to have food around them which is not served in the facility. Once I get my actual shift things will be better. I'm on OJT right now but my shift will probably be 2-10 which means I'll only have to sit through one meal. Right now I sit through 2. The only thing that is probably vegan is the serving of fruit the kids get, but I do believe i'm obligated to take a tray full of food whether or not I intend to eat whatever it is on the tray, so I may just forgo ever eating anything at the cafeteria. I was hoping I could get some accommodation though and some kids would probably go veg at least in my presence. One reason I believe this is that one of my first days we went to the cafeteria and it was a hamburger day. Some of the staff called them soy burgers (and there was the usual soy feminization comment made from the usual out of shape loudmouth). Anyhow if these were boca burgers or anything related to that then the blood coming from these things might have been a surprise. Kids didn't eat them, staff did...go figure. Anyways one kid walked by saying that they shouldn't be eating meat anyhow. And that was not the first time I dealt with a veg leaning person behind bars. I worked at a transitional facility in Illinois and one person on my caseload claimed to be a vegetarian, but acknowledged how hard it is to follow such a diet while locked up. Next item on my list is AM workouts. Gotta adjust to those!
  20. well they declined the request to accommodate me food wise but I might be allowed to get a little extra time to eat food I bring in. I do need to find out what they put in the side stuff like broccoli and sometimes there are beans and rice to eat. In the letter I listed things not on a vegan diet and the head food service dude said most of that is what they serve.
  21. No, I'm not a jailed activist, nor am I connected to any. I got a new job and am now a certified Juvenile Detention Officer. Things are fine, but I have to eat lunch at work, while this may not sound like a problem it actually is. The catch of eating lunch at work is that I'm in an institution so there are no options of competing entities which you may find at most cafeterias, and it's a secure facility so I cannot bring in my own food for lunch. I have to eat what the cafeteria serves. So basically I'm faced with eating school lunches from elementary school again (the food is the same pretty much). I've put in a request for a vegan lunch today so I'll keep ya'll updated about that. I'm curious if anyone on the forum has dealt with similar conditions. I've looked into the correctional system feeding vegans and the search results were not very good so I'm not too hopeful about my request. But don't be too down. I can bring food and eat it during my 2 breaks in the breakroom which might actually be better on a multiple meals per day type plan. My shift is 2p-10p so I'm really just missing dinner anyhow.
  22. I believe spain to be a challenging place for vegans. Keep us posted!
  23. I was curious. If I see it at whole foods I'll give it a whirl.
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